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Old 08-11-2020, 02:15 PM   #7437
getDare Devil
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Originally Posted by alex_carter View Post
Ok, so my totals as of the cut off time (10 AM yesterday morning) added up to 20 spanks. I decided to ask my 'special question' to Cassandra since she was the first to post for me, and the only one on at the time, and that question was.... should I do 5 minutes of corner time (that's 1 minute per post that came in) and she said yes. So when I get a chance, probably once things start settling down here for the night, I will be doing 20 spanks followed by 5 minutes of corner time. I'll then post my report on here for you guys.
Ok, so here's my report from my last set in here. I earned 20 spanks and my special question to Cassandra was should I do one minute of corner time per post. Her answer was yes.

So, I finally got a chance to do this... (I know, much delayed, I'm sorry!) Anyway, I did 20 quick spanks (10 per cheek) that left my bum stingy for a few minutes but not too sore. After that I set up a 5 minute corner time on the website and started it. Here's a link to the punishment report... just put in the following code on the part that says "View a punishment report"...
eyJuYW1lIjoiQW5vbnltb3VzIiwicHJlc2V0VGl0bGUiOiJDYX NzYW5kcmEgQ29uZmlybWVkIENv
cm5lciBUaW1lIiwiaW5pdGlhbER1cmF0aW9uIjozMDAsInRvdG FsRHVyYXRpb24iOjM2MSwic3Rh
cnRlZEF0IjoiMjAyMC0wOC0xMVQyMDo1NTo0Ni41NDVaIiwiZX ZlbnRzIjpbeyJhZGp1c3RtZW50
IjowLCJldmVudFR5cGUiOiJnZXRSZWFkeSIsInRpbWUiOi0xMH 0seyJhZGp1c3RtZW50IjowLCJl
dmVudFR5cGUiOiJzdGFydCIsInRpbWUiOjB9LHsiYWRqdXN0bW VudCI6MCwiZXZlbnRUeXBlIjoi
c2NvbGQiLCJ0aW1lIjoxMDR9LHsiZXZlbnRUeXBlIjoiZW5jb3 VyYWdlIiwiYWRqdXN0bWVudCI6
MCwidGltZSI6MTIwfSx7ImFkanVzdG1lbnQiOjEyLCJldmVudF R5cGUiOiJwZW5hbGl6ZSIsInRp
bWUiOjE5NX0seyJhZGp1c3RtZW50IjowLCJldmVudFR5cGUiOi JzY29sZCIsInRpbWUiOjIwMn0s
eyJhZGp1c3RtZW50IjoyOCwiZXZlbnRUeXBlIjoicGVuYWxpem UiLCJ0aW1lIjoyNTN9LHsiYWRq
dXN0bWVudCI6MCwiZXZlbnRUeXBlIjoic2NvbGQiLCJ0aW1lIj oyNTl9LHsiYWRqdXN0bWVudCI6
MjEsImV2ZW50VHlwZSI6InBlbmFsaXplIiwidGltZSI6MzA4fS x7ImFkanVzdG1lbnQiOjAsImV2
ZW50VHlwZSI6InNjb2xkIiwidGltZSI6MzQwfSx7ImFkanVzdG 1lbnQiOjAsImV2ZW50VHlwZSI6
Cornertime is no fun and boring, so I was kinda hoping that Cassandra would say no, but she didn't.... so I got to spend 5 long minutes with my nose in the corner.... ugh. Finally the 5 minutes ended and I got to come out of the corner, and now here we are.

The only thing I wish was that the corner time link above would tell you what the warnings/penalty time statements said...

Anyway... here we go.
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