Thread: The Gameshow
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Old 10-09-2009, 06:56 PM   #4
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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(Part 3)

The First Show

“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show!” and now here’s your hosts, Dick and Barbie!”

“Dick and Barbie?”, I said to Michelle. “Who are they kidding?” She laughed.

“Welcome to the premiere episode of Take Off,” Dick was saying. “ On our show, we take your average Joe and Jill off the street, make someone strip, and then make them do what they wouldn’t do in the privacy of there own home!” I looked over at the blonde from earlier…it looked like she was trying to hide in her seat!

“Let’s get things started right away. Barbie, who are the first 2 contestants?”

“Well, Dick. Let’s welcome on stage Robert and JoAnne !” (I’m leaving out last names). With that, the house lights dimmed, except for 2 spotlights, shining on who I can only assume were the aforementioned Robert and JoAnne. They were guided to 2 circles on stage, right in the center. Robert had on a polo shirt, and Dockers, stood maybe about 6’, with really short blonde hair. JoAnne was a brunette, about 5’4, wearing a peasnt blouse, a long skirt, and boots. I certainly knew how I wanted this one to end!

Dick said “Our first game is a simple one. Both of you will draw a card from a deck, and whoever has the lowest card, strips 1 piece of clothing. Whoever has to strip, and has nothing left, loses, and must do our forfeit. Barbie, what is the forfeit for this game?”

“Well Dick, our loser will be strapped to that contraption over there (the spotlight shines on a metal lattice, with a pair of hand cuffs at the top, and foot cuffs at the bottom) spread-eagled. They will remain there until the end of the show!” (this draws a few startled gasps from the crowd).

Dick continued “Now each of you can only claim 4 pieces of clothing for this. Robert, what will it be for you?”

Robert was apparently very flustered. “Um…uh.. I guess shirt, pants, shoes and underwear.” I just now realized that Robert had no socks.

“And JoAnne?”

“Um…my boots, blouse, skirt and panties…”

“No bra?”

“Uhh…no…” she said with a shy smile. The guys in the crowd roared.

“Okay, let’s get started. Let’s bring out the deck.” They brought out one of those oversized card decks you see on every game show. “JoAnne, you get the first draw. Hold it up so everyone can see.”

She draws the top card…a 4 of clubs! The guys all shout even louder. Robert draws a 6 of spades. Looking embarrassed already, JoAnne slips off her boots.

“Okay…next draw. JoAnne?” She reaches over, draws a 5 of diamonds! She doesn’t look happy! Robert draws, and gets a King of diamonds. With a sigh, JoAnne slowly drops her skirt, revealing some really sexy black lace panties. This just gets the guys screaming louder.

“Looks like JoAnne has some catching up to do.” She hesitantly draws again, this time a 6 of clubs.

“I swear that deck is stacked against me.” she cries! But then Robert draws a 2 of clubs! “About time!” she says.

Robert just shrugs, and slips off his shoes. JoAnne draws again, and gets a King of Spades. With a little more worry, Robert draws and gets a 7 of hearts. Off comes his shirt.

JoAnne draws again, and gets an 8 of hearts. Robert draws a 3 of diamonds. “That’s 3 in a row for JoAnne. One more, and we see it all,” said Barbie. Looking very nervous now, Robert slides off his pants, revealing striped boxer shorts, and pitching a tent like there’s no tomorrow! This finally gets a cheer from the ladies in the crowd.

With more enthusiasm, JoAnne draws another card, but it’s a 3 of hearts. Robert draws and gets… a 2 of spades! He looks to be in shock. “Come on boy, let’s see it,” Barbie said, with a grin on her face. Looking like he wanted to be anywhere else, he slipped off the boxers, his hard on for all to see.

JoAnne couldn’t be held back now. She grabbed the next card…a Queen of hearts. Robert buries his face in his hands, and slowly takes the next card, a 9 of clubs. Besides the sound of every woman cheering, you could hear the collective groans of every guy there. Robert gets escorted over to the display. “JoAnne, would you like the honors?” Barbie asked. JoAnne grabbed his right arm, and quickly locked it in. Soon, she was done, and there was Robert, naked, spread-eagled, spotlighted for all to see.

“You’re a good sport about this Robert” Dick said, and everyone applauded. JoAnne was escorted offstage.
“So who’s playing our next game, Barbie?”
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