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Old 12-29-2020, 01:45 PM   #10
getDare Succubus
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Default Weronika

On the last Friday of September it was a work day just as any other.

Rich was working late, on a call with Azaz just past 5pm, Damian tapped him on the shoulder and asked to speak to him. Rich confirmed he had a few things to iron out on the call and he would come and find him, not quite sure what was going on he was curious...but he had his priorities.

Once the call finished he was summoned into an office with Damian and Alicja, the two senior managers of the department, Rich knew he hadn't done anything wrong so wasn't concerned, but he felt something had happened...

They revealed to him that the supervisor Weronika had been fired...this was something very rare in the company...
They explained that she had been taken sick leave without getting Doctor's notes repeatedly and had received several warnings about this before, Rich was a little shocked...but he was not upset, numerous times he had to cover her work because she didn't finish things, she spent more time getting close with the team than doing the admin side of the work.

Rich would also later learn, that on the night of the last party that she had been inappropriate with one of the team members, this Lesbian in the group Paulina (There are a few Paulina's in the team haha), she had become possessive and tried to make out with her...when she was rejected it turned into a fight and the managers had to step in...

It also turned out that Weronika was on some medication, which was most likely some kind of anti-psychotic and when mixed with alcohol she would do some crazy things, recently she had text the team on Messenger to arrange a night out which never happened for example, and she was being very flirty with a few girls in the team.

She had been asked to leave quietly, it was a deal struck so she would still get a reference.
In fact, the whole reason she was given this posting was due to some behaviours in her previous team, and HR wanted to give her a second chance, Alicja had agreed to take her on...

She met with the team that night in a bar, Rich decided not to go...he did not feel appropriate seeing her and getting involved, it would later transpire that she was accusing managers...including Rich of plotting against the team, laughing at them when they made mistakes and planning to fire other people...none of this was true I will add...

Over the weekend Rich was having a quiet one at home, most likely watching netflix and playing games...on the Sunday night he was surprised to get a text from Asia recommending some crime series on Netflix, he thanked her for the message and started to watch this show...he didn't want to act over-excited at this point, it was just a friendly thing to do and he didn't want to read into things, especially after what she had said about her situation.

The following day, Asia discovered that she had received a pay rise and permanent contract.
At one point her and Rich were outside when he was having a smoke, he congratulated her on her news and they hugged.

He also gave her condolences about the Weronika situation, he knew they were a little close, she was not overly concerned but surprised by what had happened, just as the rest of the team were.

Rich had also confided with Asia in Wroclaw that he had some concerns about Weronika, Asia had asked him not to approach management about this...he reassured her that he had not spoken to them, which was true and that he had kept his word on this particular conversation they had had.
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Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

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