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Old 03-19-2017, 06:44 AM   #1
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Trophy Snakes & Ladders Challenge

I’m very new around here, so I’ve decided to introduce myself with a game of snakes and ladders. There are a few important things you need to consider, so please read the info below before starting the game!

[I'm aware that there comes a time when you can no longer edit posts, so just in case I need to edit the rules when I can no longer change this post, I'll put any updates here]

You start on the first space (0) and must do what it says. When you have completed the instructions, roll the dice and move that many spaces ahead; standard dice game rules. If you land on a ‘ladder’ space, you get to move to a higher space, and if you land on a ‘snake’ space, you have to move to a lower space. Moving on the ladders and snakes isn’t optional. You have to do the task on every space you land on.
Your game ends when you land on space 100. If you roll a number that would put you past space 100, you must ‘bounce’; ie, if you’re on 97 and roll a 4, you have to move to 98, then 99, then 100, then back to 99, and you would have to do the activity on space 99. You keep playing until you land on space 100. Once you pass space 90, roll 2 dice on each turn and add their values together to move.
The whole game must be completed in one go. If you are unable to complete it in one go, roll for punishments for any ongoing tasks that you have to stop (eg, if you have to take clamps off or take a dildo out). You must finish the game as soon as possible; you can keep playing from the same space you left, but you must take an extra handicap and 10 points when you continue. When you continue, you must also put any clamps back on and a dildo back in if you took them off/out when you stopped playing.
You’re only allowed to pee if the space you’re on says you can; if you’re on a space that doesn’t mention being allowed to pee, you’re not allowed to.
Don’t look at any spoilers unless you roll it. This goes for the game itself, but also for punishments, handicaps, and the ‘orgasm’ section at the bottom.

In addition to the usual rules of snakes and ladders, in this game you’ll also be getting points. What are the points for? Well, you’ll find out at the end of the game. All I’ll tell you for now is that you want to end up with less points at the end of the game and there is no way to lower your points once you have them.
You start the game on 0 points. For every task you complete successfully, you get 2 points. For every task you don’t complete (whether you attempt it and fail or don’t attempt it at all), you get 5 points.
For the record, the absolute minimum points you can end with is 10, but you’d have to be extraordinarily lucky to get that. I’m not sure what the average would be, so even if you don’t leave a report, please let me know how many points you finished with so I get an idea of that.

If you try to complete a task but fail, you must roll for a punishment. If you don’t attempt a task at all (eg, if it violates a limit), you roll for a handicap. Every time you take a punishment or a handicap, you also receive 5 points.

Punishments must be rolled and completed immediately upon failing the task. You receive 5 points for failing a task, but must also complete the punishment.
  1. Spoiler:
    Receive an additional 10 points.
  2. Spoiler:
    Randomly generate a number between 1 and the space you’re on. Go back to that space, do that task, and continue from there.
  3. Spoiler:
    Complete the tasks on the spaces before and after the one you’re on. If one or both of them are a snake or ladder, lucky you! If you fail or won’t do one of them, roll for another punishment (or two punishments if you fail/won’t do both). If you receive this punishment for not completing one of those two dares, reroll.
  4. Spoiler:
    Try the task again. If you fail again, keep trying until you either complete it or are sure you can’t do it. If you work out that you can’t do it, move back 5 spaces, complete that task, then continue from there.
  5. Spoiler:
    Receive an additional 5 points and go back 5 spaces, complete that task, then continue from there.
  6. Spoiler:
    Come up with a dare for one or more of my slaves (info about them in my signature) and send it to me.

Handicaps only apply to the rolls you make to move between spaces, not rolls you make for any other purpose (eg, punishments), and they last for the rest of the game, except once you’re past space 90. If you land on a snake that takes you back below space 90, start using your handicaps again.
If you roll a handicap you have already received, roll again. If you already have all of the handicaps, you don’t need to take anymore, but will receive 10 points instead of 5.
  1. Spoiler:
    Subtract 1 from every roll. From now on, if you roll a 1, you don’t move and must redo the task on your current space.
  2. Spoiler:
    If you roll a 2, you must move 2 squares backwards (even if you also have handicap 1).
  3. Spoiler:
    If you roll a 3, it is now worth 1 instead.
  4. Spoiler:
    If you roll a 4, it is now worth 2 instead.
  5. Spoiler:
    You are no longer allowed to use ladders. Every time you land on a ladder, receive 5 points.
  6. Spoiler:
    If you roll a 6, it is now worth 2 instead.

Throughout the game you may need the following equipment:
  • Some kind of clamp. You can use clothespins, binder clips, or any other type of clamp. You may need quite a few.
  • String. You will need up to 8 feet of string.
  • Toothpaste or heat cream.
  • A rubber band. The bigger the better - try to find a nice large, thick one.
  • A glass that you can fill with water.
  • A spanking implement. I’d recommend something harsh.
  • A bowl of ice cubes. You could end up needing a LOT, so it might be worth buying one of those massive bags of them if you really want to be prepared. Or just start freezing ice cubes a few days in advance. OR you could get lucky and not need them.
  • A permanent marker.
  • A pencil/pen and paper.
  • A toilet.
  • Three dildos (or similar) of different sizes. Call one of them ‘small’, one ‘medium’, and one ‘large’. The large one must fit in your ass/pussy (your choice), but preferably only just.

Welcome to the game! If you thought we’d be starting slow, you were wrong. You’ll be starting the game naked, so take of any clothes you’re wearing now. You also get to start the game with a choice. You must do one of the following:

- Immediate edge once. Get there as fast as you can and don’t hold it. You are not allowed to use any toys or porn or touch any part of your body other than your genitals.

- Receive 10 points. Remember that you want to end the game with as few points as possible and there is no way to get rid of points.
  1. Spoiler:
    Put a clamp on each nipple and keep them on for the rest of the game. If you already have clamps on your nipples, pull them off without loosening them and put them back on at 90º to where they were.
  2. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 38 and complete the task on that space.
  3. Spoiler:
    Finger your ass/pussy with 2 fingers for 5 minutes.
  4. Spoiler:
    Rub toothpaste or heat cream on your nipples and leave it on for the rest of the game. If you already have some on, reapply it.
  5. Spoiler:
    Snap a rubber band on each nipple.
  6. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water.
  7. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 14 and complete the task on that space.
  8. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 31 and complete the task on that space.
  9. Spoiler:
    Give each ass cheek 10 moderate spanks.
  10. Spoiler:
    Hold an ice cube on each nipple until they both melt completely.
  11. Spoiler:
    Do 10 pushups.
  12. Spoiler:
    Write your getdare username somewhere on your body in permanent marker.
  13. Spoiler:
    Do 10 situps.
  14. Spoiler:
    Give your clit/dick 10 moderate spanks.
  15. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 26 and complete the task on that space.
  16. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 6 and complete the task on that space.
  17. Spoiler:
    Need to pee? You’re only allowed to pee if you empty your bladder into a glass and pour it over your head. If you don’t do this, give yourself a swirly. Immediately after peeing or giving yourself a swirly, you must drink two full glasses of water.
  18. Spoiler:
    Write the following line (or something similar, to your taste) 10 times by hand: “I don’t deserve to control my own pleasure.” If you make a mistake, restart that line.
  19. Spoiler:
    Put 4 clamps on your genitals and keep them on for the rest of the game. If you already have clamps on your genitals, still add 4 more.
  20. Spoiler:
    Hold an ice cube against your clit/dick until it melts completely.
  21. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 42 and complete the task on that space.
  22. Spoiler:
    Finger your ass/pussy with 3 fingers for 10 minutes.
  23. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water.
  24. Spoiler:
    Snap a rubber band 5 times on each nipple.
  25. Spoiler:
    Edge twice, holding each edge for 5 seconds.
  26. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water.
  27. Spoiler:
    Do 10 squats.
  28. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 84 and complete the task on that space.
  29. Spoiler:
    Write ‘USE ME’ in permanent marker somewhere on your body.
  30. Spoiler:
    Push your small dildo all the way into your ass/pussy and leave it there for the rest of the game or until you are given conflicting instructions.
  31. Spoiler:
    Give your balls/pussy 10 moderate spanks.
  32. Spoiler:
    Edge three times, holding each edge for 5 seconds.
  33. Spoiler:
    Rub toothpaste or heat cream on your balls/pussy and leave it on for the rest of the game. If you already have some on, reapply it.
  34. Spoiler:
    Put 1 ice cube in your ass (and 1 in your pussy if applicable) until it has melted completely.
  35. Spoiler:
    Put 4 clamps on your genitals and keep them on for the rest of the game. If you already have clamps on your genitals, still add 4 more.
  36. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 44 and complete the task on that space.
  37. Spoiler:
    Snap a rubber band on your dick/clit.
  38. Spoiler:
    Put 2 ice cubes in your ass (and 2 in your pussy if applicable) until they have both melted completely.
  39. Spoiler:
    Give each ass cheek 25 hard spanks.
  40. Spoiler:
    Do 25 pushups.
  41. Spoiler:
    Put a clamp on each nipple and keep them on for the rest of the game. If you already have clamps on your nipples, tie a 2 foot long string to each clamp and tie the strings to your thumbs. If you pull them off at any time, put them back on at 90º to where they were. If you already have your nipples tied to your thumbs, pull the clamps off without loosening them and reapply them at 90º to where they were.
  42. Spoiler:
    Write the following line (or something similar, to your taste) 20 times by hand: “I deserve to be used and fucked in every hole.” For every mistake, start all the lines again.
  43. Spoiler:
    Push your medium dildo all the way into your ass/pussy and leave it there for the rest of the game or until you are given conflicting instructions.
  44. Spoiler:
    Snap a rubber band 5 times on your dick/clit.
  45. Spoiler:
    Need to pee? You’re allowed to pee in the toilet, but you must give yourself a swirly before flushing away the pee. Keep your mouth open. If you don’t pee, you must still give yourself a swirly. Whether you pee or not, you must drink two full glasses of water after the swirly.
  46. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 25 and complete the task on that space.
  47. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water.
  48. Spoiler:
    Edge four times, holding each edge for 10 seconds.
  49. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 11 and complete the task on that space.
  50. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water.
  51. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 67 and complete the task on that space.
  52. Spoiler:
    Push your large dildo all the way into your ass/pussy and leave it there for the rest of the game or until you are given conflicting instructions.
  53. Spoiler:
    Rub toothpaste or heat cream on your dick/clit and leave it on for the rest of the game. If you already have some on, reapply it.
  54. Spoiler:
    Edge five times, holding each edge for 10 seconds.
  55. Spoiler:
    Snap a rubber band on each nipple 10 times.
  56. Spoiler:
    Put 5 ice cubes in your ass (and 5 in your pussy if applicable) until they have all melted completely.
  57. Spoiler:
    Do 25 situps.
  58. Spoiler:
    Write ‘FUCK ME’ in permanent marker on your stomach with an arrow pointing down towards your genitals. If you have already done this, write it elsewhere on your body without the arrow.
  59. Spoiler:
    Put a clamp on each ball/labia and keep them on for the rest of the game. If you already have clamps on your genitals, still add these two more. Tie a 2 foot long string to each new clamp and tie them to your big toes. If you pull them off at any time, put them back on immediately. If your balls/labia are already tied to your toes, pull the clamps off without loosening them, then reattach them.
  60. Spoiler:
    Give your clit/dick 25 hard spanks.
  61. Spoiler:
    Fuck your ass/pussy at a moderate speed for 5 minutes. If you already have the large dildo in your ass/pussy, use the large dildo, otherwise use the medium dildo. Leave that dildo in your ass/pussy for the rest of the game or until you are given conflicting instructions.
  62. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 19 and complete the task on that space.
  63. Spoiler:
    Write the following line (or something similar, to your taste) 30 times by hand: “I am a worthless slut and I deserve to be punished.” For every mistake, add 5 lines to your total.
  64. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 60 and complete the task on that space.
  65. Spoiler:
    Give your balls/pussy 25 hard spanks.
  66. Spoiler:
    Do 25 squats.
  67. Spoiler:
    Edge six times, holding each edge for 15 seconds.
  68. Spoiler:
    Snap a rubber band on your dick/clit 10 times.
  69. Spoiler:
    Put 5 ice cubes in your ass (and 5 in your pussy if applicable), and hold two ice cubes against your clit/dick until all the ice cubes have melted completely.
  70. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water out of the toilet.
  71. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 91 and complete the task on that space.
  72. Spoiler:
    Put a clamp on each nipple and keep them on for the rest of the game. Tie a 2 foot long string to each clamp and tie the strings to your thumbs. If your nipples are already tied to your thumbs, shorten the string to 1 foot. If the string is already 1 foot, pull the clamps off without loosening them, then reattch them at 90º to what they were.
  73. Spoiler:
    Need to pee? You’re only allowed to pee if you empty your bladder into a glass and drink it. If you don’t do this, give yourself a swirly. Immediately after drinking the pee or giving yourself a swirly, you must drink two full glasses of water out of the toilet.
  74. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 53 and complete the task on that space.
  75. Spoiler:
    Rub toothpaste or heat cream inside your ass (and pussy if applicable) and leave it on for the rest of the game. If you already have some on, reapply it.
  76. Spoiler:
    Pull back a rubber band as far as you can and snap it on each nipple 20 times.
  77. Spoiler:
    Drink a full glass of water out of the toilet.
  78. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 98 and complete the task on that space.
  79. Spoiler:
    Fuck your ass/pussy fast and hard for 5 minutes. Use the medium dildo, unless the large dildo is already in your ass/pussy; in that case, use the large dildo. Leave that dildo in your ass/pussy for the rest of the game or until you are given conflicting instructions.
  80. Spoiler:
    Put a clamp on each ball/labia and keep them on for the rest of the game. If you already have clamps on your genitals, still add these two more. Tie a 2 foot long string to each new clamp and tie them to your big toes. If you pull them off at any time, put them back on immediately. If your balls/labia are already tied to your toes, shorten the string to 1 foot. If the string is already 1 foot, pull the clamps off without loosening them, then reattach them.
  81. Spoiler:
    Give each ass cheek, your clit/dick, and your balls/pussy 25 hard spanks each.
  82. Spoiler:
    Write ‘SLUT’ in permanent marker across your forehead. If you have already done this, write it elsewhere on your body.
  83. Spoiler:
    Do 25 each of pushups, situps, and squats.
  84. Spoiler:
    Put 5 ice cubes in your ass (and 5 in your pussy if applicable), and squat/sit over a bowl of ice so that your genitals are covered in the ice. Stay in that position for 5 minutes, but keep holding the ice inside you until it has finished melting.
  85. Spoiler:
    Edge seven times, holding each edge for 15 seconds.
  86. Spoiler:
    Do 50 each of pushups, situps, and squats.
  87. Spoiler:
    Ladder! Go to 94 and complete the task on that space.
  88. Spoiler:
    Write the following line (or something similar, to your taste) 50 times by hand: “I am a humble and dutiful slave and all I live for is pleasuring my Master.” For every mistake, start all the lines again and add 5 lines to your total.
  89. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 68 and complete the task on that space.
  90. Spoiler:
    Give each ass cheek, your clit/dick, and your balls/pussy 50 hard spanks each. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  91. Spoiler:
    Pull back a rubber band as far as you can and snap it on your dick/clit 20 times. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  92. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 88 and complete the task on that space. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  93. Spoiler:
    Fuck your ass/pussy fast and hard for 15 minutes with the large dildo. Leave the large dildo in your ass/pussy for the rest of the game or until you are given conflicting instructions. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  94. Spoiler:
    Drink a glass of water out of the toilet, then give yourself a swirly. Do this three times, then finish by drinking another glass of water from the toilet. If you need to pee, pee into a glass and drink all of it. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  95. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 75 and complete the task on that space. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  96. Spoiler:
    Put 10 ice cubes in your ass (and 10 in your pussy if applicable), and squat/sit over a bowl of ice so that your genitals are covered in the ice. Stay in that position until all of the ice inside you has melted AND it has been at least 15 minutes. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  97. Spoiler:
    Put a clamp on each nipple and each ball/labia and keep them on for the rest of the game. Tie a 1 foot long string to each of the clamps, and tie the nipple strings to your thumbs and the ball/labia strings to your big toes. If you pull them off at any time, but them back on immediately; if you pull off the nipple clamps, put them back on at 90º to where they were. If you already have 1 foot strings on your nipples and/or balls/labia, pull them all off without loosening them and put them back on 5 times. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  98. Spoiler:
    Edge ten times, holding each edge for 20 seconds. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  99. Spoiler:
    Snake! Go to 80 and complete the task on that space. On your next roll, roll two dice and add them together.
  100. Spoiler:
    Congratulations, you’ve made it! But there’s just one more thing before you’re allowed to cum. This is where your points come in. Below there is a section called ‘ORGASM’. Make sure you know how many points you’ve got, then roll in that section.

Only roll here after completing the game. If the result violates your limits, reroll. Don’t reroll if it’s just part of your dislikes.
  1. Spoiler:
    Divide your number of points by 5 (and round up). That is the number of days you aren’t allowed to cum for.
  2. Spoiler:
    Divide your number of points by 2 (and round up). That is the number of times you must edge before you’re allowed to cum again.
  3. Spoiler:
    Double your number of points. That is the number of seconds you must keep directly and intensely stimulating yourself after your next orgasm.
  4. Spoiler:
    Divide your number of points by 20 (and round up). That is how many people you need permission from to be allowed to cum.
  5. Spoiler:
    The number of points you have is the exact number of times you must to cum over the next six months (you can’t cum more, but you also can’t cum less).
  6. Spoiler:
    You’re not allowed to cum until you redo this game. If you restart right now, you can reset your points to 0, but if you continue at a later time you must start with half your current points.


I hope some people out there enjoy this! I'll probably be trying it with my slaves sometime, and if I do I'll try to report back here with how they go.

Please let me know if there are any problems with it so that I can change them!!
[may not be online often over the next few weeks]

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Last edited by corrupted; 03-22-2017 at 08:09 PM. Reason: altered some tasks to say what to do if you land on them multiple times
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