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Old 04-22-2021, 05:27 AM   #3
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
Posts: 1,536
Blog Entries: 69

"Ok, don't screw this one up - You need to get a couple of days of rest" - I mumble to myself as I walk over the hill and see the town of, hmm, Scrill? Scrall? Swill? If I can't remember simple things, I am soo doomed. OK. Let's get our public costume on. Damned boots? Yep. It's only a 1/4 mile, we can hobble in on those. Clothing in proper order? Looking sharp, but restrained? Check! No jewley, out, coins tucked into the loincloth, lets pay attention this time.

As walk into the town, the name hits me! "SCROLL - I MADE IT TO SCROLL" I say out loud - maybe just a bit two loud as the a kinda scruffy sketchy old timer looks over at me like I a bit daft. Oh, wait - I was one of the scruffy sketchy old-timers - He's just looking out for what is out of place, what might disrupt this sleepy little town. Ambling down the street, whistling (in key, no less) an old favorite bar song (it always pays to identify what you are in places like this - I bet all 100, 120 people that live here know there is a stranger in town, what I am wearing, what I might be carrying, and an assessment of how dangerous I might be). A couple of the local business are open - I amble into the general store. Strike up a quick conversation with the shop owner (Really? Who names there kid "Farfad" ) I pass along the "general" news: The roads are passable, the weather was good in the next town over, beer is still tasty, and yes, I do sing and tell stories. "Of course I'd be happy to chat, but first I need to get a meal in my belly and a drink in my cup - it was a long walk from " ..... (oh crap - I forgot the name of the village I just left!!!) .... "from the south" I quickly add. The storekeeper promptly provides a name of a nearby village that sounds familiar - that must be it. A little bragging on his part, a little flattery from me, and pretty soon he has shared a little bit of bread, a bite of cheese, and a glass of what he calls his "mid-day wine" - mostly water, but it knocks the dust off. And with a simple meal freely offered and received, I know that I have the limited hospitality protection from the town.

We chat for a another half hour, and I learn the names of the many of the prominent "village folks", where to sleep, where to eat (concidentally, they are the same place, as the village only has one tavern) and some of the local rumors. I learn that I should probably keep my hands to my self with the older, more flamboyant tavern wench - she may talk a good tease, and yes, her blouse does fall open alot, but she is sweet on the local blacksmith apprentice, and HE has a temper and jealous streak a mile wide. The other girls are good for a "pinch and a poke" (his words, not mine) which makes me smile. I wonder if they are up for more than that... some time held still, tied tight, feeling the little crisp smack of ...... ARGH - I have to stop - not in this town - too small, and you need some rest. As that little fantasy started spinning out in my head, I lost track of the conversation, and what? what was that.

Huh. I am not the only stranger in town today. This tiny little slip of a girl - noo, wait, this little slip of beauty is an elf girlm who has wandered in the store. I check her out as she walks the aisle - there is something about her. It hits me like a little electric shot. Its not just the way she is dressed, the way those delicate hips sway back and forth, the gap of skin between socks and shorts, the tight green top, and the long golden hair that catches the sunlight. She isn't so much as walking around the store and she seams to be somewhere between floating and dancing. It's the inherent grace of the elves, coupled with her innocent beauty. It's more than that - there is something about her that resonates with my control side. This is probably going to get complicated. She looks like a deer that has walked into the middle of a wolf pack, but those weapons she carries does indicate she must have some teeth! The conversations all halted, as we all watch her, until she drifts back out of the store, and time starts back up again. Well, I guess at least the conversations do.

After some more conversation with my new friend the storekeeper, (much of which was a pretty explicit description of what he would like to do with that pretty little point-ear (his words) if he was only twenty years younger and had the stamina of an ox. I do have to admit, what he lacked in vocabulary, he did make up in imagination) I said by good-bye and meandered on down the street. Herbalist next!

The herbalist was a bit distracted - but I did confirm that they had some willow bark tea available in case (when) I drink to much. Why oh why can I not figure out what a willow tree looks like! I bet I used to be able to make willow bark tea. It just a simple headache cure! The price was a bit steep, so I declined to buy anything right now - I bet I could talk her into letting me "sample" later for the promise of mentioning how well it works once I start the singing for my supper at the tavern.

Walking further down the street, I happen to see the oh so enchanting elf girl rush out of the blacksmith shop - her cheeks burning red in embarrassment. (Wow, with her pale skin that pink blush really looks amazing... I wonder if all of her skin turns soo pink?) FOCUS! Must stay focussed. Here to rest, relax - not start chasing some elfin dream around town! Wondering what embarrassed her, I do step into the blacksmith shop - just in time to see one of the apprentices picking up what is obviously armor designed for the female curves. Granted - from a practical sense this provides almost no protection and would guarantee that she would be the focus of EVERYONE on the battlefield. The bottom are no better than a chasity belt minus the lock. And the top - I suspect after wearing that for more than a day her nipples would be so sensitive from rubbing against the metal interior. Coupled with how quickly that would transmit heat and cold? Wearing that outside on a chilly morning would be the equivalent of pressing ice against those little peaks. Maybe it is magical? Hmmm.... well, thinking about her in that armor is definately having a profound effect on me! Gonna need to make some room in the loincloth soon! Dangit! Focus! Let's go get the meal ticket resolved.... then you can daydream about teasing and pleasing this elven dream girl.

Checking out the tavern from the outside, I note - the street is relatively clean (no dead rats, no vomit, no blood stains - signs that the beer is OK and the "fights" stay friendly). Second door on the back side (escape route, and plenty of room to run). No red flags so far!

Stepping into the room, I walk in just as I hear the sweetest, shyest, voice say those thrice cursed words: "new adventurer". Yep - she is an adventurer, a heart stopping, monster killing maven, "extra curves in the right places", walking distraction of doom, sweetness and light and danger, and all I can think is... "Well, I think I will pull up a stool, order a beer, and wait for the inevitable bar fight". Because she is going to look sooooo amazing covered in todays meal (I think it is split pea soup). And until this get resolved, no one is going to want to listen to me sing!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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