Thread: The Gameshow
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Old 10-09-2009, 04:53 PM   #2
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Part 2

We were told to get to the studio by 9 AM, for orientation, with filming starting at 9:30. I was wearing a simple t shirt and blue jeans, while Michelle was looking hot in a black tank top and skirt. By 9:15 or so, everyone was seated, looking around nervously. The show’s producer came out from behind the curtain, introduced herself I was so nervous by now that I wasn’t paying attention to her name!). She reminded us of what we agreed to in the contract, and gave us a rundown on how the show worked.

“There are 4 segments to each episode. The first is a simple stripping game, 1 man and 1 woman, with a simple forfeit. The 2nd game will be similar, but may have more contestants, and more extreme forfeits. The 3rd segment is usually the “Main Event” (she used finger quotes here), usually multiple participants, and sexual forfeits. Depending on time, the last segment will consist of more extreme dares, with a chance of higher prize money. For each segment, names will be called from you, our audience ( a few nervous laughs could be heard in the crowd…including mine!) The spotlight will shine on where you are sitting so you can‘t try to duck out. If you need to use a restroom during a show, try to time it for the start of a segment, so you don’t miss when your name is called. If you are called, come up the stairs at either end of the stage, and stand in the circle that the host indicates. After your segment is done, you will be escorted to a waiting room backstage. You will be able to watch the remainder of the filming from there. Your clothes will be returned after the day’s filming is complete.

“The point of the show is for everyone to have fun. So HAVE FUN! (this brought a rousing cheer from the crowd.) Any questions?”

A nerdy, but cute blonde on the other side of the studio raised her hand rather shyly. “The contract said no sex, right?”

“Mostly right”, the producer said. “There is no intercourse. So no vaginal penetration, no anal penetration…well, at least, not by a penis (this got a few more chuckles). Oral sex, manual stimulation and masturbation are considered fair game though.”

“Oh…”, the girl said, biting her lip and turning a bright shade of red. This got more laughter. I looked over to where she was sitting. There didn’t seem to be anyone else with her (some people came as couples, others singly).

“There’s a brave girl. I hope she knows what she’s getting into”, I whispered to Michelle, who nodded.

“Any other questions? Good, now lean back, enjoy the show, and to our future contestants, Good Luck!” With that, she ducked back behind the curtain, and the crowd started to applaud.
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