Thread: The Gameshow
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Old 10-10-2009, 12:30 PM   #17
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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(part 8)

“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show! and now here’s your hosts, Dick and Barbie!”

“Thank you for joining us once again for another fun-filled game of Take Off.” Dick said. “We have another set of exciting games featuring our brave studio audience.” Not quite so brave sounding chuckles could be heard in the crowd. “Let’s not waste any time. Barbie, who are our first contestants?”

“Well, Dick” Barbie said, “Let’s welcome Lisa and Pete.” Lisa and Pete made their way to the stage. Lisa was wearing a white sweater and a short red skirt. With her long blonde hair, she looked like a song girl from USC. Pete was tall, brown hair, and looked like he worked out some, had on a muscle shirt and sweat pants.

Barbie explained the first game. “This will be a basic dice game. One player will roll the dice, then the next player will say if the next roll will be higher or lower. If the player is wrong, he or she must strip off something. As usual, each player counts 4 pieces of clothing. So shoes and socks will count as one, and underwear counts as one.” Sounds like the producer streamlined the definitions of clothing since the first episode. That should speed things up a bit. “Whoever has to strip, and has nothing left, loses, and must do our forfeit. We’ll talk about the forfeit after we have a loser . Lisa, you get the first roll.”

The ‘dice’ was actually a video display, much like those dice bots from the internet. It showed 2 six-sided dice. Lisa pressed a button, and the dice came up 8. Pete thought for a moment, and said “Lower”, pressed the button, and got a 10. So much for the percentages! Pete didn’t hesitate, and pulled off his shirt, much to the excitement of the girls.

“Lower”, said Lisa, and got a 9, so she was safe. It seemed to me that this could take a while!

“Lower” said Pete, and got another 9. He looked questioningly at Barbie.

“Technically, that’s not lower, so you have to strip, Pete.” He shrugged, and took off his shoes and socks.

“Lower” Lisa said, and got a 7. She was safe, and Pete had a tough call to make. The odds were against him either way.

“Higher”, he said, and rolled an 11. Lucky.

“Lower” Lisa called, and is was, a 4

“Higher” for Pete, and he got…another 4! Poor Pete…the dice just didn’t like him. Off came his sweat pants, revealing plain white briefs.

“Higher” Lisa said happily. She had yet to lose. And this was no exception, a 9.

“Lower” Pete called, and rolled a 7. It was now Lisa’s turn for the tough call.

Biting her lip, she called “Lower…I hope!” Lady luck stayed true, she got a 4.

“Higher”, Pete said, with maybe a bit of frustration in his voice. He got a 5.

“Higher” said Lisa. Another 7. Poor Pete.

“Hmm…higher”, Pete called, and was awarded with an 8.

“Lower..?” said Lisa. Lower it was, a 6.

“Higher” for Pete, another 8. This really was taking a while.

“Lower again”, said Lisa. Lucky no more, she got another 8. With a pout, she slipped off her shoes.

“Lower” called Pete, and go a 5.

“Higher, for Lisa, a 9.

“Lower”, and Pete gets a 4.

“Higher”, another 9 for Lisa.

“Lower” and once again the dice were unkind. Pete had rolled a 10. Finally, it was over! Pete slipped off his briefs.

“And now for the forfeit” said Barbie, bringing out a bowl of something. “We have here some blue body paint. Lisa, you get 30 seconds to paint wherever and whatever you like. Just stay below the shoulders, we don’t want anything to show when he’s dressed again!”

“Anywhere?” Lisa asked. Barbie told her yes. With a mischievous grin, Lisa took the brush, and covered Pete’s balls in paint! “There…blue balls!” This got a huge laugh from everyone, even Pete!

Lisa and Pete made their way off stage. “And now for game 2” said Dick.
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