Thread: The Gameshow
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Old 10-12-2009, 01:56 PM   #25
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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(part 12)

The show’s producer came out from behind the curtain. “okay folks, time for lunch. There’s a buffet set up out in the lobby. I would suggest you eat light though, you don’t want to be too full and groggy when you’re up on stage.” She gave us a little wink. “We’re giving you 45 minutes for lunch, we need a little more time to get ready for the next session.” She disappeared back behind the curtain.

Michelle and I got up to go out to the lobby. Michelle said to me “You go on ahead…I’m going to talk to that girl again, make sure she’s doing okay. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Si I went on out to the lobby, and looked at the spread of food. There was quite a bit, but it was mostly “girl food” salads, stuff like that. Oh well. And given what we may still have to do today, there’s truth to the saying that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

I walked up to a couple of guys who were picking over the food. We swapped “Hey”s, and started filling our plates. I asked them if they had any idea that this show was going to be like this.

“No way” said the first guy, who introduced himself as Mark.

“Me neither” said the other guy, Tom. “It’s crazy. But an exciting kind of crazy. I’m kinda hoping I get a chance to get up there on stage.”

“Same here” said Mark. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to go up there, but if I can get a chance to do something like Juan did there, that would be awesome.”

“Yeah, maybe” I said. “ I can’t help but wonder what they’re going to do next. Might make what we’ve seen so far seem tame.”

“Let’s hope so” said Tom, a grin on his face.

I saw Michelle walking towards me with a plate of food.. “I’ll talk to you guys later. I hope you get what you want.” They both said thanks. “Oh, and Tom, nice boots.”

We found a couple of seats and sat down to eat. “I feel sorry for that girl, Jennifer. She’s absolutely scared to death about getting up on stage.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine. We’re down to about 80 people, and there should only be about 20 more contestants, so we only have a 1 in 4 chance now of getting on stage.”

“Hmm, I guess so” she said. “Still, I have to admit, I’m getting more nervous about getting up there too.”

“Just remember, this whole thing was your idea” I reminded her.

“I know… you’re never gonna let me forget that are you?” I just grinned.

The lights dimmed briefly. “Oh shit, already?” Michelle said. People started heading back to the studio. “Oh well, let’s go.” We headed back in and sat down.

The producer was back out. “Okay folks. Time to get back to it. Enjoy!” And she was gone.

The curtain was going up for episode 3.…
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