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Old 08-21-2015, 05:25 AM   #105
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Chapter 30

"I don't know what you're up to dear, but do you really think that's appropriate?" Kates cheeks burned as the middle aged woman addressed her as she walked past, she was with a couple of other women and the three of them had been staring at her disapprovingly and muttering as she'd approached. It felt like it'd taken forever to reach them as she hobbled along on her red heels, she just wanted to run through the crowd and get this over with, but the heels made that impossible.
"I'm...I'm sorry....sorry" she replied, flustered and with no answer, she couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with the woman.
As she walked past the gates of the middle school she caught sight of herself reflected in the windows of the cars that lined the road. The shiny metal belt was catching the sun, the reflection dazzling her as she saw the sun reflecting off it. She could see the straining seem on the side of the skirt was starting to come apart, fuck, what will she do if that gives up and the skirt falls apart?
People wont know what it is, it will just confuse them, it's just a piece of unusual jewellery, she tried to convince herself, but it didn't work. Yeah, a piece of jewellery with a fucking padlock keeping it on, fuck! She was right about people being confused though, the calls and whistles had been largely absent this morning as people stood open mouthed, taking in the strange sight and trying to work out what they were seeing.
As Kate walked in the gates Candice was standing there with Jade and Scott, they'd already parked and rushed round to the entrance in time to watch her arrive, they'd all had time to enjoy watching her struggling up the road, the crowd had almost parted in front of her, forming an aisle for Kate to proceed down as she did her walk of shame.
They were all grinning as they watched her red sweating face approach, when she'd nearly reached the gate they started to applaud as they all burst into fits of laughter.
"Oh Kate, your face, you look a picture" Jade teased as she held up her phone for Kate to see what she looked like, she was never one to miss a photo opportunity.
Kate cringed when she saw the picture, the chastity belt was clearly visible under the tiny skirt, it was so shiny it caught the light and drew the eye to it. Her bare midriff was being pinched by the tight metal band causing her to bulge out above and below it, what she'd to for a jacket to put on right now, there's no way that was going to happen though.
"Fuck Jade, that's amazing, I can't believe you got the cunt out of the car like that!" Candice exclaimed as she got her first look at the belt in position.
"Oh she knows better than to argue with me.......don't you Kate?" Jade replied, brushing her hand across Kates cheek and pushing her hair back out of her face in mock affection, or was it real affection?
"Yes Madam Jade" She replied, aware of the students milling around watching what was going on. She shuddered slightly under Jades tender touch, she's pleased with me, she thought, and felt warm inside, wanting to feel her touch again.
"She's a good girl, so obedient" Scott added, Kate wanted to purr, the humiliation of a few moments ago was already fading.
"Thank you Sir" please touch me Sir, she said to herself silently. As if he'd read her mind he reached out and ran his hand up and down her trembling arm.
"Now get to your class, skank" Jade snapped as she watched Kate almost fall into his arms.
Kate hurried up the stairs to her classroom as best she could, she was late and the corridors were nearly empty. As she walked into the room it looked like she was the last one to arrive, the chatter was cut short and silence descended on the room as every eye turned to watch her hobble over to her desk. There had been a certain acceptance of her new look recently, people didn't seem to look twice now as she paraded around the school in her tiny skirts, shiny pants and ridiculous heels, a normality of sorts had returned.
Now a buzz of excitement filled the room again, just like that first morning three weeks ago, some of the students knew what she was wearing immediately, it wasn't like you couldn't find pictures of women in chastity belts all over the internet. Everyone had there phones in there hands, either taking pictures or typing, anyone who didn't know what it was soon fucking would, she thought to herself.
No sooner had she flopped into her chair than a hand went up at the back of the room "Miss, can you help me with this please" Kate sighed, it was going to be a long day.

Beep, Kate picked up her phone "Get your ass to the canteen" She'd hoped for a quiet lunch break sitting in the empty classroom, it didn't look like Jade was going to let her get away with that.
"Yes Madam Jade" she replied, she knew better than to not answer immediately, she'd suffered for keeping Jade waiting before.
Getting to her feet she took a few deep breaths to calm herself and made her way out into the busy corridor, she got the inevitable comments and laughter as well as leering stares from a lot of the guys, she realised her pussy was soaking, the humiliation was just fuelling her horniness. Was she fucked up? she thought to herself, was there something wrong with her? She didn't give it any more thought though, she was starting to get used to being seen in the belt, soon the whole school would know she was in chastity anyway, the students weren't stupid, there was no way she could bluff it out, did she even care? She was a slave now, she couldn't pretend this wasn't what she wanted any more, pleasing her Master and Mistress was what was important, humiliating her amused them and being a plaything for their amusement made her horny, she couldn't deny it.
Bracing herself she opened the canteen door and was hit by a wall of noise from two hundred chatting rowdy students, she strode in as confidently as she could manage, the chatter slowly died to be replaced by the low buzz of whispered conversations interspersed with laughter. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for Jade and Scott, why had they summoned her down here? It didn't take long for her to spot them with Candice, they were all turned to face her, Jade was typing on her phone.
Beep "Get yourself a tray, get 2 bottles of water, a sandwich and a tray of grapes" Kate did what she was told and queued up to reach the till.
Beep "Drop the tray on the floor" Kate looked over to the three of them, they were giggling as they watched her reaction, she looked for any sign that it might just be a joke.
Beep "Do it, NOW"
Kate forced her hands to release the tray and it hit the floor with a loud crack, the room fell silent instantly and every head turned to see what had happened.
Kates face burned as she became the centre of attention again, like she fucking wasn't already, she thought. Beep "Now pick up that mess skank, you'll pick up every grape, I'll be checking later, I'd better not find any"
Beep "And keep your legs straight, bend at the waist, and keep your back to us"
Fuck! Kate was shaking now, a space had appeared around her as everyone had jumped back at the sudden noise, the grapes were everywhere, the plastic tray they came in had tipped over and they'd rolled off in all directions.
She had no choice, the whole room was watching, but more importantly Jade was, so she bent over, placing the tray on the floor she started to pick up the wet slippery grapes, her hands were shaking so much she fumbled with them and dropped some again, fuck it! she screamed inside. The murmurs in the room returned, louder and more excited this time, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her, so aware was she that the fucking skirt had ridden up well over her ass and that damn contraption was visible to everyone, she felt their eyes boring into her, it felt like they were looking straight into her asshole that was exposed and framed by the two metal bars that were shaped to curve around it and between her legs. It seemed to take a lifetime, how could their be so many grapes in one little tray? She had to move along the counter, people stepped out of the way as she searched for each grape that had rolled off, always careful not to bend her knees and keep her back to the room of leering students, she knew Jade would be watching for any deviation from her instructions. When she was sure she'd got them all she stood up and got back in the queue to pay, head down, hurry up, fucking move, she screamed inside at the people in front or her, so embarrassed was she that she was almost delirious with the urge to run, but she didn't, she wouldn't, not now, she had to obey.
When she'd finally paid her shaking legs took her to a seat on a table in the quietest spot she could find, there was just a couple of people sitting at the other end of the bench.
Beep, Noooooo! what does she want now? "You look hot Kate, open a bottle and tip the water over your tits for me" it was Scott this time, Kate felt a tingling throb in her clit as she realised it was him.
Fumbling her phone, so eager was she to reply "Yes Sir" she opened the bottle and looked over to where they were sitting, she needed to make sure he was watching, she needed him to be pleased, she made eye contact and as they all grinned at her she tipped the bottle up, squeezing it she forced half a litre of water to cascade onto her chest and neck, she gasped as the cold water hit her and started to run down her body, soaking the tight little top that was keeping her tits pushed up sexily. The top immediately turned transparent and the cold water made her nipples harden and poke forward until they were being gripped by the thin wet material that seemed to be enhancing the view rather than concealing them. This brought fresh laughter from people sitting around her as they saw the mess she'd made of herself, she didn't care though, she knew Scott was watching her, that's all that mattered.
Kate ate her sandwich as the room started to settle down a bit, painfully aware that she looked practically topless now with her top drenched and clinging tightly to her body.
When she'd finished eating she sat there, not daring to move until given permission to leave, she kept her head down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.
Beep "Get to the upstairs restroom cunt, I nearly pissed myself laughing just now, lucky for you I didn't" it was from Candice, she hadn't been used by her yet today, it didn't look like she was going to be let off that little pleasure.

Ten minutes had passed, where the fuck was she? lunch would be over soon. On her way to the restroom she'd received another message "Wait for me with your head in the bowl and the seat resting on your neck, don't lock the door"
So there she was, her face hovering above the none to savoury water in the toilet, she'd flipped the seat down on top of her and could feel it resting on her back. Her heart was pounding, twice she'd heard the door open and the chatter of girls. There were six stalls in this toilet, she'd picked the one furthest from the door, but even so the chances of someone walking in on her were pretty high, luckily it hadn't happened yet, she daren't move though, she knew it could well be Candice who walks in and if she caught her not in position she'd be fucked.
The door opened again, no chatting this time and just one set of footsteps, her heart raced even faster, this was probably her. She heard the doors being opened one by one, she knew it was Candice looking for her, finally the door behind her flew open and she heard a snort of derision from Candice, then the click from her phone as the inevitable picture was taken.
"You really are a dirty cunt aren't you?" she said, giving Kates bare ass a quick kick.
"Yes Goddess" Candice heard her echoing reply from the bottom of the toilet and smiled.
"Turn over" another kick up the ass.
Kate manoeuvred herself around so the back of her neck was resting on the porcelain rim and the plastic seat was resting around her neck, her face was framed by it. Candice couldn't help laughing at the sight "Smile cunt, this one is priceless" she said, holding her phone up she took a couple of pictures and a short film as Kate contorted her face into a travesty of a smile.
"Open wide bitch, drinky time" she straddled Kate, bending her knees slightly so she could get her pussy within a few inches of Kates face. Kate opened her mouth as far as she could, her jaw started to ache almost straight away, she knew she had to do her best to catch all the pee.
Candice started to release, not being too careful with her aim, Kate moved her face around desperately, trying to get her mouth in the firing line and drink down as much pee as she could. She wasn't too successful though, with the stream often leaving her mouth and ending up spraying into her eyes and nose. She spluttered and gulped as Candice gyrated a bit, making sure the stream was never in one place for very long, giggling at the sight of Kate struggling to catch it. Kate cringed as she stared up at the phone in Candices hand as she filmed every second of the comical sight.
When the stream finally slowed and stopped Kate leant up and carefully licked the drips from Candices pussy, just as she'd been trained to do recently, the feeling of the pee trickling through her hair was horrible, she wanted a shower more than anything right now.
"Fucking useless cunt, you'll have to learn to catch better than that" Candice chided "Anyway, time for class, clean yourself up and get going you filthy whore" with that she walked out, Kate heard the door slam behind her.
She picked herself up off the floor and went to the mirror, she sighed as she looked at her wet, piss covered face and hair and took a handful of paper towels from the dispenser, just another day at the office, she thought to herself.
Male/46/UK/Switch, kik: subby999uk

Likes: Tease and Denial, Edging, Chastity, Masturbation instructions, Writing fiction


Looking for a female sub to tease who enjoys masturbation instructions, orgasm control and being denied long and short term
Also looking for naughty girls who need some traditional discipline (spanking, corner time, line writing, etc)
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