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Old 11-03-2018, 07:43 PM   #131
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
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Blog Entries: 69

"Welcome back everyone, time for round 2...this time we subject our players to a game of...Forfeit Poker! Players will have 8 cards drawn from their own deck, person with the better hand wins...but of course we have to put some twists in there..." Bloxo exaggeratedly winks to the audience who laugh..."First we have some Jokers in the deck...second...if players win on a sufficiently good hand...we have some extra forfeits for them! But before we get back to that...let's welcome back our players!"

The lights go up and the teams walk back on to centre stage from their previous sides...looking a little worse for wear after losing some clothes and dignity...ezeparalta212 and Matildachi walking with their hands over their thongs, but WAMPup not hiding his briefs, they reach the centre of the stage and wave sheepishly at the audience who cheer and whoop!

Once they get to the middle Crystal emerges and the crowd goes wild! She raises her hands to the air and the curtain behind them rises, in the centre is a large suspended board with the following written on it in black letters on a white background:

Royal Flush -Naked
Straight flush - Naked
Four of a Kind - Strip winners choice
Full house - strip losers choice
Flush - Messy wedgie
Straight - Gunge Balloons in clothes
3 of a kind - Pie in face
Joker - Bucket of mess

To either side of the board were smaller boards with 8 squares on the bottom, 5 on the top. Each had a table with a giant pack of cards face down.

"As you can see behind me...we have some extra forfeits lined up as per the board...let's hope we see some of those in play tonight! Crystal will be drawing for the Yellow team, I will draw for the Blue let's get started! First players up are Novagunger and dandushma!"

The two players left their groups and stood by their respective boards. The cards were drawn...

Novagunger ended up with: 6 of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, 7 of Clubs, 3 of Diamonds 7 of Diamonds Ace of Hearts King of Diamonds, 2 of Spades
dandushma ended up with: Black Joker, 5 of Diamonds 2 of Hearts, 6 of Clubs, 7 of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, 9 of Spades, 6 of Spades

Bloxo and Crystal put the best hand to the upper tier of the board.

"Novagunger wins's with two pair, Ace's and seven's! also got a Joker...which means a bucket of pink slime for you!"
Novagunger smiled and watched as dandushma was made to kneel and Crystal had great pleasure in slowly pouring the bucket of slime over his head, making sure to wave it back and forth so it covered front and back.

"dandushma, please go over to the losers pool and let's have ezeparalta212 and Babygirlpoopdiaper over!" dandushma climbed into the large plastic inflatable pool and stood in the middle while Novagunger returned to his team triumphant, the two girls walked over to the board, looking a little nervous.

The cards were drawn!

ezeparalta212 drew Red Joker, 9 of Clubs, King of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, 9 of Hearts, 6 of Hearts, King of Spades, 9 of Diamonds
Babygirlpoopdiaper drew 10 of Spades, Ace of Clubs, 3 of Diamonds, King of Spades, King of Diamonds, 7 of Diamonds, 5 of Spades, 6 of Clubs

The cards were moved on the board...

"ezeparalta212 wins with a Full house! Which means Babygirlpoopdiaper you need to remove an item of clothing...but there's some good news folks, ezeparalta212 is getting a bucket of Rice pudding for her joker!"

ezeparalta212 didn't know whether to feel happy or annoyed...but knelt down as Bloxo had great fun teasing her with the bucket, wafting it in front of her before dumping the whole lot over her head, coating her hair, it crawled down over her top, hitting her tanned legs in clumps, meanwhile Babygirlpoopdiaper removed her shorts to reveal her Diaper underneath, she blushed and cried a little as she walked over to the losers pool to stand next to dandushma.

ezeparalta212 stood up and brushed her face and hair as she walked back over to her team.

"Finally we have WAMPups and Matildachi!" The two players quickly walked over and stood by their boards.

WAMPups drew 6 of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, 4 of Hearts, King of Diamonds, 3 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds, 3 of Hearts, Ace of Spades
Matildachi drew Q of Clubs, 3 of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, 3 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds, 3 of Diamonds, 2 of Clubs

The cards were placed on the boards...

"Matildachi wins with three three's! Which means...WAMPup you have to take a pie to the face!"
Bloxo picked up a big whipped cream pie and stood a few feet away from WAMPup who closed his eyes, Bloxo threw the pie and it smashed into his face, exploding and showering him with cream, WAMPup wiped his eyes and then went over to the losers pool to stand the other side of dandushma.

"So after that round folks, Blue pick up 200 points, Yellow 100...meaning the scores after round 2 are:

Blue: 600
Yellow: 200

But wait folks...we have a surprise...Crystal and me have made a bet, we will draw one card each...the loser of this has to join the losers in the pool!" Bloxo bit his fingers in a shocked expression to the crowd...

They drew a card each from a fresh deck...Crystal drew the Queen of Hearts...sinking Bloxo's gaze...he drew his card...and smiled broadly as it was revealed to be the King of Diamonds! Crystal pouted and walked over to the losers pool, stomping her feet as she went, she stood in front of dandushma.
bloxo skipped over to the pool...standing at the side by a big red button, the group were glowering at him as he playfully teased the button...then he pulled his arm back and smashed the palm against it! From above a massive torrent of beans began to fall, sloshing over the entire group! Seemingly hitting Crystal the most who tried to cover her hair with her hands unsuccessfully, there were so many beans falling in their Orange sauce that the group were ankle deep in them by the time they stopped coming down, Bloxo laughed as Crystal was desperately trying to get them off her...she yelped a little as she realised they had gone down her cleavage inside her dress!

The curtains fell and the round ended!

People playing for real forfeits, please emulate as best you can... Babygirlpoopdiaper those beans can go inside your diaper...

Can players please pick 4 numbers for the next round? Between 1 and 100, not repeating other players choices
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!

Last edited by Bloxo; 11-03-2018 at 08:34 PM.
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