Thread: Messy Play
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Old 10-03-2018, 06:36 PM   #4
getDare Devil
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
Posts: 1,491
Blog Entries: 69


WAM/sploshing/food play - it goes by a few names in the scene.

A more thorough definition can be found here:

Do you like Messy Play?

Yes I do, I will be doing a blog post on this more! But, yes, it's something I enjoy doing...when it's a dare of forfeit, preferably as a punishment for a game or something more intimate and sensual with a partner

My Messy blog post

What is your experience like?

I have been into this for almost 30 years technically, long before I knew it was sexual, mostly positive experiences, the only negative for me would be certain substances and clean up

Some substances to be wary of:

Flour - seems easy, but when mixed with water it can be a nightmare to get out of hair...any hair haha
Treacle - very thick and overpowering, could be hard to breath with that over your head!
Honey/maple syrup - very sticky and harder to wash off
Paint - make sure it's water based or you may have a much longer lasting mess than you'd intended!
Yoghurt - When it has bits of fruit in it, hard to wash out of hair (a sub of mine found this out the hard way!)
Jam - can stain sometimes depending on the fruit, be wary of surfaces exposed to this

Other things to be careful of:

Cement...just don't go there!

Allergies - check ingredient lists carefully, just in never know what things are made of!

Sell by dates - be careful what you use isn't out of date, could leave you with food poisoning if ingested

Anything with sugar - ladies, this can cause yeast infections if left too long, make sure to wash yourselves very thoroughly if experimenting!

What are you favourite recipes? in terms of recipes, I haven't made much stuff up myself, I normally just buy stuff ready made, but you can make custard easily enough, lots of powdered desserts you can make up like angel delight

If you are in Europe, this site is good to look up, it contains a lot of gunge like you would have seen on TV:

Do you have any tips or tricks for play or clean up?

For play...hmm, let me think...

Preparation is important, make sure you do this in a place where you can wash easily, you don't want to drip mess through your house!

Have a surface that is safe, you don't want to slip when it's slimy/wet beneath you!

Have everything you need for play at the start to save messy house problems in getting more supplies!

Clothing can easily be stained of course, wear old clothes you don't care about if doing this clothed, depends on what mess you use of course, but bear this in mind, I tend to wear darker colours like black which is harder to stain if doing this in Boxers for example

Be careful about heavier things like beans/cakes, don't want to clog plugholes! I advise laying down some sheeting, bin liners, tarps, whatever works best, it is easier to contain the solid bits of mess when you are doing clean up

As above, be careful of what substances you use and how long you use them for, you don't want to stain anything or cause damage by removing dried on substances, I find it best to clean up straight away after a session to avoid hassle
- If you use anything more elaborate make sure it is water soluble

Fun tips:

Making this into a game is a lot of fun, doing this with a partner you can play battleships, chess...anything, and set rules so when a player loses something like a ship or a chess piece they get messy

Random - It can be more fun if you don't know what is going to happen, so using dice, picking numbers from a hat etc when you have a range of substances can make it more exciting!

Mix it up - Use other kinks, blindfolds, restraints...even paddles, make it more than just the mess and make the experience greater

What do you like most/least about this type of play?

Most - This is completely harmless as long as you are sensible about it, it won't cause injury, it's fun to do and can be well mixed with other kinks (as above)

It plays with all the senses!

The sight of mess can be quite funny, or a turn on, nice to play with colours to achieve better effects, very artistic or very humiliating
I like to take a beautiful girl and destroy that beauty in part, but also when they are covered in gloop and it is dripping off their curves it can be very sensual, it provides a good tease when say their private parts are hidden by pure mess alone

The sound of things splattering, squishing, dripping, squelching...definitely adds to the experience, especially if being gunged by someone else as it builds suspense

The feel of mess is of course one of the main factors, good to experiment with different textures, smooth puddings...versus lumpy cans of beans, sticky syrups, thick porridge...or the random cake sitting (highly recommend the feeling of that!)
When playing with a partner, it can be very sensual to lick things, to have mess spread over your body,
Mess can be applied in so many ways, it can be splatted, poured, dripped, rubbed, can be squished under clothing, eggs can be broken on you for mild pain and surprising gushing of fluid
Temperature is a major factor, warmer mess generally more pleasant and sensual, colder mess being a really good punishment

The smells...if using sweet substances it can smell great, may even make you hungry haha, can be quite relaxing
When using savoury, the harsher smells really add to the punishment and make you feel like you've been properly punished.

Tastes - Of course it's nice to use sweet messes and can taste great, makes a great punishment though if you end up tasting savoury mess on you

Least - clean up, smells that may be left behind afterwards (on you and also in the area you are doing it!)
It is often not too quick, takes a lot of prep and can be expensive depending on what you are doing

The way it is perceived, most people laugh if they hear you are into this, they can think you are strange, and a lot of people won't understand it at all

When you have a partner who doesn't enjoy it, some people absolutely hate getting messy and that can be a big turn off for me, unless they derive some other enjoyment such as feeling humiliation

What turns you on about engaging this type of play?

It is very humiliating, especially when a partner stays clean, it usually causes a lot of laughter and finger pointing, is an excellent punishment...or for my scenario where I switch, it can be fun to get messy back and forth and try to out do each other!

A lot overlaps with above, it's about the interaction you have with the mess, the chaos or order of it, the creativity!

Having mess applied to your privates can be very...stimulating...

Having a messy wedgie, or sitting in messy filled underwear, again the sensation can be quite a turn on!

Very sensual as detailed above, it stimulates all the senses and can play with a lot of emotions:

Suspense/fear/anticipation when playing a game not knowing who will win or lose, or waiting not knowing what a partner will do to you

Happiness when you are having fun, can feel like you're a kid again, really feels like playing when getting messy, can be very funny and make you enjoy each others company while doing it

Surprise - It can be quite a shock to feel certain sensations, especially when different temperatures are at play, or to be messed in a way you weren't expecting - depending on the imagination/sadism of your partner

Jealousy when someone stays clean and you are messed up or vice versa haha

Erotic/sensual - seriously can't emphasise, having mess licked off you, spread over you, it's a very physical sensation and makes you and your partner close

I will not pretend this covers every aspect, but hope it gives you some insight into the world of mess, please if curious, try it at least once, just make sure you do this prepared and informed
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!

Last edited by Bloxo; 10-03-2018 at 08:02 PM.
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