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Old 12-23-2020, 07:14 AM   #3
getDare Devil
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default The Golden Period a prelude...

Time in the office is fun, the team are in good spirits and even though Richard has a lot to do...he is loving it, this transition project is very interesting, his ideas are being readily accepted and all is on track

He finds a very slight rivalry with a new supervisor...her name is Weronika, a slightly mousy girl, shortish dark hair, but pretty in her own way. She came over from the German team...and her ideas are rather inexperienced, she has a much softer approach to team development and she is getting very close to the team as Richard is...

The fun, games and banter despite the work flourish, Richard and Asia regularly throw things at each other in a playful way and have the odd chat here and there, all is looking positive...and Asia has a birthday coming up, the big 30! She invites the team to join her in a bar...I forget the name in Polish, but it translates to Deep Throat...something Rich finds amusing in a twisted way.

The party is on Saturday and starts at around 7, at this point we are well into July, the weather is warm, the nights long and the atmosphere in the city very positive and lively.
Using google maps, Rich tracks down the bar, it is on a rather steep street off one of the main thoroughfares near the centre of the city, he steps in and it is again a dark room, a very square area with some large tables and sofa like booths lining the walls, to the right is another room which forms an L shape around the well stocked bar.

He is greeted by Asia, who gives him a warm hug and a peck on the cheek, she takes him over to the bar to buy him a drink (this is a tradition in Poland, where the birthday boy/girl actually treats the guests).
Richard gladly takes a beer and presents Asia with a small gift, a glass Dolphin which he had purchased in the Czech Republic some months prior, she receives this happily and gives him a strong hug and again a kiss on the cheek with a radiant smile they proceed to the table she has reserved where some of the rest of the group are already present.

Asia sits in the corner with the comfy booths, while Richard perches on the opposite corner of the table, sat next to a girl called Marta, one of the smartest in the group...but no drinker haha,

The night continues into a card game that Asia has brought, she is a big fan of games...something Rich is also keen on in life, and something he finds exciting and fun about her, there are no bets or anything but the group have fun.
Later on Asia breaks out this Alcohol called Mintu, something from Norway...basically this mint flavoured Liquor, she shares it around the table and it is very tasty...however...once the bar staff find out she had brought her own alcohol we are rather harshly asked to leave the premises...Asia argues with the staff but they won't budge...

We all get up and move on...

The next few hours are a little blurry, a result of alcohol no doubt, the group I believe goes to a Subway for some food and ends up in some other random bar...but that is all I can remember...

Next thing I know it is around 3am, Richard and Asia are alone and walking towards the river, at the start of the evening she had expressed a wish to see the sunrise...I guess no one else was able to make it, walking and talking all the way they soon make it to the stone steps on the bank.

They take a seat as the sun gradually arises on the horizon, the area being bathed in a warm glow, they still have Asia's Mintu which the share, a few local cleaning teams are busy cleaning up the mess from those who were on the riverside the night before, other than that they are alone.

I do not remember what was said, but the next thing I know...Rich and Asia are kissing, it feels magical and exciting, they stay on the steps for sometime longer in one another's embrace...Asia suggests to go back to Rich's place...
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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