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Old 05-04-2017, 11:08 AM   #26
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Location: USA
Posts: 132
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1. What are your top three destinations that you'd like to visit?
Just three? Gosh. I know I want to visit both coasts, but if I had to pick, I'd visit the west coast first. I think Seattle's probably on that list, because it seems like a place I'd like, and I've vaguely considered living there. I can't really pick where else I'd want to visit, but they would probably be cities in California. San Diego and San Fransisco are the first two to come to mind.

2. Where is the last place that you visited?
I can't remember for sure. It might have been when we visited my sister.

3. Do you typically over pack?
I feel like I underpack, if anything. When I overpack, it's to compensate for worries that I might not have enough stuff.

4. How long does it take you to pack a suitcase?
Usually, not very long. Fifteenish minutes, probably. I make a quick list of what I need, and I grab it.

5. How often do you travel a year?
Not nearly enough. Maybe once a year.

6. Where was your favorite place to visit?
Hm... The prettiest place was probably visiting my friend in Michigan. She lives near Lake Michigan, in a popular tourist attraction (although I guess the Pure Michigan ads mean that half the state could be described that way). I think the one I had the most fun and frustration all at once with was probably Orlando, though. The theme parks there are great, but the heat, the weather, and the traffic all got to me.

7. Who do you normally travel with?
It's almost always with my family, although the trip to Michigan was my first trip alone. I felt really accomplished afterward!

8. Do you prefer relaxing trips or trips with full itineraries?
Hm... Can I say both? I think I need both time to have fun and time to unwind. If the itinerary is too full, then I'll get stressed out trying to fit in more things. I guess I'd prefer the former if friends are there. If I'm visiting a friend, then I just want to spend time, regardless of what we're doing.

9. Do you ever pack anything kinky into your bag?
That would require having something kinky to pack. :P

10. Have you ever planned a trip solely around kink?
Nope. I probably wouldn't, either. It'd be a mix of pleasure and... well, pleasure. Friends and fetish. Kink and camaraderie.

11. What's one place you have no interest in visiting, and why?
I wouldn't say any place is strictly off the table, just that the negatives outweigh the positives currently. NYC and LA probably qualify, since I hate traffic, and traffic would be awful. I also feel like Boston would be an awful place for me. Too much snow, too many fans of teams I dislike.

12. Have you ever forgotten to pack necessary items of clothing? [example: pants, underwear, etc.] If so, how did you get by?
I don't think I've forgotten anything essential. I forgot to pack swim trunks in the past, but we just bought new ones. It was really expensive, though.

13. Did you have sex or practice any kink on your last trip?
Ha, no. Again, my family is almost always there. Besides, my last trip was before I was really even exploring kink.

14. Have you ever hooked up with a stranger while on vacation?
Definitely not. I don't think I could be so bold. Apparently my friends saw this woman who was teasing and showing a lot of skin like she probably wanted to hook up, though. I dunno. I missed seeing her.

15. Where do you plan on going for your next trip?
Great question. I have no idea. XD The next family trip is probably going to be seeing my sister, but I need money before I plan another trip for myself.
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