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Old 12-23-2020, 06:21 PM   #5
getDare Devil
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Default Rich's birthday

The previous year Rich had hired out a floor of Bobby Burger (a local burger chain that also sells alcohol) and then had a flat party for his turned into a bit of a this year he decided to play it a bit safer...
He would invite everyone to the river, where they could stay late and any stragglers later on could come to his place.
There is a quiet spot on the Vistula near a bar called Wild Beef which was perfect, people could take their drinks and then go to the bar for top ups.

It was a hot summer Saturday, perfect for the occasion...though the forecast had predicted some rain...which luckily didn't come to pass!

At this point, technically Rich and Asia hadn't told people at work about the two of them, but it had been discussed whether to...

People drifted to the party in a steady flow, there was a great turn out, people from the UK team and other groups came the least there was a good 50 people there (the group photo from my Youtube intro was taken at this event).

Rich was darting around talking to different people throughout the event, StoLat was sung many times, his friend Artur even showed up with a guitar and started playing some music, some dancing began with Rich in the centre...he made a move and pulled Asia in to dance with him, the night progressed...Asia was pretty drunk at one point stumbling over a grassy embankment on the way to the bar.

At around 1am, the group decided to move back to Rich's flat, some 20 odd people came back and continued the evening, Jenga was brought out so some drinking games could continue.
Soon Rich and Asia were sat on the bed talking, and the others at the party began to drift away.
They kissed and cuddled that night and went to bed.

The following day Asia would spend the whole day at Rich's place, and that whole day was spent being intimate, Asia loved for Rich to pleasure her...she didn't seem able to get enough!

In the evening, they played strip Playstation, playing a Dragonball versus game that Rich won with just his boxers remaining, he loved her competitive Asia was, it was something that really drove his desire, he melted some ice on her naked body as a forfeit which she hadn't done before yet enjoyed.

All in all, it was safe to say it was Rich's best birthday to that date and he was very happy.

Him and Asia had a bit of a talk, she started saying that this couldn't be a full on relationship as she was trying to get a job in Science and may be moving out of Warsaw, she also said Rich had mumbled something about marriage the night before (which he didn't remember) and this definitely couldn't go that way.

Rich was a little sad to hear this, but he thought to himself that he would make the most of what he could, and you never know the situation may change as they got least that is what he secretly hoped for...
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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