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Old 09-15-2019, 07:49 AM   #1
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
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Default Gunge Well Village - Give up all that enter here...

Welcome to Gunge Well Village!

You awaken in the housing district to find yourself alone in your room, you do not know how you got there…
You look around and see
- a bed
- a shower
- some drawers/wardrobes for clothes storage
- a fridge for food storage
- a container for other items to be stored
There is a knock at the door…
You open the door and a masked man is standing there, he hands you a slip of paper, closes the door and leaves.

You read the paper:
You are now the property of Gunge Well Village, this is your new home, you will live here for the rest of your life and work for the Mayor. Your purpose will be to entertain guests who are observing this village, do not have hope of freedom or escape again...your life now belongs to us.
You will find this village to be self contained, you cannot leave as there is a 10 Foot concrete wall around the edge, the only entrance is the main gate which is guarded.
The Mayor lives in the manor, you cannot enter this.
The guards live in the guard house...those that step out of line in the village will be locked in the Pillory there and will be victims to whoever chooses to deal them punishment.
Every day you will pick a job to do and receive payment for your work once you have completed your task.
You may use your money how you see are your uses for money:
- Buying Clothing/Protection
- Buying Weapons
- Buying Food
- Buying Other items
You will receive £20 to start so you can buy yourself some things to get started...At least £15 must be spent dressing yourself

The jobs you can do are as follows:
-Staff the Cinema
- Staff the Hotel
- Work in the Office
- Attend a Studio recording
- Work in the Factory
- Clean the River
- Go to the fair
- Play on the Sports field
- Go to the Park
- Waiter for the restaurant
- Fight in the Arena
Each job gives you payment, but it also carries a task to be completed
See this Sheet for the options you have:

The Arena - Please note this is a special area, you must bring all weapons and Food with you before you enter.
Once two combatants enter the arena you state the weapons you will use and the Food/Substances you will attack with.
When you two combat each other it is possible one may dominate the other, or you may both come out of it damaged...bear this in mind

Side Bar:
Thank you for showing interest in this Role Play...let me tell you a bit more about how you can join and interact in the will get messy most likely, Wet probably or suffer over kinds of punishments warned…

Now you have read the scenario above, but this is just what you have been told by the Mayor...but life isn’t always as you are told by authority figures…

You can explore the Village and look for clues to why you are here and how possibly you may fight back and escape the Village in not expect this to be easy, and if you are caught looking for a way out...well the guards will lock you in the be careful!

To join the Village you must fill in this form:
Please fill on the form on the form page for easy reference for others

This will tell other members of the Village about your character...but also lay down Parameters for dares you will receive from the establishment or other members of the Village.

The spreadsheet shared above will be used to keep track of your characters progress, money and inventory
See this blog for more detailed mechanics of the various parts of the village:

Use the Blog to ask questions if you are unclear, new rules/tasks may be added in future.

Each day you must choose actions:
- Pick a job to do
- Explore and investigate
- Enter the Arena
- Go Shopping
You only have to do one action per day, but can do multiple actions if you wish.

Be Creative and Have fun here! Welcome to Gunge Well Village!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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