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Old 03-12-2023, 04:51 AM   #1
getDare Devil
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Default Playing card deck shuffler website?

Hello everyone.

I thought i would pick people's brains a little.

I've had some fun with Battleship's based wagers/challenges, and it occurs to me that the 'higher/lower' card game could also be fun to play around with.

Something like a two player game, where the 'Player' calls if the next card drawn from the deck will be higher or lower than the current one. If they are right, their opponent has to do a forfiet - if they are wrong, they do. So it's weighted against their opponent, but there is still an element of jepardy and randomness involved, with the Player unlikely to get away entirely unscathed.

i'm wondering if anyone knows of a suitable website to generate the card results?

i'm thinking of:
Sequental draws from a shuffled deck of cards, ideally including jokers.
Visible to more than one person.

I've found this one:

...but it doesn't seem to be shareable. Does anyone have any better suggestions?
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