Thread: The Gameshow
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Old 10-11-2009, 10:34 AM   #20
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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(part 9)

Barbie announced the next contestants. “Let’s bring up Abby, Zoe, Ralph, and Jerry.” Abby was a rather plain looking girl, with long straight dark hair. She was wearing a striped long sleeved shirt and jeans. Zoe was a stunning African American girl, wearing a red t shirt and jeans that showed of her figure quite nicely. Ralph was a little on the short side, brown hair, but had on a short sleeved blue dress shirt, and dark slacks. Jerry was about 6’ , dark blonde hair. He was wearing the typical uniform of most of the guys here, a t shirt (blue in his case) and jeans.

“In this game we’re going to get a little messy” Dick was saying. Four booths had been rolled out on stage, each had arm restraints on the side, and what looked like some sort of tank above them. Dick went on “Each of our participants are going to strip down, and assigned to a booth. In the tanks above them, 3 are filled with a nice gooey substance…1 has ketchup, 1 has honey, and 1 some sort of green gunge. But no one, not even me, knows which is which. So only one of you gets away clean.” The 4 contestants took their positions for stripping. “To determine who gets to pick their booth first, we’re going to have a little race. Whoever strips completely first gets the first choice. So go ahead and start stripping.”

Zoe got started right away, and so was easily the first one done. Jerry was second, Ralph took a little time getting his buttons undone, and finished 3rd, while Abby was slow to start and seemed to get tangled up in her sleeves as she pulled off her shirt. Part of me wondered, if no one knew which booth was which, why it mattered how they picked the order, but I wasn’t running this thing, so there you go.

Zoe took the second booth, Jerry the first, Ralph the third, so Abby had to take the 4th. Each of them was strapped into the arm restraints, then the tubes that were coming off the tanks were angled, one over the head, and one angled so the goop would hit the person in the chest. Protective eye goggles were then put on.

Dick continued “Okay, let’s get messy.” For a moment, nothing seemed to be happening. Then we spotted the honey flowing out of the tank over Zoe, slowly covering her head and chest in a golden gooey mess. So much for picking first! Then the ketchup poured out over Abby, which made her shriek a little. Ralph then got the green gunge treatment. Since the contestants couldn’t see into the other booths, Jerry had no idea that he was in the “safe” booth, and kept looking up in anticipation of something happening. The different goops were kept flowing for about a minute, so Zoe, Abby and Ralph were thoroughly covered.

“Okay, let’s release them and get them cleaned up.” Jerry finally realized that he was safe, and looked relieved. The 4 were led off stage. “While we clean up the floor, who are the next contestants?”
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