getDare Truth or Dare

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FLCL 10-21-2021 04:22 AM

Chapter 48

One day Lindsay and I were watching a movie at Lindsay's house with her mom. Ms. Peale had clearly had a few glasses of wine giving her voice a somewhat jolly and uneven tone. Lindsay and I were sitting together on the couch and her mom was watching from the lounge chair. About 30 minutes into the movie, Ms. Peale said, "So Pat, I think I need to ask, what are your intentions for my daughter?" The way she was looking at me, she had a devilish smirk on her face and a glimmer in her eye.

Lindsay answered first, "Mom don't."

"No Lindsay," Ms. Peale defended, "your dad isn't around or he should be the one to have this conversation. I like you, Pat, and I'm not trying to chase you off or anything but I think someone should be looking out for Lindsay's best interests."

"Mom," Lindsay jumped in again, "you really don't have to worry about Pat taking advantage of me."

"Oh? And why is that Lindsay?" Ms. Peale asked with a patronizing tone.

"Because. Pat does whatever I tell him to," Lindsay said matter-of-factly.

There was a moment of silence. I could feel myself getting slightly red. I certainly hadn't expected Lindsay to share the details of our relationship with her mom right now. I found myself praying that the subject would change quickly but my prayer was not answered.

"Oh Lindsay," Ms. Beale condescended, cutting through the awkward silence, "don't exaggerate. Pat seems like a nice boy, I'll give you that, but he doesn't just do whatever thing you say."

"Yes he does," Lindsay stated firmly.

"Okay. Pat," Ms. Beale squared her focus on me, "tell my daughter that you do have a mind of your own afterall. And that you won't just do any old thing that she says."

I glanced at Lindsay and, looking me in the eyes, Lindsay said, "Go ahead Pat."

My heart was in my troat and I could feel my face getting redder. I collected myself and said, "Actually Ms. Peale-"

"Becky." Ms. Peale interrupted.

"Right... Becky. Actually, Lindsay is right. I've told Lindsay that I'll do anything that she says."

The words hung in the air like an anvil over my head. Lindsay smiled a big grin at me and then turned to her mom, bobbing her head side to side as if to say, "I told you so." Ms. Peale looked surprised for a second before that devilish smirk that I had seen earlier gradually returned to her face.

"Oh, you guys are just messing with me," she said.

"No Mom, it's true!" Lindsay demanded.

"Yeah right," Ms. Peale doubted, "I haven't seen anything to make me believe that. It's not like you've been making him do all kinds of out-of-the-ordinary stuff since he's started coming around."

"Oh yeah," Lindsay said, annoyed, "and what kinds of 'out-of-the-ordinary stuff' would you expect me to be making Pat do while you're around?"

Ms. Peale answered with a hint of arrogance in her voice, "Well if I had a boyfriend that was going to do whatever I told him to, I would start by making him clean those dirty dishes in the kitchen sink." Ms. Peale paused until Lindsay was about to speak and then added, "naked." Then Ms. Peale took a slow sip of wine.

"Mom!" Lindsay shouted in shock.

"I'm not saying that you should make Pat do that," Ms. Peale said calmly after swallowing her wine. "I'm just pointing out that you're wrong to say that Pat would do anything you tell him to."

"No, you're wrong! He would do it if I said so-" Lindsay pushed back.

"Well then prove it," Ms. Peale challenged dismissively.

Lindsay sat in shocked silence for a moment before answering, "Fine. Go ahead Pat. Take off your clothes and go do the dishes."

Ms. Peale jumped in, "You don't have to do that Pat, Lindsay just doesn't like being corrected by her mother."

"No Mom," Lindsay pushed back again, "if you're going to call me a liar or whatever and this is the only way you'll admit you're wrong then he's going to do it."

"Okay Lindsay, well I guess we will see then," Ms. Peale said before turning her gaze back to me, "Pat?"

churroboy101 10-25-2021 07:58 AM

wow i just found this story i just wanted to say its very hot and i am thouroughly enjoying it! looking forward to the future updates

m55uk4younger 10-26-2021 01:44 AM

Nice, very nice, keep writing!

FLCL 10-26-2021 06:32 AM

Chapter 49

I stood up off the couch. I could not believe what was happening. I was looking back and forth between Ms. Peale and Lindsay for a moment. Lindsay still looked mildly annoyed and Ms. Peale looked intrigued.

"Um, are we sure-" I started to say before Lindsay cut me off.

"Are you about to question my command?" she asked.

"Oh, um, no! Uh... my Queen," I stammered.

Ms. Peale laughed slightly, holding her hand in front of her mouth. "What is this?" Ms. Peale asked.

"Be patient mother," said Lindsay, "this is a lot further than anything I've commanded him to do before."

Ms. Peale was surprised, "Wait, you're serious?"

I started by taking off my shirt and laying it over the back of the couch. I heard Ms. Peale say "oh my" under her breath. I took my time with it, hoping desperately that Ms. Peale or Lindsay would give me an out and let me keep my clothes on. I could already feel my penis starting to swell at the thought of being naked in front of Lindsay and Ms. Peale, being made to wash the dishes and who knows what else. Next, I removed my socks and set them aside. I looked at Ms. Peale and Lindsay again. Lindsay's annoyed face had morphed into a devilish grin. She was clearly enjoying the anticipation of my humiliation in front of her mother now. Ms. Peale looked a little bewildered; she was breathing a little heaver and her face was somewhat flush. I could feel my body shaking slightly as I moved my hands to my waistband. I grabbed my underwear and shorts at my hips so I could pull them both off at the same time. Before I pulled them down, I looked at Ms. Peale one last time, hoping she would tell me to stop, but she just leaned slightly forward and kept watching.

Lindsay broke the silence, "Go ahead Pat."

With that, I dropped my shorts and underwear to the floor and stepped out of them.

Ms. Peale said, "Oh my God!" and looked away. She then made a double-take and shouted "Oh my God!" even louder, looking away again and putting her arm out with her hand up to block her view of my penis out of the corner of her eye.

I felt my face get warm with embarrassment. My hands instinctively moved to hide my dick. But then I thought that Lindsay wouldn't want me to cover and I moved my hands away. Then I thought maybe Lindsay didn't want her mom looking at me and I awkwardly covered my dick again. Within seconds, I had a full erection that was very difficult to hide anyway. My shoulders were rolled forward and I was looking down and around trying not to make eye contact with Lindsay or Ms. Peale.

Ms. Peale slowly turned her gaze back towards me but kept her hand up to block her view of my privates. She looked shocked. Lindsay's face still wore her devilish grin. Lindsay said, "Move your hands to your sides, Pat. No use hiding if you're about to be washing the dishes. And stand up straight. You look like a frightened puppy."

I moved my hands out of the way and lifted my shoulders, giving full view of my stiff dick to the two ladies. I felt a surge of burning humiliation in my face and chest as I stood there, fully naked, breathing a little heavy and lightly shaking. I was now looking straight ahead at the wall above Lindsay and Ms. Peale's heads, still carefully avoiding eye contact. I actually started to feel a little light-headed, like I might faint.

I noticed Ms. Peale lower her hand a little to take a peek at my dick before immediately putting her hand back in blocking position. She said, "My word, Pat, you are a big boy."

The excitement was exhilarating and agonizing at the same time. My dick was so hard that it hurt. I actually felt like I could cum without anyone touching me but I was able to resist. I was trying to calm myself down and relieve my super hard dick but I just couldn't. So I was forced to stand there on the knife edge between agony and ecstasy.

Lindsay wanted to keep things going; she said, "Very good Pat, let's give Mommy a little demonstration of your devotion, shall we?" She paused for a moment, but before I had a chance to say anything, she continued, "Why don't you lie down on the floor and roll over?"

I interpreted her "question" as a command and immediately complied. I laid down on the carpet and rolled over once, feeling that guilty pleasure of humiliating myself at Lindsay's request. Then I started to get back up and Lindsay commanded, "Stop right there on your knees."

I got on both knees with arms at sides and straight posture. While I was rolling on the floor, Ms. Peale had dropped her arm and was now just watching my humiliation. The exposure and the embarrassing commands were getting to me and my body was quivering now. Lindsay cooed, "My Pat, you're so excited. You should try to relax. Close your eyes and lightly caress your penis. But be careful not to overstimulate, okay?"

There I was, naked, on my knees, gently stroking my dick, in front of Lindsay and her mom. Keeping my eyes closed did help relieve the tension a little but but it was still intense. It was quiet in the room for what felt like a long time before I heard Ms. Peale say, "Wow, I don't know what to say." Then after another brief pause she said, "This is spectacular."

Lindsay said, "See mom, I tried to tell you. Pat does whatever I say."

"You're right," Ms. Peale acknowledged, "I'm sorry I doubted you. I hope you understand why I wasn't able to believe something like... this."

Lindsay chuckled and replied, "I get it. Pat is a special boy."

"Yes," Ms. Peale agreed, "he is."

denon12 10-26-2021 08:24 PM

Oh my this is amazing. How have I never seen this before. I've just read this from chapter 1 and I am hooked!!

FLCL 10-28-2021 05:45 AM

Chapter 50

My eyes were closed and I was stroking my dick ever so gently with just my fingertips. I was on the edge of orgasm and anything more than that would have put me over the edge. Every so often the sensation would well up, my body would quake, and I would quietly moan.

Ms. Peale commented on my body hair, "He's very well groomed!"

Lindsay acknowledged, "Yeah, that's one of my rules for him. He keeps his body hair trimmed and shaved exactly how I like it."

Hearing them talk about me that way caused in my body a large quake and a louder, longer moan.

"Okay Pat," Lindsay said, "that's enough of that. I think it's time for you to get started with the dishes."

I stopped touching myself and opened my eyes to see the two ladies staring at me very attentively. I stood up and started towards the kitchen. After a few steps, Ms. Peale got up from her chair.

"Where are you going?" Lindsay asked.

"To watch!" answered Ms. Peale. "You have to admit, this is a lot more interesting than this movie."

Lindsay said, "I guess you're right" and both ladies followed me into the kitchen.

As we entered the kitchen, Ms. Peale said to me, "Before you get started Pat, will you pour me another glass of wine?"

I stopped to look at her and Lindsay. Lindsay had her arms crossed and was giving her mom a side-eyed glance but after a moment she looked at me and gave me an affirming nod.

"Of course, Becky," I said.

I walked toward Ms. Peale to collect her wine glass. She was holding the glass up by her shoulder, making me walk all the way up to her for it. My hand was outstretched but she didn't hand me the glass. She was just slowly looking me up and down with a devious smirk on her face.

After a few seconds of waiting, I asked, "May I please have your wine glass?"

She responded, "Yes Pat, here you go" and gently handed it over to me.

"Thank you," I said, taking the wine glass from her.

I went to get the already open bottle of wine, pulled out the half-inserted cork, and poured wine into her glass. This glass finished the bottle so I set the bottle and the cork by the sink and returned Ms. Peale's wine glass to her.

"Here you are," I said as I handed over the glass.

"Thank you," she said.

"My pleasure," I answered bashfully.

"Oh look," Ms. Peale said, "I finished the bottle. You should put the cork in the trash and the bottle in the recycling bin... behind the house."

"Um," I said, looking at Lindsay for help.

But Lindsay just grinned at me and said, "She's right Pat. I don't know what you're thinking leaving a finished bottle sitting there for us to deal with. Please take care of it."

"O-okay," I said. Both of them were smiling at me. So I grabbed the bottle and the cork. I tossed the cork in the kitchen trash. Then I went with the empty wine bottle to the back door. I got down on my knees so I could peek out the back window without being seen. Lindsay's yard was much smaller than mine and the houses were much closer together. There were low chain-link fences between the properties that marked the boundaries but provided no privacy. And there was an alleyway between her back yard and the next row of houses that allowed rear vehicle access.

I could hear Ms. Peale snicker at me as I glanced at all the nearby yards, checking that no one was out there to see me. "Please don't let the neighbors see you like this," she said mockingly. "It would be the talk of the town. None of us would ever hear the end of it."

"Trust me, Becky," I said, "I don't want to be seen like this either."

Once I was confident that there was no one to see me, I opened the door. Lindsay's back door opened onto a concrete patio. The recycling bin was at the opposite end of the patio so I had to walk the width of her house to get to it. It was nearly a full moon and Lindsay's house had a flood light in the back for security, so there was no hiding in shadows for me. I tried to move as smoothly and quietly as possible to avoid drawing any attention to myself. The air was cool this evening and the concrete patio felt cold under my feet. I was looking around and listening very carefully, staying hyper-aware of my surroundings. Somehow my dick stayed mostly erect through this, making the thought of getting caught even more humiliating.

I made it to the recycling bin without incident and opened the lid. There was about a foot and a half deep of glass bottles and aluminum cans already in the bottom of the bin. Not wanting to make a clatter of noise, I carefully lowered the bottle into the bin and gently set it on top of the rest of the recyclables. Unfortunately, the weight of the wine bottle caused the rest of the recyclables to shift, leading to some sound of glass clinking and aluminum crumpling. I looked around nervously but there was still no one around. I gently closed the lid of the bin and returned to the back door. Once I made it inside, I closed the door and rested my back against it, relieved and thrilled to have made it without getting caught. I was breathing pretty heavy at that moment from the excitement.

"Wow Pat, that was fun to watch!" Ms. Peale said. Lindsay was smiling at me too.

Then Ms. Peale's face became nervous and she said, "Oh crap."

"What?" asked Lindsay.

"...I just remembered," Ms. Peale said, "Mrs. Headley across the alley has a security camera facing her back yard and it can see into ours... Gosh, I hope she doesn't review the footage."

FLCL 10-28-2021 10:13 AM

Chapter 51

"Are you serious?" I said, sinking to my knees.

"Yeah..." Ms. Peale replied, "but that's a problem for another day Pat. Hopefully she doesn't look at the footage from tonight and nothing ever comes of it. Now hop up and get to the dishes."

I stood up. I had to walk past Ms. Peale to get to the kitchen sink. As I passed her, she gave my bare ass a hard slap. It made a really loud slapping noise and hurt way worse than I would've expected. I jumped and put my hands on my butt. I was completely shocked but it made my dick surge back to full mast.

Ms. Peale laughed and Lindsay shouted, "Mom!"

"I'm sorry," Ms. Peale apologized, "was that too much? This wine may be getting to me."

Lindsay said, "To be honest, this whole night has been a bit much. I can barely believe this is actually happening."

I started washing the dishes with my hard dick and my stinging ass cheek while they continued talking.

"Well, I've been thinking," Ms. Peale said. "You two were probably keeping this from me because you thought I would be mad if I found out. But now I know and you know what? I'm not mad. 'Cause I don't judge people for how they want to express their relationships. And you two are old enough and smart enough to make your own decisions about this kind of stuff."

"Mom-" Lindsay tried to interrupt.

"No, let me finish," Ms. Peale continued. "I'm not mad, in fact, I'm proud of you two for being brave enough to do something unconventional and not let social norms or whatever keep you from doing what feels right for you. And now that I know, you can be more open with it and it can be like this every time Pat comes over if you want. I certainly don't mind."

"Wow Mom, um... thanks... but this has been super weird, okay? I'd rather not, ever, do this again. This is a one night only thing. And I can tell you're enjoying yourself and I'll let that slide but don't get used to it. Get your eyeful and whatever else you need to get out of your system because we aren't doing this again."

"I get it. I get it," said Ms. Peale. "You don't want old mom around spoiling your fun. I've been there. Just know that I'm not going to judge, okay? Now give me a hug!"

Lindsay hugged her mom. Looking over Lindsay's shoulder, Ms. Peale noticed something, "Oh wow, it was too much! I left a mark! Sorry Pat!"

Lindsay, Ms. Peale, and I all turned to look at the bright red hand print on my ass cheek.

truthisyou 01-18-2022 01:43 PM

I really can't wait for the net chapter

Thifr 01-20-2022 11:09 AM

I just finished the 22th chapter. Wtf, that's really a fucking good story. I was curious to see if there were more chapters, almost 10 years after the first chapter.
It's really a nice job dude !

truthisyou 11-05-2022 07:54 AM

I hope this guy is still alive.... This is by far the best story on this site

FLCL 12-16-2022 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by truthisyou (Post 4922947)
I hope this guy is still alive.... This is by far the best story on this site

I'm still alive.

Caged_Tiger 08-23-2023 03:26 PM

Love this!
I have been reading stories on Getdare on and off for the last 5 years. This story is the first time that I found a story that made me want to create an account so that I could comment. This has been an amazing story, I know it’s been a bit but I truly hope you will continue this story.:)

truthisyou 02-23-2024 09:07 PM

Wish this story would continue

FLCL 04-04-2024 05:07 AM

Chapter 52

Lindsay and I didn't get together for a few days, but we kept in light contact over text. Eventually, she asked me over to her house. When I got there, I walked into her house through the front door. There, I was greeted by Ms. Peale/Becky. She was sitting at the dining room table with a little old lady. The lady looked up at me with a smile before her face quickly turned to shock. "That's him!" she shouted, pointing her finger at me. "That's the boy I was telling you about!"

"Pat?" asked Becky, acting surprised. "Are you sure, Mrs. Headley?"

"Yes!" she confirmed. "His face is seared into my memory, along with a few other things!"

"I'm sorry, this is shocking," Becky lied. "Pat seems like a nice, normal boy; I can't imagine... Pat, is this true? Were you naked behind my house?"

"I- um..." My mind swirled trying to think up an excuse or a lie to get me out of this mess.

"See!" shouted Mrs. Headley, "He did it! He's turning red- looking at his shoes. I've never seen a boy look so guilty!"

"Oh Pat, why in the world would you do that?" Becky chided, "This is disgraceful."

I felt a pulse of anger that Becky was scolding me as if it weren't her and Lindsay's idea to send me outside like that, but that anger was swamped by my shame and embarrassment at being caught and seen by poor old Mrs. Headley.

I heard footsteps quickly descend the stairs behind me, followed by Lindsay's voice, "What is going on down here?"

Becky spoke first, "Mrs. Headley caught Pat streaking behind our house-"

"What?" Lindsay sounded genuinely surprised, although I presume due to the current situation rather than the 'revelation' that I had been 'streaking.'

"Yes Lindsay," Becky continued, "Did you know about this?"

"Well-" Lindsay thought for a second or two, "Pat confessed to me that he has an obsession with exhibition. But I told him it was wrong and he should stop. I thought he had put this behind him."

Lindsay knew I couldn't betray her. I guess she only half threw me under the bus.

"You continued to see him after such a confession?" Mrs. Headley said, "That's almost too forgiving, my dear." She turned to me, "And you, why admit such a thing to this girl? If you know something is wrong, stop doing it! If you need to confess your sins, see a priest or a therapist for goodness sake!"

"You are right, ma'am," I said ashamedly. "I am very sorry."

"Pat, you won't ever do this again, will you?" Becky asked.

"No Ms. Peale," I promised.

"Then, I think we should discuss what you will do to atone for your behavior," Becky continued.

truthisyou 04-18-2024 04:18 AM

Love the new chapter!

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