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andrew_b 02-09-2021 06:54 PM

Pushed to Fantasy (A Night At The Movies)
This is a work of fiction. Although there is some truth in as far as actual things I've done and dreamed of doing. So I've written it in the style as if it had been real events. As before it will be a slow build but that is by design. If you haven't already, please check out the original "Pushed to Fantasy" link below

It was another boring Tuesday evening and there was nothing interesting on the TV and we couldn't decide on anything to watch on Netflix either. Although Kim suggested going to see the latest blockbuster but I was unsure if it would even be on this late and in any case I didn't have the money to go.

She states "I tell you what, I'll pay but under one condition"

I reply "What's that?"

She explains "You follow my orders until we get home"

The day in the pub was still fresh in my memory and yes it was something I replayed daily. It felt as though it might not be an occasion that would be re-lived, after all it had been well over a month and Kim hardly even mentioned it.

This gave me food for thought that maybe these "orders" would be her way to continue to push me or maybe she was just trying to mess with me. It wouldn't be clear and I knew she wouldn't give me further details until I agreed.

I could already feel a slight bulge grow as I considered the possibilities and I think she noticed

I answered "Sure, that seems fair"

Her face lit up and replied "Oh great, just give me a half an hour to get ready. Sure even if there isn't a showing, we can go out for food or something"

While she was in the shower I found there was a midnight showing of the movie, which would give us time to get something to eat before hand as well

It gave me time as well to consider what she may have in store for me. The evening would already include somewhere to eat, then the movie itself. This then began to worry me because of all the possibilities but then I wondered if she knew anyone who worked at the movie theater. I wasn't sure, then again you never know.

I got a quick wash after Kim but it was more of a quick wank while I thought of all the things that could happen once we left our apartment. It also drove me wild at the thought that she was naked only a few minutes before where I was at that moment.

It was never anything more than friends but couldn't deny that she was an attractive woman.

There wasn't too much time to dwell on this thought because it was time to go and see what was in store with Kim's "orders"

To be continued.........

karabennemsyx 02-10-2021 03:17 AM

starts promising

sexyseniorctzn 02-10-2021 08:07 AM

Can't wait. I love your stuff

andrew_b 02-11-2021 06:55 PM

Since I was unsure what kind of place Kim wanted to go for food, I thought an educated guess that it wouldn't be too fancy. So I dressed in fairly casual clothes, it was always a thought that I wanted clothes that were easy to get out of.

After our last escapade I wanted to be as prepared as possible but I was still not fully sure what to expect.

As I made my way downstairs, she came into view wearing jeans with a fairly tight top. It wasn't overly slutty but enough to show a decent amount of cleavage.

We were both ready to go so headed out to the car, it became clear very quickly that I would not have to wait long to start getting my "orders"

She began "Okay first order I want is that you keep your cock out for the drive" and continued "but I want you to stroke yourself as well"

I was stunned, yes I had done some really risky things but this was such a busy city at night. The thought of it was giving a rush of worry but also excitement. Although I did not reply before she could tell me more

She explains further "There is something more I want you to know, I like to know if you're close to cumming and you are not to finish without my say so. Also if we come to a red light or stop sign, you to take your hand away. This has two functions, to tease but also to give anyone who might be parked alongside a good look. I know considering you'll be playing with yourself, it will be a wonderful sight."

This was starting to have an affect on me in more ways than one. I had begun to regret wearing loose bottoms as it was very obvious how turned on I was at simply the thought of the task she wished of me. It hadn't been lost on her either.

She gasped "Wow, you're really enjoying this aren't you? is it the risk? or the fact I'm asking, no demanding you to do it?

I finally could bring words to my lips and spoke "You're right, I am. It's a mix of both really. I like that you're pushing me but I'm worried at the same time."

Kim reassures me "Hey look I wouldn't want to put you in obvious danger, it's all good fun but your safety and being comfortable is important to me as well. This is something that is maybe a push but not impossible considering the stuff you've done in the past. That is, assuming you were telling the truth"

I replied "No I was telling the truth, I swear. I'm not saying I don't want to do this, quite the opposite. There is no harm is letting you know my feelings but I think it's time we got going, as we need to get food and don't want to miss the start of the movie either"

It then I slipped down my underwear and bottoms, in doing so my dick sprang out as it was already fairly hard. I'd been wanting to stroke from the moment it was mentioned but was nervous because of the risk.

Although having said that, I didn't want to back down from something I knew I could do. So I began slowly moving my hand up and down my shaft, all the while Kim seemed transfixed but wasn't shy about staring.

I caught her attention with "my eyes are up here"

She suddenly realised how long she had been staring for "Oh my bad, time to get going I suppose"

I stared confidently at her as I continued to stroke "I think we should but are you sure you'll be able to concentrate on the road?"

She brushed this off "Oh don't worry, I'm a good driver. Even with....distractions"

As she started up the car, feeling the vibration below me just made me more horny. It also brought further butterflies, knowing that I could not cover up how much I was enjoying myself.

It was clearly going to be an interesting evening ahead. I was loving the thought of it but would I still feel that way by the end of the night.

To be continued.........

Sydney_sub 02-12-2021 06:11 PM

Loving this story and looking forward to your next chapter

andrew_b 02-26-2021 07:10 AM

I'm glad people are enjoying the story so far.

I didn't realise it'd been so long since I uploaded the last part but I do have ideas what I want to do with the next few parts, just need to figure out how it should play it out but still be realistic

I'm not going to be able to get add new part until maybe next week, I'll try on Sunday if I get a chance though

ftmsub13 03-21-2021 02:32 PM

would love to hear more!

andrew_b 03-21-2021 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by ftmsub13 (Post 4325823)
would love to hear more!

I'm glad you're enjoying it, so sorry I've not uploaded new part yet. It's a challenge to figure out where I want the story to go

I've got most of what's going to happen later in the story but want more in the middle to keep it interesting

andrew_b 04-22-2021 04:36 PM

So went on our way through town but we weren't going straight to get food after all. It seemed we were taking a detour. I voice my concerns to Kim

"Eh, where are we going?" I mentioned

"I need to get some petrol for the car otherwise we'll be walking. We can always leave getting food until after anyway" she replied

It obviously made sense and I was worried that we might miss a late screening. The snacks in the cinema are normally enough to fill me in any case.

I've got to be honest at this point, I'm not used to teasing myself or stretching out a potential orgasm. This became a real challenge very quickly. The real issue was that I naturally build up my speed and got ahead of myself. So it did not take me very long to get sensitive. To add to that, I had even considered why Kim wanted me to stop stroking or even touching at red lights. I mean it had occurred to me that the main purpose was to tease me but it came with an added part. It meant I could not cover myself either, so it was like a double edged sword. As much as I wanted to touch, I knew that I needed the break because I was getting closer to that point of no return.

We were about half way to where she wanted to fill up at. She didn't want to pay the price for places closer but the plus side was that we were in a less busy part of town. This hadn't gone unnoticed by Kim though.

"Oh you think it's getting easier because there aren't as many cars around?" She questioned

"I didn't say anything" I stated

"No you didn't but I can see it on your face" she said matter of fact

It was true that the lesser traffic did help me relax more but by her tone it was clear that was not going to last. I did not respond before she could add more.

"Okay, I want everything off. Hmm but you can keep your t-shirt. That way if someone sees you, they won't even know you're basically naked" she giggled

"Hopefully" I responded

There is always a risk with doing things like this. Even if it would be lower since there isn't an obvious way for people to notice. It's still there.

Although like in the pub, my other brain was taking over. I wanted my release and would do anything for it.

It was clear as well that she might have more twists for me. This didn't stop me whipping off my underwear, jeans, shoes and socks quicker than I could question it.

"Okay good, now throw them onto the back seat" She demanded

This was something I didn't hesitant with either. It seemed to please her how willing I was, which was important to me. Not least because I felt if I didn't things without any debate. She may allow me to cum that bit sooner.

I've got to say though, even though I wasn't fully naked. It feel like I was, which was enough to thrill and worry me.

To be continued.........

patrickm 04-27-2021 02:10 PM

Pushed to Fantasy
Can't wait to find out what he does wearing just his tee shirt. Thanks for the update!

andrew_b 04-29-2021 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by patrickm (Post 4358601)
Can't wait to find out what he does wearing just his tee shirt. Thanks for the update!

You're very welcome. The next part will definitely be worth waiting for, I've got most of the idea fleshed out. It's just a case of getting the time to do it.

ftmsub13 04-30-2021 08:52 AM

cannot wait to find out what's gonna happen next!

andrew_b 05-11-2021 05:29 AM

As we continued drive I would relax more as there were barely any cars around. Although that was not my main concern at this stage. I was now beginning to throb, it was becoming increasingly difficult to not cum at any given moment.

I had mentioned that at the start of the drive I was so horny that I was stroking a quite a quick pace but it slowed to a snail as I did my best to try prolong how long I could realistically hold out. It got to the point were I was no longer using my whole hand, literally my first finger and thumb barely caressing my cock.

It was absolute torture but I had to do everything I could to not blow my load before Kim would say I could. Every time we would stop at a traffic light it was teasing too but also gave me a break to ease the tension building throughout my body.

I'm sure she noticed this because at the last stop light she reached over just barely touched my tip while circling around. It was even enough contact for me to feel but certainly enough for her to notice how much precum had built up

A short time after this we pull in to this empty petrol station so we can fill up and Kim decides to give me two options

"Hmm, do you want to fill up or go in a pay for me?" she enquired

I wasn't exactly surprised at her asking but wasn't sure if she'd allow me to put anything back on, so I didn't respond

"If you're wondering if I'll be letting you put any clothes back on. I think you know that already" she clarified

She was right, as much as I tried to fight the thought. I knew she wasn't going to make it a simple act of paying for fuel or filling up.

"I think I'll go for the first one, I'll fill up" I replied nervously

"Okay great, now take off your top as well" she gestured

"What, why?" I questioned

"There's literally no one else here, no other cars filling up. There is someone inside but you can hide behind the car. So it's not like there is too much risk" She explained

This was something I didn't fully agree with it but you've got to understand the situation. I was near naked, possibly more horny than I'd been in my life with a beautiful woman asking me to do something that she makes sound so simple

So I took off my top and handed it to her. Then began to make my way out of the car. I say this because any guy knows that a full hard on does limit movement somewhat.

There was another part to this that I hadn't thought, concert is cold under bare feet. It helped make me feel way more exposed, that and the slight breeze that met me as I made me way around the car.

Now the way I write this makes it sound like I casually took my time making my way around to the pump but I did not waste any time getting to my cover. I knew that if the person inside was to look out at all the would definitely see me. I couldn't even be fully sure they didn't

So I began to fill up with what seemed the slowest of pumps. There was a lot of concentration involved in this whole drive but this was definitely the most testing. I mean there is the obvious risk which both worries and thrills me but even the sound of the fuel going into the car. This could be how my dick would be if I were to be allowed to cum but I had to put that to the back of my mind as quickly as it entered.

Then the situation changed very quickly. A car pulled in at the pump on the opposite side to where I was, driven by this cougar type woman. She seemed fairly well to do in her Mercedes. The thing that I was not quite expecting was that she did not exit the car right away, she was instead much interesting in showing her disgust for my lack of dress

"Oh my god, how dare you fill up without anything covering you up. Do you not have any self respect?" She retorted

There wasn't much time to think during this as she continued to berate me about how I'd feel if someone I knew seen me doing this or worse if there was children present. The entire time I was just frozen as the car filled up further.

That's my whole body began to shake, initially I just thought I was shivering due to being undressed but I was very very wrong. The thing I heard was "splat"........

The whole time she had been yelling at me I was unable to keep my concentration, even without stroking myself everything that I had built up on the drive there was now laying on the cold ground

There was silence briefly but then the woman opened her mouth again which I assumed would be for further verbal punishment

"Wow, okay that was actually kind of hot" She cooed

"Thanks" I let out cautiously

I did not waste any time then getting back into the car as it had be full of fuel probably longer than I realised

We both watched as the woman entered the station as it seemed she did not even need to fill up or maybe the experience may her forget that she did need to. I've no idea as this part of the evening is a bit of a blur. The only part I can remember clearly is Kim laughing her ass off as I got back into the car, her going inside to pay and then us driving off.

I still wonder if that woman thinks about that night in positive way after having some time to reflect but that's something I'll probably never know the answer to

To be continued.........

sexyseniorctzn 05-11-2021 09:20 AM

ROTFLMAO Just the image is hilarious.

ftmsub13 05-11-2021 01:31 PM

Hahaha that was so great. Love the extra humiliation aspect you threw in there too!

As always, can't wait to read more!

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