getDare Truth or Dare

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An_Jon 09-12-2016 04:11 PM

23/M - Jon's AMA
Hi all,

This thread is quite new to me, so please - ask away. Only things I won't give out are personal information, family information, banking stuff etc - y'know, the usual malarkey. Other than that, ask away and I'll answer honestly!

And since I don't believe in doing anything for free - for every question that gets posted I'll:

a - post a question on your AMA/or on another AMA of your choosing
b - send you a PM with a honest profile rank.

Sound fair? Looking forward to answering some fun/tough/kinky questions!

An_Jon 09-16-2016 04:42 AM

*unloved sad trombone*

submissive-ana 09-16-2016 04:57 AM

and thing do to in your spare time ?

;) x

cieirn 09-16-2016 09:01 PM

When you get a notification that you've received a private message, what do you hope it says?

An_Jon 09-17-2016 03:01 PM


and thing do to in your spare time ?
Favourite colour: ORANGE

Favourite animal: Tiger

Favourite food: Lasagne. Nom.


When you get a notification that you've received a private message, what do you hope it says?
That Cieirn has messaged me <3

Other than that - I hope for a number of things. If I'm playing with people, I'm hoping for something sexy like a report, task, or otherwise flirtatious message. If I'm chatting within someone, then something engaging I can write a few lines back to.

If it's someone knew, I hope for someone saying nice things, or that I have a chance to connect to. I love getting messages from new people, and will happily chat to people about just about anything.

I also hope for messages about the Decathlon, because it needs interaction to survive.

Above all else, I hope for well thought out messages that are fun.

"Hello sir can I be your slave sir" or "on your knees boy" will very likely see you never get a good reply from me.

Great questions, thanks!

mrpropel 09-17-2016 08:54 PM

How tall are you?

Do you have any unusual fears or phobias?

Are you ticklish?

Do you like vanilla or chocolate?

What was your first job?

Whats your current Mobile phone model and do you like it?

Thanks for answering :)

An_Jon 09-18-2016 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by mrpropel (Post 2424128)
How tall are you?

Do you have any unusual fears or phobias?

Are you ticklish?

Do you like vanilla or chocolate?

What was your first job?

Whats your current Mobile phone model and do you like it?

Thanks for answering :)

Height: I'm around 6"1-6"2. In my uni graduation photo I was on the small side of the tall-person row.

Unusual fears: Kinda. Any loud noise I hear I immediately assume that a nuke has gone off, before I work out what the noise actually is.

Ticklish: Oh yeas, very much so. I have to say tickling is a hard limit whenever I meet anyone because it makes me panic and lash out. If I was tied up and tickled that would be just the worst thing. In fact, make that an unusual fear or phobia as well. Basically, if someone who tied me up did tickle me, as soon as I could I'd leave and never speak to them again.

Do I like vanilla or chocolate: Yes. Trying to give up chocolate (along with sugary drinks) however, so I'll lean towards vanilla.

My first job: My first, first job was as a paperboy. My first actual job was working in a factory. My first career move was to become a writer.

Mobile phone: I use a Motarolla, and yeah it's pretty good. Does the job I need it to do anyway.

No worries, thanks for asking!

I realise I have some profile rates and AMAs to ask on. I'll do that later tonight when I have more time. Thanks for the questions so far, and keep em coming :)

cieirn 09-18-2016 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by An_Jon (Post 2423737)
That Cieirn has messaged me <3

Awwwww! <3


You wake up to a fire and quickly realize you need to evacuate. What do you grab on your way out?

An_Jon 09-18-2016 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by cieirn (Post 2424764)
You wake up to a fire and quickly realize you need to evacuate. What do you grab on your way out?

I usually sleep naked, but I have a pair of shorts next to my bed in case I need to get out of bed at short notice. Also, in my hallway, there's a window with no curtains, so I cannae be walking in front of that naked either.

Other than that, I'm just running like fuck to get out. Maybe my phone, wallet and car keys but that's it. Again, all next to my bed.

I'm doing AMA fulfilment and profile rating now, btw. If you have a specific AMA you'd like me to contribute to, leave a link when/if you ask a question :)

thiskittykat 09-18-2016 06:34 PM

Your bisexual yes? when did you first know you are bisexual? Does your family or friends know? have you had any experience with both genders? did you like it? what did you do? and with whom?

In your blog you wrote a poem " cuddles " yes? Do you enjoy writing? when did you find out you were interested in writing? who's your favorite poet? what's your favorite poem?

You said and i quote " I like to think about things, probably too much; a prime example of this being that I think I am funnier than I actually am. " a scale 1-10 10 being very funny where are you at?

if you would crash into a girl or guy that you instantly fall for would you use a pun? if so which pun? have a pun ever worked for you? how many times have you used a pun on someone? does your mates find your puns annoying?

Last, did i ask enough questions? should i do my own AMA? did putting this message in a quote bother you? what is the exact time you are reading this sentence? whats the top 3 websites you explore? How do you sleep? are you currently single? if so do you like anyone right now? whats your favorite song? hmm i have a headache now... thanks ._.

underwarelad 09-18-2016 06:38 PM


If you was to watch porn what category would it be and why

An_Jon 09-19-2016 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by thiskittykat (Post 2426212)
Your bisexual yes? when did you first know you are bisexual? Does your family or friends know? have you had any experience with both genders? did you like it? what did you do? and with whom?

In your blog you wrote a poem " cuddles " yes? Do you enjoy writing? when did you find out you were interested in writing? who's your favorite poet? what's your favorite poem?

You said and i quote " I like to think about things, probably too much; a prime example of this being that I think I am funnier than I actually am. " a scale 1-10 10 being very funny where are you at?

if you would crash into a girl or guy that you instantly fall for would you use a pun? if so which pun? have a pun ever worked for you? how many times have you used a pun on someone? does your mates find your puns annoying?

Last, did i ask enough questions? should i do my own AMA? did putting this message in a quote bother you? what is the exact time you are reading this sentence? whats the top 3 websites you explore? How do you sleep? are you currently single? if so do you like anyone right now? whats your favorite song? hmm i have a headache now... thanks ._.

I'm on my phone, so my response may seem a little disjointed, but here goes:

I am indeed bisexual.
I first found out when I was 14 years old, though I'd had my suspicions since I was 11/12.
My family do not know, not sure if they ever will. A few friends know, but I'm selective with who finds out for reasons.
I do indeed have experience with both genders.
Sex stuff, y'know. I've had girlfriends and (secret) boyfriends in the past so I've done the romantic and lustful stuff on both teams. Even had a few MMF threesomes (next goal on that front is MFF or MMM - don't mind in which order)
With whom? A variety of people. My first sexual experience was with my (male) best friend when I was 14. Things have grown from there really.

I did indeed write that poem. My blog is home to quite a number of poems. I've never counted, but I'd guess at around 20?
I love writing, so much that it's my profession.
I've been interested in writing seriously for a long while, and determined to succeed since I found out that I'm dyslexic. Again, I have a blog on it.
I don't really have a favourite poet. I look more for the poems themselves.
Probably 'V' by Tony Harrison.

I think I'm a 9. Others would argue maybe 7.

Only have time for the first half. Second half to follow...

An_Jon 09-19-2016 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by thiskittykat (Post 2426212)
if you would crash into a girl or guy that you instantly fall for would you use a pun? if so which pun? have a pun ever worked for you? how many times have you used a pun on someone? does your mates find your puns annoying?

Last, did i ask enough questions? should i do my own AMA? did putting this message in a quote bother you? what is the exact time you are reading this sentence? whats the top 3 websites you explore? How do you sleep? are you currently single? if so do you like anyone right now? whats your favorite song? hmm i have a headache now... thanks ._.

Part 2:

I would obviously like to be that witty person who would make a pun at that time, bit I think I'd be more likely to gush some random nonsense and then run away terrified. In real life I'm rather timid you see - being a keyboard warrior helps me come out of my shell.
Puns work for me all the damn time. I got my first girlfriend after I made a post about her liking my amazing 'buns' (I'd baked some buns the day before). I was meaning to be flirty, and she blushed so much that I ended up asking her out!
You're not my friend irl until I've used a pun on you. I've even used one on the CEO of the company I work for.
Probably, but I don't care. In moderation they've learned to tolerate me, largely :P

You totally should, then message me with the link so I can comment on it - as per the rules of this thread :P
You put it in a spoiler, so not at all :P
The first time was 12:13pm (GMT). Now it's 23:53pm GMT.
BBC News, Twitter, YouTube
On my right side, arms out in front. I also snore. Loudly.
I am, unfortunately.
A few people...
I have loads, but for the last 13 months it's been 'Plastic Skateboard' by Brave Baby.

You're welcome!

An_Jon 09-19-2016 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by underwarelad (Post 2426214)

If you was to watch porn what category would it be and why

Hi Underwarelad!

As much bondage as possible because oh boy oh boy I love bondage. I don't mind which gender is tied up - so long as they are well and truly beaten, abused, and regret their decision slightly by then end of it. *Cums*

Unidentified 09-22-2016 03:08 PM

What was your favorite class in highschool?

Favorite three letters of the alphabet (rhetorical question, answer is uni <3)?

Dogs or cats?

Whats your zodiac sign?

Favorite color flower?

Which topping should be on every pizza?

Meat or sallad?

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

In a private setting, are you more comfortable naked or clothed?

What sort of thoughts flow through your mind when you walk through a dark alley late at night?

Favorite drink?

Which taste do you love the most (salt, bitter etc.)

Whats your most precious memory of the past?

Do you believe people can be friends with their ex?

Favorite way to travel?

What was the name of your first ever stuffed animal?

Do you have a driver license?

What would you say that the weirdest thing about you on a sexual level is?

Which getDare members would you like to meet in real life?

With which getDare members would you like to have somr playtime in real life?

Do you like rope?

An_Jon 09-23-2016 12:04 PM

What was your favorite class in highschool?

It was always History

Favorite three letters of the alphabet (rhetorical question, answer is uni <3)?

ANL ;)

Dogs or cats?

Dogs, they're so loyal. At least compared to thr psychotic murderbots that are cats.

Whats your zodiac sign?

I think Virgo. Not sure.

Favorite color flower?

Favourite colour is always orange.

Which topping should be on every pizza?

The pizza should be folded, full of air, and full of Italian tomato sauce, mozerella, and pepperoni

Meat or sallad?

Ideally both. Good, health meal right there.

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

A black t shirt with some sheep on it.

In a private setting, are you more comfortable naked or clothed?

Shorts and vest only.

What sort of thoughts flow through your mind when you walk through a dark alley late at night?

"Boy, I hope that young woman ahead of me doesn't think I'm gonna take and kill her". Sounds odd, but I'm fairly tall and built and wear a lot of dark hoodies. I must attract some.nervous looks from.others. Not too fussed about being attacked myself, because I could probs beat the shit out of a lot of people.

Favorite drink?

Right now I'm drinking nothing but water. So that.

Which taste do you love the most (salt, bitter etc.)

Tangy, like there's extra black pepper in something.

Whats your most precious memory of the past?

It was on a field with some friends. Gonna be vague past that.

Do you believe people can be friends with their ex?

Yes, but not close friends.

Favorite way to travel?

By getting up and starting the journey.

What was the name of your first ever stuffed animal?


Do you have a driver license?


What would you say that the weirdest thing about you on a sexual level is?

I get simultaneously aroused and incredibly annoyed by being dominated.

Which getDare members would you like to meet in real life?

LOADS! Been close to meeting a few recently, may happen in the near future.

With which getDare members would you like to have somr playtime in real life?

All the sexy ones <3

Do you like rope?

Love it! Soooooooo relaxing.

I'm around all evening, please fore more questions over!

CSasha 09-27-2016 05:49 AM

Hi Jon,

since you write I have to look up what's available by you here on getDare or linked.

Anyway, what kind of texts do you write for a living? How much percent of it is what you would write yourself if it wasn't for a job, career, audience or fans?

An_Jon 09-27-2016 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cassandra (Post 2439312)
Hi Jon,

since you write I have to look up what's available by you here on getDare or linked.

Anyway, what kind of texts do you write for a living? How much percent of it is what you would write yourself if it wasn't for a job, career, audience or fans?

My blog is an excellent place to look up my writings. If I get the time I'll write something new on here though. I'm improving at a fair rate of knots, so I'd like to showcase that at some point.

For how I was writing around a year ago, please click here:

For a living I do business writing. Basically, I try and win work for large contracting firms. Anything from a few hundred pounds of work up to multi-millions (largest I've been involved in was almost £7,000,000 - and won!)

What percentage of it is what I'd write if I had no constraints? Honestly, not a lot. It's highly technical writing, but a lot of the skills are transferable to my spare-time writing. I'd like to publish a book one day, and have ideas for about 3-4 different sci-fi novels. My job has helped me structure sentences more cleanly, create paragraphs better, and ultimately write longer without feeling tired. I've started work on my first idea, so hopefully it will come to fruition over the next year or two!

Great question - I'd love some more!

Evermore 09-27-2016 03:51 PM

Favorite place to relax?
Why do you hate cats man D: ?
Ocean or Lake?
Favorite fruit?
What song could you listen to like 100 times and still like it?

An_Jon 09-27-2016 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Evermore (Post 2440023)
Favorite place to relax?
Why do you hate cats man D: ?
Ocean or Lake?
Favorite fruit?
What song could you listen to like 100 times and still like it?

Bed - you'd be amazed how quickly I fall asleep. That, or sat typing with some good music on. That one's good for the soul.

Because I'm horribly allergic to them. I struggle to breathe after being near them :/ - they look cute on the internet though!

I'd choose a nice, peaceful lake.

Good question, I love so many of them! Uhhh uhhh - mango!

Plastic Skateboard by Brave Baby - I suggest as many people as possible listen to it. SO damn gooooooooood:

Happy to keep answering!

Evermore 09-27-2016 04:03 PM

Favorite dare you have ever been given?
Most embarrassing thing you have ever said over the internet?
Favorite way to spent down time?
How do you feel about being a newly turned snuggle zombie?

cieirn 09-27-2016 06:59 PM

Do you have an embarrassing sexual experience you are comfortable sharing?

An_Jon 09-28-2016 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Evermore (Post 2440042)
Favorite dare you have ever been given?
Most embarrassing thing you have ever said over the internet?
Favorite way to spent down time?
How do you feel about being a newly turned snuggle zombie?

For the favourite dare - a lot of the writing task dares I used to receive were favourites. Apart from that, I played a game with a guy where he gave me loads of cool pictures to imitate. I has happy doing it because I'd spoken to them a lot and was pretty open with them by this point.

Most embarrassing thing said over the internet - I used to be a real tyrannical keyboard warrior. I got into an argument over proper judo technique once, despite not knowing a thing about judo. Little did I know I was arguing against a well-known user of the site I was on: a former French Judo champion. Face, meet palm.

Favourite way to spend down time would either be playing videogames or exercising. Trying to make it more focused towards exercise atm, but gaming will always be a huge part of my life.

No matter how often I snuggle, my body is always cold :(

- I am gonna answer Cieirn's truth, but I need time to think about it. Happy to take more questions in the meantime too :)

cieirn 09-28-2016 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by An_Jon (Post 2440793)
No matter how often I snuggle, my body is always cold :(

You need someone better to snuggle with...........


Originally Posted by An_Jon (Post 2440793)
- I am gonna answer Cieirn's truth, but I need time to think about it.


An_Jon 09-29-2016 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by cieirn (Post 2440239)
Do you have an embarrassing sexual experience you are comfortable sharing?

Well, the first thing that springs to mind would be contained within this blog - it's how I found out I'm horribly against feet in sex:

Another story would be the first time I accidentally hurt someone during sex. I got a little bit too carried away, spanked a little (alright, a lot) too hard, and made the poor girl I was with cry. I didn't sleep all night through guilt, although she was lovely to me about it for the remainder of our uni days.

Another would be a time I experimented with food in the bedroom. I won't bore anyone with the details - but I ended up laying around with a lot of yogurt on y chest while the guy I was with went searching for a cloth half naked and trying to hide from my housemates.

Be careful, kids!

An_Jon 10-01-2016 01:44 PM

Currently exercising while starting at GD - would love some questions to do as well.

Feeling like some dirty ones tonight too, if possible??

SweetTeen 10-01-2016 01:49 PM

Ever wet yourself on purpose?

An_Jon 10-01-2016 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by SweetTeen (Post 2445391)
Ever wet yourself on purpose?

I have not, no. Not something I'm into that one.

Evermore 10-01-2016 02:17 PM

Which of your kink would you consider your favorite?
How do you feel in social situations? Are you super social or hiding in the back?
Why are you again our lords and masters (cats)?
What would be a perfect day to you?

An_Jon 10-01-2016 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Evermore (Post 2445431)
Which of your kink would you consider your favorite?
How do you feel in social situations? Are you super social or hiding in the back?
Why are you again our lords and masters (cats)?
What would be a perfect day to you?

Bondage - no contest. Bondage for me is fun with or without sex, and I'd do it with just about anyone who wanted to (so long as they weren't total asshats)

I'm good in social situations. Since I started work my confidence has skyrocketed, so I'm comfortable talking to new people, and cracking jokes around them. In my group of friends I'm the one who tends to take the lead in social situations - restaurants, bookings, paying, helping making decisions on what to do. And I make a tonne of puns along the way.


A perfect day for me is spent with friends initially. The morning is spent just wandering around with a bit of disposable income. Afternoon is a sports game, preferably rugby, in which our team wins comfortably, then in the evening we get a few drinks and go and see a band. That's my kind of active, varied day.

With family - I'd also have to say active. We go on long walks, so do that and have some nice weather, good food in the afternoon, and find something hidden (a view, nice restaurant, quite spot for walks). Again, in the evening I'd have to say going to see a show.

Kinkily - spending the day with a bunch of beautiful people - being tied up, fucking, and being fucked. Just toys, rope, energy, sweat, and fun all day and night. Can't complain :)

Evermore 10-01-2016 06:47 PM

There are meds for allergies! You need to praise the fluffy overlords!

-giggles- hm...... favorite holiday and why?

Joe Kavalier 10-09-2016 09:50 AM

Hi An_Jon,

You asked for some naughty questions, although it was a few days ago. Hopefully you don't mind answering them now…

1. Where is the riskiest place you've ever jerked off or gotten it on with a partner? Ever been caught?
2. Please relate the funniest thing that's ever happened to you in the bedroom (perhaps the yogurt incident?), but using only one or more haiku.
3. You've told us how tall you are, but what about Jon Jr.? (Asleep AND awake…)
4. What's the largest/most unusual thing you've ever had up your bum?

You do a great job answering questions, well done! Totally unsurprised that you're a writer IRL.

An_Jon 10-13-2016 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Evermore (Post 2445690)
There are meds for allergies! You need to praise the fluffy overlords!

-giggles- hm...... favorite holiday and why?

I have honestly had no time for GD recently. The people who play my kik game are getting pissy because of my lack of involvement.Thought I'd best answer some questions before people thought I'd lost interest in my AMA.

As for the above - the meds are ineffective at best. At worst, I just end up drowsy AND covered in heat rashes from the cat fur. So no, I will not praise cats, even if they kill me for it.

Favourite holiday - something adventurous! I won't lie and say I'm particularly rough and ready, but I like something where I can go for long walks off the beaten path. Somewhere where human interaction is kept to a minimum, and I'd like to travel there alone. I want to see how I'd fare in that situation, because I think I'd have a blast.


An_Jon 10-13-2016 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Kavalier (Post 2457131)
Hi An_Jon,

You asked for some naughty questions, although it was a few days ago. Hopefully you don't mind answering them now…

1. Where is the riskiest place you've ever jerked off or gotten it on with a partner? Ever been caught?
2. Please relate the funniest thing that's ever happened to you in the bedroom (perhaps the yogurt incident?), but using only one or more haiku.
3. You've told us how tall you are, but what about Jon Jr.? (Asleep AND awake…)
4. What's the largest/most unusual thing you've ever had up your bum?

You do a great job answering questions, well done! Totally unsurprised that you're a writer IRL.

I'm always ready to be naughty. Let's begin ;)

1. Jerked off? I'd have to go for on a friend's sofa while I was crashing at their's. Another friend was sleeping across the room, and even though I was discreet there was a small part of me hoping I'd get caught...

2. Now we're talking:

Muller nightmare time,
Semi-bouncing down the stairs.
Hide behind the cloth.


Essentially, what
happened: we decided to
play Truth or Dairy

I lost the first bet.
Laying back, boyfriend spooned
me in a new way.

A bad workman blames
his tools. He dropped the spoon, damn.
Too much for one tongue.

Cold, sticky, smelly,
The flag's at half mast, won't do.
Mourn the lost private.

Cleaning cloth kept close,
close to unaware housemates.
Still, need to move fast.

They don't know I'm Bi,
Don't know I'm fucking him, too.
Run, grab, clean, fuck. Plan.

"If you get caught, the
jig is up. We'd have to fuck
in the living room."

I fucking love haikus.

3. Jon Jnr is Just shy of 8" when fully awake. Too lazy to get an exact measurement. When he's asleep he's a fair bit smaller: we're talking way shy of 3". I'm a grower, def not a shower.

4. About 3/4s of a 500ml Lucozade bottle. A Lucozade Orange, if you must know.

Thanks! Your kind words are very much appreciated :D

Please, keep firing questions over. I'll answer whatever you have :)

Joe Kavalier 10-16-2016 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by An_Jon (Post 2465192)
I fucking love haikus.

Perhaps that's because you're fucking good at writing them. Very entertaining story, soldier. Bravo!

I have a couple more questions for you:

1. Which celebrity would you most like to have sexual relations with? No picking one of each gender, that would be cheating. :-)
2. Do you have a driver's license? A car?
3. When is the last time someone saw you naked who you weren't sleeping with?
4. When with boys, do you prefer topping or bottoming? Why?
5. Have you ever had a girl use a dildo/vibrator on you? How did it go?

An_Jon 10-16-2016 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Kavalier (Post 2468401)
Perhaps that's because you're fucking good at writing them. Very entertaining story, soldier. Bravo!

I have a couple more questions for you:

1. Which celebrity would you most like to have sexual relations with? No picking one of each gender, that would be cheating. :-)
2. Do you have a driver's license? A car?
3. When is the last time someone saw you naked who you weren't sleeping with?
4. When with boys, do you prefer topping or bottoming? Why?
5. Have you ever had a girl use a dildo/vibrator on you? How did it go?

1. Easy question - Karen Gillan.
2. I have and I do.
3. Ooh, it will ahve been at the gym today. There are always four or five naked guys walking around. Some of them look absolutely stunning too (like, one guy, is ripped and is definitely a 'show-er' :D :D )
4. Really depends on the day. Right now, for instance, I want nothing more than to be kidnapped and abused by a group of burly men. Other days, though, I like the idea of overpowering someone into submission. Then I'd fuck them, brutally.
5. I once had one pressed up against my dick. It tickled and hurted and I don't recommend it.


An_Jon 11-10-2016 05:05 PM

Hey! Little bump here as I'd love some more questions!

Open to most things, so ask your worst >:)

InControl 11-10-2016 06:42 PM

First off, I love your writing and I always look forward to your posts so... keep it up! Now for the questions......

1. Most unusual place you have been.
2. Do you speak a language other than English?
3. Tell us a bit about your exercise routine...
4. Most violent sexual fantasy.

iSpuds 11-10-2016 08:07 PM

What are your feelings towards those who have taboo attractions (pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.) but don't act upon them?

Would you rather own a boat or a luxury car?

Do you believe hypnotism works?

What's your laziest habit?

Do you think you could saw off a body part to save your life?

An_Jon 11-11-2016 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by InControl (Post 2507424)
First off, I love your writing and I always look forward to your posts so... keep it up! Now for the questions......

1. Most unusual place you have been.
2. Do you speak a language other than English?
3. Tell us a bit about your exercise routine...
4. Most violent sexual fantasy.

Woop! Thank you, that's absolutely lovely to hear :D

1. Ooh, that's quite a broad question really. I'll have to answer it in a number of different ways:
a. Broadly speaking, Florida. Everything in America seemed just slightly 'off', compared with what I'm used to. The roads were bigger, the weather more dramatic, the food was richer, even the grass felt unreal. It was unusual because it felt so close to home (UK), but with everything just slightly out of place, if that makes semse?
b. Abstractly, a BDSM studio in the middle of the day. I went in in broad daylight, near a church, some fast food restaurants, and a day care, in a studio that itself was surrounded by normal workplaces (offices etc). Inside, however, is a fantasy world for depraved and, often, hidden desires. Waking out afterwards with the little warm glow inside me back into the real world was odd. I lived a dream while life just went on. Same goes for another shoot I did inside just a normal country house. Weird the stuff you dont see.
C. Drunkenly, I once walked into a bedroom on the third floor of some student accommodation to find a group of four lads riding bikes round in circles. I had no further questions.

2. No. That's Spanish for 'no'.

3. Ooh, well, I start with some Cardio (about 5-6K on a treadmill, SOMETIMES followed by 5-10K on a bike). I then do some general warm ups for all my body - push ups, squats, planks, calf raises, sit ups, leg raises, triceps dips/push ups. I then focus in on one part if my body, such as chest, arms/shoulders, back/core, & legs. This helps you build muscle evenly while keeping your workout routine varied and interesting. Been exercising amd eating properly for about 2 and a half months now, have lost 20 pounds and can tell a difference in muscle def. Certainly worth carrying on.

4. I have a lot of consensual non-consent fantasies. These often involve me being kidnapped and tortured for and unspecified amount of time. Alternatively, I'd be the one kidnapping/beating/fucking mercilessly. Really gets me going...

Great questions, thanks :)

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