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Old 10-12-2015, 10:10 AM   #14
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Chapter 10
The flowery perfume was permeating the room, a sweet sickly aroma, infinitely better than the stench of Kens body though.
"Well, put it down" Alex said, not even glancing up.
With shaking hands Ken lowered the tray with a cup of coffee and a plate of pastries, the china cup and the plate rattled in his trembling grip. Then he stood next to the desk, arms by his sides and waited.
Ken had come down from the grim room where he now spent his nights at six am, just as he had every day this week, he needed to clock on by six or he would be in trouble. His morning started by cleaning Alex's and Sophia's offices thoroughly, he knew there were CCTV camera's watching the rooms, he'd installed them after all, but now he had no way of accessing them. The dress code Alex had given him for his morning chores was simple, a pair of very tight leather shorts that left little to the imagination and a pair of high heels that made every task twice as difficult and were a constant source of pain. After three hours of hobbling around on them his feet were in agony and his calves were burning and cramping.
As he stood there shivering, he was directly under the air conditioning vent in the ceiling, something Alex was well aware of, he contemplated what had happened in three short days.

On Tuesday Tina had been very sheepish all day, she was obviously very embarrassed about what had happened that morning, every time Ken asked her about it she got flustered and her cheeks turned bright red, she wouldn't reveal any details though.
It wasn't until the afternoon that he got summoned to Alex's office.
As he entered Alex was sitting behind her desk, Sophia was sitting on a large couch against the wall to one side "Get in here Ken" she barked as he slowly opened the door with trepidation.
He waited in silence, his mouth was dry and his heart pounding, Alex stood up and walked around her desk "Well you smell a bit better, your clothes are still filthy though, get them off"
"wh-what?" Ken was taken by surprised, this isn't the direction he though this was going to go.
"You heard, get them off" Alex snapped, he caught Sophia smirking out the corner of his eye, she was obviously enjoying his discomfort. When Ken still didn't move Alex said "Do I need to remind you of the new terms of your employment? You do everything I ask, without hesitation, understand? Now this is your last chance, get your clothes off or leave the premises, your choice, but remember what will happen if you leave"
Ken stripped, his shaking fingers fumbling with the buttons, in a few seconds he was standing in his white briefs, well they were originally white, they were now grey and stained.
Alex cringed when she saw them "Get those off as well, you really are disgusting Ken, how dare you come into my office in that state you filthy little man"
Ken's cheeks burned with shame as he pulled the dirty briefs down his legs, he left them on the carpet at his feet as he stood up straight again, Alex raised her eyebrows "Really? you're just going to leave them there?"
Ken bent over and picked them up "Sorry Miss" he said under his breath.
Suddenly his cheek was stinging with pain, Alex had brought her hand sharply across his face "Sorry? you'll be sorry, and it's Miss Friend now, understand?"
"Y-Yes.......Miss Friend" Kens mind was swimming now, what the fuck was going on?
A distasteful aroma was wafting up from Kens briefs, they could both detect it, Alex looked down at them, almost gagging at the sight "Get those out of my sight, put them in your mouth you disgusting pig"
Ken was about to question her, but the expression on her face made him think better of it, he pushed the briefs into his mouth, he struggled to get them in, his cheeks were stuffed but still there was some material hanging out, Alex smiled as she watched the ridiculous sight. When Ken stopped pushing she picked up a pen and started poking the rest inside "Come on boy, get it all in there" she said as she prodded the pen into his mouth forced the material further down his throat. Finally the briefs disappeared and Ken stood there with his cheeks bulging out like a chipmunk, his breathing was heavy and laboured now.
Alex turned to Sophia "He doesn't look nearly as scary now does he darling?"
Sophia grinned back "Not scary at all Alex"
Alex turned her attention back to Ken "Turn to Sophia, look at her" she commanded.
Ken turned reluctantly, he could hardly bring himself to raise his head and make eye contact, his cheeks felt like they were on fire as they burned with shame and humiliation.
"Look into the eyes of my lovely girl, the girl you thought it was OK to abuse and threaten, that's a decision you're going to regret for a very long time"
Ken glanced at Alex, his eyes pleading, he wanted to beg for forgiveness but he couldn't utter a word with his mouth full.
"Look at her not me you disgusting runt" Ken's eyes returned to Sophia.
"Now sweetie, time to exorcise a few demons, you shouldn't have to be nervous around this idiot, come here, don't be scared" Alex could tell Sophia was unsure, she didn't want to force her, but it was important for Sophia to put what happened behind her, she needed to do this, to put herself in control so she'd never be intimidated again.
Slowly Sophia stood up and walked over to Ken, standing just in front of him, he didn't seem anywhere near as scary standing there naked and vulnerable, smelling like a whore's mattress.
"Kick him darling, kick him in the balls, show him just what you think of the little prick"
Sophia glanced at Alex, that was a surprise "Really?"
"Yes really"
Kens eyes were wide and manic, he was looking panicky now, his gaze flicked from one to the other, looking for any sign that this might be a bluff to scare him, it was obvious from Sophia's expression that it wasn't.
"Come on darling, just kick him, what can he do? He belongs to me now, there won't be any repercussions" Alex had her arm around her waist comfortingly.
Sophia looked into Alex's eyes, she was so in control, as always, with Alex to look after her she felt more safe than she ever had. Suddenly anger started to rise inside her and her attention snapped back to Ken, before she could think, her knee came up hard and made contact with Ken's tender balls.
He let out a muffled bellow and collapsed to his knees, clutching his crotch, his eyes were wild as his chest heaved as he sucked air through his nose as best he could.
Alex let out a squeal of delight "Oh well done darling, I bet that felt good"
"It did Alex" Sophia said, surprised at how satisfying that was.
"Get up Ken, and get your hands behind your back. That one must have caught you by surprise, you don't move again without permission though, understand?"
Kens heart skipped, again? That wasn't the end of it? He struggled to his feet and stood in front of Sophia, nodding he clasping his hands behind his back.
"Get your feet apart" Alex commanded, Ken shuffled his feet until they were about thirty inches apart.
"That was a nice warm up, now step back a bit sweetie, and use your foot this time" Alex said softly, not wanting to force her, hoping Sophia would take the initiative.
"OK" she said with a grin, taking a step backwards she looked at Ken's downturned face "Look at me" she said.
Ken's head came up and his watering eyes met hers, she held his gaze for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact her foot shot up, making contact with the soft pendulous sack between his legs. The effect was dramatic, the scream that emanated from behind the gag was anguished, Ken bent double and his knees buckled, but he managed to stay on his feet.
"Back in position" Alex ordered, giving him only a few seconds to recover, Ken forced his body up again, he'd managed to keep his hands behind his back.
His sobbing eyes came up to meet Sophia's again, hoping to see some pity, but there was none.
Sophia felt a feeling of power surging through her, it was intoxicating, seeing the guy that had terrified her a few days ago standing there sobbing and moaning in pain, helpless, powerless, was one of the most satisfying things she'd ever experienced. She didn't waste any time, her foot came up again, this time she concentrated on bringing it up as hard as she could, she was focussed on Ken's face, relishing the look of agony as fresh pain shot through his unprotected body.
This time Ken couldn't keep on his feet, he crumpled to the floor and rolled into a ball, clutching his poor tortured balls.
"Get UP!!" Alex screamed "You've got five seconds"
Ken pushed himself to his knees, his chest was burning with the effort of sucking air though his restricted airway.
His legs were like jelly as he got to his feet, as he straightened the urge to keep his crotch covered with his hands was overwhelming.
Sophia was looking at him impassively, a thin smile on her lips, the nervous girl that he'd intimidated was nowhere to be seen.
With every ounce of willpower he could muster he pulled his hands away from his balls and clasped them behind his back, he spread his shaking legs again, his feet were spread but he couldn't help turning his knees inwards to bring his thighs closer together.
"Feel better now daring? That must have felt good" Alex said softly as she leant in and kissed Sophia on the cheek, she was so proud of her.
"It was Alex, so satisfying" She replied, then turned to Ken, her expression was so cold Ken knew what was coming, this time she caught his balls with the sharp toe of her red pump.
Ken crumpled again, he pulled the briefs from his mouth and gasped desperately to fill his burning lungs, the pain between his legs was the worst he'd ever experienced, he didn't know anything could hurt that much.
"Pleeeese, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me any more" Ken was broken, he'd do anything to avoid any more pain, Sophia loomed over him, he was terrified of her now, he knew she could send fresh waves of agony though his body if the whim took her.
Sophia and Alex both looked down at him, there expressions a mixture of satisfaction and revulsion, Kens eyes were darting back and forth, looking for a hint of forgiveness.
He crawled over to Sophia on his belly and started kissing her shoe desperately "Please Miss, please, I'm so sorry" Kiss, Kiss "what I did was unforgivable, I'll do anything to make things right" Kiss, lick, Kiss.
Sophia let him carry on for a while, relishing the power she had over the snivelling worm, finally she tired of his pathetic begging and sobbing "Get up Ken, I don't know if I'll ever forgive you, but you're going to spend a long time trying to make things right"
Alex slid her arms around Sophia and kissed her passionately on the mouth "You were amazing, I'm so proud of you darling, I love you so much"
"Thank you Alex, thank you so much for setting this up, I feel like a different person" She looked down at Ken, he was still clutching his balls and rocking back and forth on the floor "I can't believe I was so scared of that prick, I mean, look at him"
"I know sweetie, there was nothing to be scared of, nothing at all. Ken get up and get back to your room" Alex's tone couldn't be more different, her soft soothing tone when she whispered to Sophia changing instantly to a harsh bark as she addressed Ken.
Ken got up, it was after hours now and still naked he dashed out the office and ran through the deserted warehouse, still clutching his swollen balls. He made his way up the stairs and collapsed on to his small camping bed.

His balls still ached, it had been three days and the swelling was just starting to go down, every movement reignited the pain and reminded him of Sophia's revenge. Every time he met her his stomach lurched in fear, he was terrified of upsetting her again, as much as he was scared of upsetting Alex.
It had been fifteen minutes since he'd put the tray down for Alex, she'd enjoyed a leisurely breakfast as she browsed the internet as Ken stood there, shivering miserably. Time was getting on and people would be turning up for work soon, he needed to get back to his room to change, he'd managed to avoid being caught by anyone in his shorts and heels, so far.
Alex grinned as she saw the time, she hadn't needed him any more this morning, she just enjoyed making him wait. Finally, when she heard some people outside the offices she said "OK Ken, you're dismissed, remember I want you back here at lunch time"
"Yes Miss Friend" For fuck sake, Ken wanted to scream, why hadn't she just let him go quarter of an hour ago? His lunch breaks were now spent attending to Alex's and Sophia's needs. With his heart pounding he made his way to the door, opening it nervously he glanced around before mincing out and stumbling towards the stairs as quickly as the heels would allow, just as he reached the bottom of the stairs he heard a loud wolf whistle behind him, fuck........
Male/46/UK/Switch, kik: subby999uk

Likes: Tease and Denial, Edging, Chastity, Masturbation instructions, Writing fiction


Looking for a female sub to tease who enjoys masturbation instructions, orgasm control and being denied long and short term
Also looking for naughty girls who need some traditional discipline (spanking, corner time, line writing, etc)
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