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andrew_b 08-05-2021 05:46 PM

Pushed to Fantasy (On Vacation)
This is a work of fiction. Although there is some truth in as far as actual things I've done and dreamed of doing. So I've written it in the style as if it had been real events. As before it will be a slow build as well but is by design. If you haven't already, please check out the first two instalments of this series "Pushed to Fantasy" & "Pushed to Fantasy (A Night at the Movies)". Links below

As the weeks/months went on from our previous escapades things began to wind down a lot more. We would still occasionally had some sort of risky fun but nowhere near the level of what I've mentioned in previous stories.

It would be fairly tame stuff, mostly flashing, taking my cock out while we were driving along etc. I felt that Kim was no longer enjoying it in the same way. We never really discussed it but gradually it just faded to doing nothing at all. I'd still spend a lot of time naked around the apartment but it was almost like we were numb to the original dynamic.

There was also the issue of us both having new jobs but no longer working together. It did hamper any of potential of having a decent friendship so we did drift a bit as well. This is why we decided to go on a trip away together to the canaries islands.

I'd never gone somewhere like that with a girl friend and yes I do mean it like that. We were never romantic even though we've obviously had some more intimate moments. I wasn't expecting anything to happen in that way or to fulfil anymore of my fantasies. It was honestly just that we both needed a break from day to day life and give us a chance to catch up. I know that sounds strange considering we live together but trust me we really have been that busy.

So the day finally came, we had the taxi ordered to bring us to the airport and the bags were packed. It had been a hot summer, so naturally I'd slept nude but it also meant less washing when I got home. I know I can't fool you though, I'm sure you know I enjoyed the feeling but like I say it had lost something.

Even with all the rush, there was trash to be taken out before we went. I'd been reminded of this numerous times throughout the morning but kept forgetting. Then I felt a tingle over me the next time Kim reminded me.

I wanted to see if she'd even notice. So I didn't bother putting anything on while I walking into the hallway to drop the bag into the rubbish shoot. The thing that surprised me though was the fact that although it felt naughty, there wasn't activity downstairs.

It might have been from the fact I hadn't much time to think about it, since we needed to make sure we'd be ready on time. This is what I considered as the reason but it didn't bother me much anyway. It did however bug me that she didn't even realise what I'd done.

When I got back inside she simply commented "hurry up and get dressed. The taxi will be here soon"

That made my heart sink but didn't have time to dwell on it as it really was time to get dressed and get going. We made our way downstairs once properly ready. Then we were on our way or at least on our way to the airport

To be continued.........

Sydney_sub 08-06-2021 08:07 PM

Thank you for starting a new installment, looking forward to it.

andrew_b 08-07-2021 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sydney_sub (Post 4466230)
Thank you for starting a new installment, looking forward to it.

Thanks Sydney. I know it's slow but that's how I do it, have a good bit of story fleshed out in my head. So hopefully people will like it

andrew_b 09-28-2021 05:47 PM

So we got to the airport and I'm not going to bore you with the details. This is something a lot of people have missed this past year but I'd forgotten how tedious it can be. We were both fairly tired still but decided to have a quick drink before getting on the plane.

Since I'd gotten a pint I didn't have enough time to fully finish it and honestly it was super early to fully enjoy it but Kim has a glass of rosé which was easier for her to finish.

I'm going to skip on to when were on the plane. After taking off maybe a half hour into the flight Kim was getting sleepy, possibly the wine and the early hour it still was. She then rest her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I didn't mind that, I mean we weren't involved and so what if it helps her sleep.

The thing is I was feeling fairly tired myself but not enough to drift off. So I'm not fully sure when this happened and how it did but I felt something around my crotch. When I looked down to check I found her hand resting on my dick.

She was still conked out so it's not like she was doing it on purpose. It did pose a tough dilemma. I mean the initial thought was difficult to ignore was that it felt good, possibly too good. There was clarity very quickly as I didn't want it make things awkward. I mean you know already that she's played with me before but that was a once off.

Before I could even weigh up the options they fell away in an instant. She was beginning to wake up but in the process pushed her hand into my cock more. This certainly left an impression on me, if you get what I mean. I began to sweat a little as she realised what had happened.

"Oh, how did that happen?" she acted startled

I honestly had no response, there was the worry that she'd think I'd put her hand there on purpose but she broke the fairly quickly. I guess not to let the awkwardness to continue

"I guess I must have been having a real good dream but then again I don't think you minded much either. So no harm done aye?" she summised

"Yeah I guess not" I shyly spoke

There isn't really more to tell about the rest of the journey until we got to reception in the apartments. So I'll skip on to there

We made our way to the front desk. It struck me how empty it was considering the time of year but it was still early enough. We had taken a taxi as well so probably got there before anyone else who may have been staying there.

I'm sure Kim was getting bored at the desk and I don't know what possessed her to but her hand made her way into my shorts. They weren't super tight so it wasn't that tricky to do it easily. It was a surprise for sure but even more that she'd gone under my pants as well.

It became very clear, very quickly what her intention was. So I'm there talking to the guy, giving our information. I'm not going to lie, it felt good but there was a big part of me wishing she'd picked another time to do it.

She started off slowly but every time the guy would turn around she'd pick up the pace but then slow once he was facing me. The most frustrating thing was that I was terrified of cumming there or even if my shorts got loose and falling. It was quiet but all it would have taken was some really bad timing. My shorts fall, kid walks in and well you know where I'm going with this.

This meant I was really resisting the pleasure I so badly wanted. I also wanted to maintain composure with the guy at the desk. Then she began add squeezing my tip when stroking slow. I'm not sure if he noticed any difference in me but thankfully it wasn't long after this that he gave us our room key.

It was a horrible feeling then because she couldn't continue the act. I'm full sure she did it on purpose. I was so out of sorts that she had to direct us to our room but I'm thankful she was at least listening.

When we got into our room I'd hoped she might continue but said that she was going for a power nap. My heart sank a bit but wasn't really shocked. It did give me the opportunity to finish off myself under my sheets. Yes in case you were worried we both had separate single beds. I'd conked out after that but we had both set alarms before either of us got into bed.

To be continued.........

andrew_b 10-05-2021 04:27 PM

So our alarms go off and initially I don't fully wake up but I always set a few to make sure it does make sure I'm up roughly when I wanted to. Kim had no such issue getting up. It wasn't long before I'd heard the shower going and she was ready in no time. This was my cue to get a move on myself.

As I made my own way for a wash I noticed what her outfit was for the day. It was essentially a bikini with a sarong wrapped around but not nearly clear enough to see what was underneath.

There is something I think I'd forgot to mention, is that I'd had quite a long dry spell up to this point. I was pretty sterile now as far as her body dressed but seeing her with a bit more on show did make me horny. I'll admit that the shower was a cold one. I did feel guilty about it as she's a friend but my mind wasn't thinking straight.

We decided to head to the beach as we were too late to get a spot by the pool. When we arrived and found our spot (after a good bit of looking). It was then that Kim decided to show off her bikini. I know really this isn't a big deal when you're in the sun but I'd never seen this much of her body before. On the outside I was trying to play it cool but on the inside it was like a teenager. This was the conflict I had but thankfully it led to nothing more than a mild semi.

She then lay on her back and as women do she unhooked her bikini top so she wouldn't have any tanlines on her back and asked if I'd rub lotion on her. This is definitely the most reasonable request for a friend to ask of another but the teenager in my head was imaging all sorts. There was a war going on which for now was being won by the sensible side.

So I rub her shoulders and down her back. She then spoke saying I wasn't finished.

"You didn't do my sides" she gestured

I wouldn't say panic came over me but definitely had some worry. I knew if I didn't do something quick she'd notice. So I did my best to keep within the boundaries of what was acceptable but also rubbing it in enough that she wouldn't think there was anything up.

"Thank you" she replied with a thumbs up

So I then lay on my back to relax but felt my shorts being tighter than usual. It was then I noticed the stiffness below. I quickly lay on my belly and hoped no one had seen. I'll say one thing though, sand isn't always as soft as you hope. It was a necessary discomfort.

To be continued.........

m55uk4younger 10-06-2021 01:44 AM

Keep writing please

redcamel 10-06-2021 08:16 AM

Very enjoyable. I also like your writing style, concise and effective.

patrickm 10-07-2021 09:10 AM

Pushed to Fantasy (On Vacation)
Love the slow build. Keep it coming.

andrew_b 10-09-2021 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by m55uk4younger (Post 4529744)
Keep writing please

I certainly intend to. I know where I'm going with it, I'm still trying to figure out how to get there


Originally Posted by redcamel (Post 4529994)
Very enjoyable. I also like your writing style, concise and effective.

Much appreciated. It's really the only way I know to write


Originally Posted by patrickm (Post 4531179)
Love the slow build. Keep it coming.

I didn't think the slow build would be something people liked but I'm glad you enjoy it

andrew_b 10-13-2021 04:12 PM

There isn't too much more to say about the time at the beach but my hard on did go away by the time I needed to turn over. We spent a couple of hours there, then went for lunch and refreshments to cool down. Then we went for a stroll around the town to get our bearings and to figure out where we might go for dinner/entertainment that evening.

So we get to early evening, time to get ready. There's nothing too exciting about this. I was still spending my time nude but would put shorts on to go onto the balcony. I'm up for a thrill as much as anyone else but there were some kids at the place we were staying. I figured it best to try avoid them seeing more of an adult than maybe they should.

I'd basically wait until Kim said she was nearly ready to go before finally getting dressed myself. It did still disappoint me that she was so normal about me being naked but I guess she'd just got used to it. She never really insisted on it but it was sort of an unspoken thing that I'd be naked whenever I could be around her.

So we headed out on the town but knew already where we were going for food. There was an Italian restaurant not to far from us that we'd thought we would give a go. I know this might all sound pretty dull but this is where things got more....interesting.

The guy at the door found us a seat at the wall. There weren't many people in it but we were a bit early heading out. After the guy left to give us time to look at the menu. This is when it happened. I felt Kim's foot running up my leg but didn't have much time to think. It was then in my crotch.

She wasn't even look at me, more intent on reading the menu. Now I do have a foot fetish but I'd never discussed this with her. My guess is she just enjoyed teasing me in public. She was gently moving a little bit to barely stroke me.

Now I want to make something clear. I'm sure you are wondering how no one would notice this. This restaurant had tablecloths all over. It meant she could do this the entire time without anyone being able to see. She got a lot meaner when the waiter came back to take our order though.

She give the guy her own order but meanwhile she is rubbed her foot against my cock. It was enough to give me a semi and I was doing everything fight off getting hard. Then when it was my turn to tell the guy what I wanted. She then decides to slowly push her foot deeper into my crotch. It was so painful but honest kind of hot in retrospect.

I'm not sure if the guy noticed me winch in pain. I did my best to play it off as having a cough but it's impossible to know. Then when that was done she took her foot away but the pain was immense. It stayed for a good couple of minutes and it took me a while to recover. All the while she was acting like there was anything strange happening. There was part of me enjoying it being our unspoken secret though.

We then went to a bar for drinks. This sounds like where the night would get wild but we were still pretty tired from the travelling the day before but we did get a good chance to reconnect. There wasn't any kinky talk. It was more two friends getting to know one another again.

Later in the evening we went back to our apartment. It took literally seconds for her to fall asleep in her bed when we got back but I stayed awake longer than that. I was processing the evening and my mind went back to what happened at the restaurant. It didn't seem it at the time but it was risky, especially since she didn't know how I'd react.

That was enough to get very horny and I began stroking myself like the previous night. I felt like something was missing though. I slipped myself out of my sheets but was afraid of waking Kim. My urges were getting too much so I thought I'd take another risk. So I made my way out onto the balcony.

I'm sure you've pieced this together already but to be clear. I was naked, hard and playing with myself. It felt good with the cool air passing by my body. I'd missed this so much, it was fresh because it was in a new location. It was into the early hours of the morning so really it wasn't that bad. I mean someone might be awake in one of the rooms near us but it was unlikely that I'd get caught. It's that possibility that makes it so fun though.

The more I thought about this the hornier I got. I'd spent most of the time enjoying standing so my pace was slow for the most part. I felt my body tingle from all the different factors around. The air passing by, the chance of someone catching me and the fact Kim was still asleep inside. I would then close my eyes as I got closer and at this stage it didn't take me long to cum.

Then when I gained my composure after reopening my eyes. I could not find the mess I thought I'd need to clean up. It then dawned on me how close I was to the edge. So it have gone over it. This initially worried me because I was afraid of hitting someone with it or maybe it still being there in the morning. There was nothing I could do about it, except maybe walk down to the front of the building. I was far too tired for that so then went back to bed for a good rest.

To be continued.........

BarefootAlien 10-13-2021 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by andrew_b (Post 4466720)
Thanks Sydney. I know it's slow but that's how I do it, have a good bit of story fleshed out in my head. So hopefully people will like it

You don't need to apologize for the slow burn so much. First off, it's not actually that slow. Your stories get moving pretty quickly, not feeling too slow, and not feeling rushed or just straight-up smut either. It's a nice balance!

And second... people here reading it, and liking it enough to comment on it, probably like the pacing! I know I do. ;)

andrew_b 10-13-2021 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by BarefootAlien (Post 4537954)
You don't need to apologize for the slow burn so much. First off, it's not actually that slow. Your stories get moving pretty quickly, not feeling too slow, and not feeling rushed or just straight-up smut either. It's a nice balance!

And second... people here reading it, and liking it enough to comment on it, probably like the pacing! I know I do. ;)

Well what you've stated is exactly what I aim for. I appreciate your kind words

tallishguy 10-13-2021 06:08 PM

Loving the slow burn, usually thats way better overall for the story just gotta stay patient :D

BarefootAlien 10-13-2021 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by tallishguy (Post 4538022)
Loving the slow burn, usually thats way better overall for the story just gotta stay patient :D

Agreed! The little teases on the plane and at the hotel desk were hot!

That said, I do hope it gets more intense soon... ;)

And that she makes him stay barefoot! :D (I know, I'm predictable. <_< )

redcamel 10-14-2021 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by tallishguy (Post 4538022)
Loving the slow burn, usually thats way better overall for the story just gotta stay patient :D

It's the good part of reading, if somebody wants it fast, there are a lot of video clips around that shots all to you in few minutes... More or less is the difference between slowly savor an excellent dish or throw down a sandwich, isn't it?

andrew_b 10-14-2021 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by BarefootAlien (Post 4538031)
Agreed! The little teases on the plane and at the hotel desk were hot!

That said, I do hope it gets more intense soon... ;)

And that she makes him stay barefoot! :D (I know, I'm predictable. <_< )

I'm just going to quash this straight away. These stories are more focused on exhib fantasy so much less focused on feet

andrew_b 10-14-2021 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by tallishguy (Post 4538022)
Loving the slow burn, usually thats way better overall for the story just gotta stay patient :D

I'm hoping your patience will be repaid

andrew_b 10-14-2021 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by redcamel (Post 4538467)
It's the good part of reading, if somebody wants it fast, there are a lot of video clips around that shots all to you in few minutes... More or less is the difference between slowly savor an excellent dish or throw down a sandwich, isn't it?

Exactly if you really get into a story it adds so much more and hopefully last longer in the memory

BarefootAlien 10-14-2021 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by andrew_b (Post 4538637)
I'm just going to quash this straight away. These stories are more focused on exhib fantasy so much less focused on feet

Feet are part of the body too... *pouts cutely*

Not asking it to focus on them, just... if there's a point where there's a choice between having him in shoes, or not, as part of the overall exhibitionism, choose not! :D

andrew_b 10-21-2021 04:10 PM

The holiday continued as you'd expect really. We were getting more tolerate of the alcohol as the nights went on. This led to amount of drinks per evening going up and this wasn't a bad thing. I think we needed to get that closeness back and this was helping.

The issue I was having is that each day it felt like Kim's bikinis were getting smaller. I'm sure I was imaging it because she looked so damn good in them but I seemed to be getting more of a view of her fantastic ass. It was super teasing because I never wanted to ruin the progress we'd made repairing our friendship.

This led to me using every opportunity I could to jerk off so that I could try to keep my emotions in check. It's very difficult keeping things friends only when she's been the woman closest to your dick. We didn't discuss anything sexual, nor what happened with her at the pub. The fact I was enjoying myself with this amazing woman while also having quite a long dry spell. It very much clouds your judgement but was doing everything to keep it together.

I'll skip forward a couple of days to what happened one of the mornings. I'd usually awaken later than she would but never late enough to miss breakfast because I'd always set alarms. Although this morning I woke to a knock on the door. I was unsure who it might be but heard Kim walk across the room.

"You okay if I let her in?" I heard her ask me

I wasn't fully awake still and replied "Yeah, sure"

My mind within seconds figured out what I'd said yes to. The cleaner was looking to come in, change the sheets and generally clean up the place.

"No wait" I rushed in saying

I was obviously still naked but on top of that had my usual morning wood. My whole body began to sweat and with the fear it didn't take long for me to be worried about my hard on.

"We can't let her in" as I stood up to face Kim

"Don't be silly, we need new sheets badly" she replied logically

"Can't I get dressed first?" I reasoned

"It was your choice to sleep like that, you can't tell me now that you're going all shy" she responded

I knew that she was going to let her in no matter what I said. We would have to go onto the balcony to give the space necessary. I'd wrapped myself in my sheet but clearly I wouldn't be allowed this kind of cover.

"She'll be needing this as well" as she whipped the sheet away from me

I think she was getting amusement from having me so rattled. It wasn't the fact of being unable to cover. This was early morning, possibly being seen by the cleaner and anyone who may have view of our balcony. It's one thing being naked out there when it's dark but this was broad daylight.

Since I didn't want to shock the woman coming in. I'd made my way out while covering myself with my hands. The breeze hit me in a way I wasn't expecting. It was cold the corner I'd tried to hide in but there was no way I was going to go any closer to the edge. The curtain was over on the part of the porch that I crouched down in front of.

"I don't think I'll ever understand you" she puzzled while letting out a giggle

She'd tried to make me to feel more at ease but only going back inside would do that. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the risk but this was a step too far. The real worry I had was the possibility of a kid seeing me. This wasn't the type of resort that had many but there were a few. It would be just my luck that there would be one staying in a nearby room.

It felt like an hour in what was probably no longer than ten minutes. We were allowed back in the room. I'd asked her to make sure that the cleaner had left but I'd still peek my eye in before re-entering. I'm sure you are wondering why this had not happened before now. There are two reasons for this. The day before we arrived the rooms had already been cleaned and any time they had been since we'd been out.

I'll admit it's only after my heart wasn't trying to jump out of my chest that I could appreciate how wild it was. I'd made it very clear that it was something I did not want to repeat though. It took some convincing but she agreed especially after explaining what my concerns were. I do get the feeling that she enjoyed finding the limit for once.

To be continued.........

andrew_b 11-09-2021 06:20 AM

So after that little incident we got dressed, went for breakfast and then short time after that we went for a swim in the pool. I'll be honest I wasn't the best of moods.

"Oh come on you aren't still annoyed about earlier?" Kim questioned

"Wouldn't you be?" I responded

"Yeah I probably would but I'm not the exhibitionist. You can't tell you aren't at least a little turned on" she reasoned

I didn't reply to this because I knew she was right. It did make me really horny, hence another quick jerk off before we came down for breakfast. The thing is though, we didn't get into trouble. It always turns me after in hindsight but beforehand I was seriously scared of getting reported. That thought was still there but it becomes less once the memory makes you horny.

"I'm going to take that as a yes but I do have an idea of something to put you in a better mood. How about a bet?" she suggested

"What kind of bet? I wondered

"Let's see who can hold their breathe the longest under water" she stated

"Okay you're going down" I replied

Before I'd even considered anything else we were both submerged trying to beat the other person. I'll admit my competitive side came over me. I was sure I'd win. After nearly 30 seconds though I felt the pressure get bigger and bigger before it was too much. I had to get my breathe again and found she was still under. It felt like an eternity, initially felt like she was showing off but then was starting to get concerned as there wasn't much movement. This worry went seconds later when she also came to the surface.

"Oh wow, that was impressive" I said with a shocked look

"Thank you. I guess that's makes me the winner. We didn't come up with a forfeit though. Are you okay with me getting to decide?" she questioned

"Yeah I'm fine with that" replying in awe

I hadn't really given it much thought and she wasn't giving anything away. There wasn't a feeling that she even knew what the forfeit was. I'd tried to find out throughout the rest of the day but it was pointless.

It was now evening and we were heading out to a bar that would be having a drag show at it. There isn't too much to tell about the early part of the evening. We got ready, naturally I had my pre-evening wank in the shower. Kim wore yet another stunning dress. She was hot and I'm sure she knew it but this all gets heightened when you're on a dry spell.

I was slightly puzzled why she wanted to be at the bar so early but she said that it was to get a good seat. So we sat near the stage in this fairly small bar. There were a couple of other people having a few drinks like us. After we'd had gotten through two drinks. It was then Kim suggests time for my forfeit. I begin to get a little nervous because I'd forgotten about it. The show was due to start in about a half an hour but usually won't start on time if the place isn't that full. There were more in but still not a huge amount.

She then led me to the toilets. We both entered into the men's and I wondered what I had in store. I had to sit on the toilet and was then told to strip. This seems like an easy enough task but what was a little unnerving was that she insisted on me handing each item of clothing to her one by one. I've got to say though, once you're naked somewhere like that. It's such a rush. I mean there is only one toilet in each of the men's and women's but being nude there felt so naughty, especially when you've a beautiful women ordering you to do it.

"I want you to edge for me as quickly as you can, don't want to keep people waiting" she commanded

She was right, since there was only one toilet. There was every chance someone who needs to go might start knocking on the door. So I wasted no time and I think even Kim was surprised how quickly I had to stop. This was when she dropped a bombshell.

"Okay are you ready for your forfeit?" she asks

I was in shock. What did she mean, I thought this was the forfeit? I was having this inner thought running through my head but knew she would explain further.

"It doesn't matter whether you are or not. It's my choice so I guess you better just meet me back in the bar." she explained

My heart began to thump through my chest. My palms were sweating. The fear was growing but I was still very horny. The precum still sitting on the top of my cock. This was too much, too much risk. I couldn't.

"Please Kim don't, let me get dressed" I reasoned

"Sure you can get dressed, when you get back to our table" she said firmly

Before I knew she had left and closed the door. You've no idea how scary it felt, unless you've done something of a similar level of risk. The one I probably should have done was finish myself off so I could have a clearer mind. This was the furthest thing from my thoughts. I knew this was super risky but was also aware that if I didn't complete the task soon it could get worse. She had already shown me before that she had a mean streak.

So I took the deepest breathe I'd ever taken. Which was ironic because if I'd of done this earlier I might not be in this situation. I'll say one thing every single step of leaving that small toilet felt like an eternity. Unlocking the door, moving the handle down and pushing the door open. It was now or never.

I casually strode out into the bar to big whoops, whistles and laughs. I'd decided to not bothering covering up because again I didn't want to give Kim any reason to make it more difficult for me but she already had. I don't know but she was now sitting closer to the bar itself. This made my heart skip a beat but I was already in this. The whole thing was a bit of a blur, the thing I remember most was how heavy my feet felt hitting the floor.

As I got closer to her I could see someone who worked there give me a stern look. The fear of getting into trouble rushed up again but I was almost done. Even still my hard on did not go away, there is always the worry of being branded some sort of sex pervert. I know it shouldn't be but any level of risk always added to the thrill.

I think Kim was aware of the guy looking at me because as soon as I reached her she gave me my clothes. It was after she mentioned that the same guy gave her a strange look as well while carrying my clothes. The guy did come over to us and said he wouldn't kick us out because no one seemed to mind. Although cautioned not try it again.

It had felt like a close call in many ways but not least that not long after getting dressed. The show was about to start.

To be continued.........

andrew_b 12-22-2021 08:43 PM

So we watched the show, during which something unexpected happened. The "girls" decided to give a round of applause for me. I stood up and gave a bow but honestly it was quite embarrassing. They mentioned too that I was lucky that I hadn't been closer to them or they would have gotten handsy. I'm fine with being admired but there was something about it that made me nervous.

When the show was over there was a couple that approached us, then sat at our table. They were clearly fans of my walk and thought I had a lot of balls to do it. This honestly gave me wings because even though I know the risk, the fact people consider it a brave to do makes it worthwhile for me.

We got on well with them and arranged to meet the next night as well. So the following night we met at a bar that Alice and Ian had mentioned. There isn't too much worth mentioning but as the drinks flowed my stories came out. Kim basically told them everything daring I'd done with her. It was unnerving at first but they just seemed more and more interested.

It was again their suggestion that we follow up our drinks at their apartment complex for a couple of games of pool with vodka shots. This was a lot of fun but made all of us seriously drunk. They felt like making the games more exciting but I was expecting their next suggestion.

"How about from now on we make it strip pool?" Alice added

"Deal" Kim quickly responded

This shocked me, before we even knew any of the details she had agreed to the stipulation. I would have been game from the start, so it didn't bother me but I had wondered what had gotten over her. I was not going to question it either.

They suggested it should be guys against each other and girls against each other. Although the winning couple would be decided once one person was naked. This to me was win win, I was more than comfortable stripping in front of them.

We would basically take turns between guy and girl games. Once I started playing head to head with Ian I knew I was in trouble. He was amazing player, I was convinced he wasn't playing as well earlier. Although I was also rather drunk at this point so that definitely didn't help either. This meant I happened to be first person naked and we lost. The girls were much closer but neither got further than bra and panties.

I'd of been totally fine to continue playing even if naked. The odd thing was that I was more than aware that eyes were staring. It wasn't just Kim or Alice though. I might be off put by a guy touching me but they can look as much as they like. They then gave us two options for continuing the game.

"Okay so we've got two suggestions. Either we all play the remainder of the games as we are or we could do double or nothing" Ian proposed

"What did you have in mind?" I quizzed

"Well we suggest that the losing team will have to return to their apartment in the clothes they finish the game in. So basically nothing, this is obviously higher risk for you two since you are further away but Andrew has already lost." Alice stated

This made me really nervous. We were very much at a disadvantage. I could try to get Ian naked but he won literally every game against me. I'd tried to talk sense into Kim but there was nothing I could do to stop her response.

"You're on" Kim said with devilish grin

So we played again but the result really wasn't surprising. I couldn't beat Ian. It's very hard to concentrate when your dick is rubbing against the table and you've the thought of Kim strolling bare all the way home. It didn't go unnoticed how horny I was either.

"Come on pay up" they both teased

"You aren't really going to take our clothes" Kim reasoned

"Hmm, okay we'll be nice. You can keep your heels and your bag. Don't worry we'll give everything else back tomorrow" Alice reassured

My mind was racing was racing so fast. I couldn't believe this was even happening. They had us in a corner and I was loving every second of it. I know it wasn't the quite the same experience for Kim but she was the one who had agreed so we had to comply.

I'll admit I wasn't hard the whole time while playing but once she'd stripped I was rock solid. It took a bit of encouragement but I was able to get her to accept our faith while she put her shoes on and retrieved her bag. I did my best to be as casual as I could, walking out ahead of her for our walk back.

It was a very strange feeling being more confident. The fact she had something on still gave me that she was still the dominant one though. She tried covering up at the start but once she realised the streets were deserted didn't bother. It was about 4am at this stage and there was literally no one out. The only sound you could hear was her heels hitting the ground.

The odd thing is I was glad they'd put us in this situation. It was my dream with a cherry on top. I'm not saying I would have gladly done it but been left with not much choice drove me wild. I couldn't wait for us to get back so I could stroke myself on the balcony. It was pretty unbearable not playing with myself as I walked but I didn't want to make Kim feel anymore uncomfortable.

What surprised me most was that going through empty streets was not nearly as scary as getting closer to our apartment building. It was the realisation that we hadn't considered if there would be someone at the desk. We had to just hope that either no one was there or they were very understanding.

The former was the truth but passing by the desk felt like an eternity. The wall amplified the sound of her heels too. We made it though and were in the lift so close to safety. We didn't really chat much but I think we were more focused with not getting caught. The conversation started once we felt the task was almost.

"Wow, okay now I get it. This is hot" Kim admitted

"I know, there is literally no feeling like it" I concurred

"I'm not sure my heart is cut out for it though" she stated

We then made our way to our room. I'm sure you are wondering how we got in but she kept our key in her bag thankfully. I lay on my bed for a moment to try process what had actually happened but wasn't given much thinking time.

The next thing I remember is opening my eyes and seeing Kim literally jumping on top of me. I wasn't sure if she was just acting silly or what but she was very quickly and aggressively riding my dick. This was insane, I didn't think the night could get any better. My only small issue was containing myself as she wanted to make sure she came first.

This wasn't as much of an issue as first thought because it did not last long. I know that sounds like a bad thing but I'd been teased so much. I wanted her so bad it was a relief to be able to finish but I loved every minute that we had. It wasn't romantic or anything like that, as soon as we finished. She went to her bed and fell asleep.

That sounds mean but I did not mind at all. I'd finally gotten over my dry spell but I was a bit worried what this might do to our friendship. I was so tired that this thought did not linger for too long. I was soon asleep as well without much time to process all of it.

To be continued.........

patrickm 12-24-2021 11:19 AM

Pushed to Fantasy (On Vacation)
Damn, that was hot. Always wanted to play strip pool where the loser has to go home naked.

andrew_b 12-28-2021 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by patrickm (Post 4612216)
Damn, that was hot. Always wanted to play strip pool where the loser has to go home naked.

Thanks so much for your comment. I love to hear feedback

I'm glad you're enjoying the story :)

andrew_b 07-20-2022 04:53 PM

The next morning we went to the beach but this time I didn't need to bury my dick in the sand. It's amazing how I could still very much accept how hot Kim was, especially wearing a tiny bikini. Although the previous nights activities were able to help my thoughts from racing away from me. I was at least glad to have more control of myself.

My biggest fear was the potential of the whole affair being awkward. We didn't discuss initially, soaked up the sun for another day. It seemed like an itch that has been scratched eventually. I'm not sure who started the dialogue on the subject but eventually we got into the thick of it.

"Hey I know I was really drunk last night but I really enjoyed it and I mean all of it. The walk back was intense and I hope you don't mind me jumping you when we got to our room" Kim rambled

"I'll admit it went so fast that it was hard to take in until afterwards. You are a beautiful woman. I'm certainly not going to mind getting such an opportunity to see you unclothed let alone anything else" I responded

"Okay because I will admit that once I knew about your dry spell. I did want to help out. It's why I wore increasingly smaller bikinis, it was my way of showing that I was willing. I mean I could have been more obvious but didn't want to seem like a slut." she added

"I don't know if you noticed but I got hard every time I seen you show more and more of your body. I had to bury myself so to not look like a human sundial" I explained

"Oh I was more than aware of that but thought it would lead to you eventually going a step further one of the nights. It was impossible to deny my own urges last night though. The walk home turned me on so much but I've got to ask were you hard because of what you had to do or because you got to see me naked" she asked

"It was admittedly a mix of both. I mean you are more than aware of my exhibitionist wants but it was 70% the sight of your body that did it. I liked the added dynamic of you keeping your heels and bag too. It was as if you were the one in charge. I suppose considering what happened after, maybe you were" I wondered

"The funny thing is that wearing the heels was probably the scariest part. I'd try my best to be quiet but it can't be done. It does make me want to try more though. I'm not sure how much further but if you have any ideas...." she gestured

*I took a bit of time contemplating the possible ideas that could be done but wouldn't be too crazy. After I'd decided I brought her to quiet beach around the corner from the main one. It was like a cove area but not another person in sight. I'd then suggested we swim in the water for a bit. Then it was time for her dare.

Then after some time I suggested she took off her bikini in the water. It took a bit of convincing but I could tell she wanted to try. She did comply after a deep breath and we continued swimming with me holding onto it. Then I decided to push it further by step out of the water. She seemed startled but I made sure she was okay to continue. We were at the furthest end of the beach but away from the busier part crucially.

I walked on the sand as she swam across the short cove. Then I got to the part that was make or break. I crossed the rocks which led to the main beach. She did briefly join me but as soon as she had come across she was gone. I retreated to find her back where she felt safe*

"Okay no more, please I need my bikini back" she panted

"Sure no problem, I'm sorry I shouldn't have went that far with it" I apologized

"No no, it's okay. I was fine here but once I seen the people in the distance I panicked. I'm definitely done" she clarified

*I didn't take anymore time away from her and her clothes. It was clear that this was her limit. We chatted for a bit on the beach and she did mention how she enjoyed it up the point of losing her cool. It wasn't something she wanted to try again even though it was exciting. The risk was obviously too great for her. This was fine with me, at the very least she now had a greater idea why I enjoyed the thrill so much*

To be continued.........

patrickm 08-06-2022 08:03 AM

Fiction: Pushed to Fantasy (On Vacation)
Glad you're continuing the story. Looking forward to the other naked adventures she's going to put him through.

andrew_b 08-07-2022 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by patrickm (Post 4837317)
Glad you're continuing the story. Looking forward to the other naked adventures she's going to put him through.

Thanks. I had the general story worked out for months.

I think the next part is going to be the last of this story but I've other ideas to continue the series

andrew_b 09-06-2022 05:38 PM

The remaining the days on holidays were fairly uneventful. In general we spent the time getting back to being friends again but with this we agreed that there wouldn't be any further sexual activity. We both enjoyed it but felt it would potentially ruin or complicate what we already had.

I'll admit that it did seem like the sensible thing but I can't deny that if the opportunity presented itself again not sure I could say no. It did help that she wore less revealing outfits and my mindset was far less like a horny teenager. I mean I've got good control but everyone has their breaking point. I'd still walk around the apartment naked since that was something that we were both still comfortable with. If she had of said anything I'd of had no problem getting dressed.

We had planned to meet Alice and Ian on our last night to basically round off the holiday. Oh and don't worry we had met with them before then to get our clothes back. Even though there wasn't anything particularly sexy about it. It was still hot to me having them returned to us. So the last night came, we decided to meet at an Italian place.

While getting ready before getting dressed Kim offers a curve ball. She knew I still enjoyed doing dares and suggested one more since we'd be going home tomorrow. I was certainly not going to pass up the opportunity but was a little disappointed when she said.

"How about this. You go commando tonight" she proposed

"That doesn't seem that daring" I followed

"Hmm, well if you wore them loose shorts it would" she added

"That would be a challenge but walking around town I'd be terrified they'd fall down at the wrong time" I questioned

"That's part of the fun. It's okay if you're too chicken to take the risk" she teased

"I'm not a chicken" I retorted

Before she could even rile me up anymore I was stepping into the shorts she had mentioned for the evening. This definitely wasn't something I'd thought through all that much but I did not want to back down from the challenge.

After we had both finished getting ready with me mostly "dressed" we made our way into town. I know this sounds strange because I know plenty of guys walk around during the day with only shorts on. I'd done it every day on this holiday but you had the security of a draw string to keep them tight. I did not have this luxury with this attire. The biggest problem I faced initially was that it was turning me on. I had to spend the entire time in the lift down the lobby concentrating on not walking through with a full woody.

I'd mostly done a good job at this but not entirely. Once out in the air the breeze would go up my crotch. I had maintained a fairly respectable semi so it just looked impressive if someone had decided to look in that direction. The added bonus was that it was helping keep my shorts up. It wasn't fully secure and there were plenty of moments where I would hold them when I got nervous that they were slipping.

We thankfully made it to the restaurant without incident which I think disappointed Kim but I would very relieved since they were plenty of undesirable people walking the street. I'm going to make clear that I did not want them shorts falling down. We made it so far so good now for the rest of the evening.

To be continued.........

patrickm 09-08-2022 12:24 PM

Fiction: Pushed to Fantasy (On Vacation)
More please! Don't leave us hanging!

andrew_b 09-09-2022 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by patrickm (Post 4867545)
More please! Don't leave us hanging!

I'm glad you're enjoying it. I know I'm taking forever to finish it

The next part should be the last one and I'll try my best to add it as soon as I can.

W01f 09-24-2022 05:06 AM

Take your time man. I mean try not to take a year, but don’t feel rushed. It’s a great story so far.

Just imagining that forfeit was great.

andrew_b 12-15-2022 06:37 PM

We made our way inside, Alice sat opposite her man. Then for whatever Kim made a point of sitting next to Ian. I did find it amusing that we'd be both corned in by the girls. This was something that get a giggle out of them too.
The waiter came over with menus for us to look at. It was at this point I felt a hand on my lap. As I looked across seen that Kim had both her hands in view that left only one other possibility. I did realise after that it would have been physically impossible for her to stretch over without being noticed anyway.

It started with just her hand on my crotch over my shorts, then it changed to a rubbing motion. Up, down, in circles. There was a brief worry about it moving my shorts down but then her hand slid under them too. It was initially quite difficult for her to get any decent stroke going but then she basically forced my shorts down to my ankles. The cold breeze under the table was the next thing I noticed.

Now I will explain that this restaurant had a tablecloth with decent coverage so there was less risk of someone noticing my cock being out but not impossible. This was still risky as hell, which for me is always going to be a double edged sword. The thing that made this more intense was the fact she was damn good at it. I mean her technique was so impressive. She would switch between stroking, using her thumb on my tip or emphasizing my tip on each stroke.

When the waiter came back to take our order she did stop but still kept her hand wrapped around. My heart was going a mile a minute at this point. I was terrified of getting caught literally with my pants down or well shorts. I'll admit I was glad she didn't continue during this because I had let out a quiet moan shortly before. We finished ordering our food and she picked up where she left off.

It was getting more difficult to stay in one place now was doing anything I could to basically grind in and out of her hand. The whole thing was beginning to make it a challenge to focus. Although the conversation was certainly adding to the pleasure as Kim was explaining how I told her I felt walking through the bar. The feeling of the air from outside the door hitting me, all over every bit of my skin. How the floor felt under my feet and the tingle I felt on my stiff dick with every step.

"Oh god not sure how much longer I can hold out" I blurted

"Hold out? you can cum if you want to" Alice replied puzzled

"Oh that's not a good idea" Kim added

"Why's that?" Alice questioned

"He isn't always quiet, even less so when he's extra horny and being teased" she explained

"Oh so this must be torture for him" Alice replied with a wicked grin

It was so intense, there was two parts of me at war with one another. There was obviously the one in her grasp that desperately wanted to finish. Although an increasingly more worried part of me considering the possibility of a very obvious orgasm that could potentially get us kicked out or worse.

"I guess he can finish himself off" Alice resounded

She then let go, leaving me time to gather my thoughts and allow some of the stiffness in me to go. I swear as soon as it was like semi I think the opportunity to walk to the toilets after obviously pulling up my shorts. They came down as quick as they went up once inside. I'd not given too much thought to the fact that even with a semi it may have been noticeable or I just looked impressive. It's in these moments were you don't always think straight but within seconds I got my relief and the clarity that comes with it.

I know there had been a lot of amazing experiences on this holiday, a lot of teasing. The night with Kim after completing our forfeit was probably the best. Although this was a close second as far as orgasms went. The rest of the evening was rather more civil since we were heading home the next day it was more about winding down. We had swaps details with Alice and Ian to keep in touch without really knowing if we'd see them again. That's how things like this go but I do hope to. I'll leave this story at it's final conclusion but hope to add more.


Craign20177 12-16-2022 01:47 AM

Very much enjoyed the whole story 😊.
Should have added Alice or Kim walking into the bathroom to help him finish off lol.

Can't wait to read the next story.

sexyseniorctzn 12-16-2022 11:55 AM

That was fun. Looking forward to your next one.

patrickm 12-19-2022 05:51 AM

Pushed to Fantasy (On Vacation)
Nice ending. I've really enjoyed this story and hope you start a new one soon.

andrew_b 12-19-2022 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Craign20177 (Post 4956043)
Very much enjoyed the whole story 😊.
Should have added Alice or Kim walking into the bathroom to help him finish off lol.

Can't wait to read the next story.

I try to make it realistic enough. He is still more friend than friends with benefits with Kim and only getting to know Alice

andrew_b 12-19-2022 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by sexyseniorctzn (Post 4956485)
That was fun. Looking forward to your next one.

Thanks, glad you're enjoying the series :)

andrew_b 12-19-2022 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by patrickm (Post 4958850)
Nice ending. I've really enjoyed this story and hope you start a new one soon.

I was nervous that people wouldn't think it was interesting enough, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it

redcamel 12-19-2022 11:40 AM

Very enjoyable, thanks for the story. Waiting for a new one.

andrew_b 12-19-2022 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by redcamel (Post 4959114)
Very enjoyable, thanks for the story. Waiting for a new one.

Clearly I'm not very good at making promises. Although I will try my best (I do already know roughly where I'm going next with this)

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