getDare Truth or Dare

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frogman91234 08-28-2012 10:12 PM

This is getting really good!!

Ethan2cu 08-29-2012 12:21 AM

Noooo. Don't stop. Need more.

loves_the_dares 08-29-2012 12:38 AM

my goodness you are a good writer!!

dickface 08-29-2012 10:58 PM

1 word: amazing. that last chapter totally turned me on

b.bonky 08-29-2012 11:28 PM

I agree thats a good story i cant wait to the next part
keep up the good work :)

archie21 08-29-2012 11:53 PM

nice one... it was about time for Marie to re-appear...

FLCL 08-30-2012 07:33 PM

Wow guys, thanks for giving my story over 8,000 views in just two weeks. I'm honored. I'm curious about the demographic I'm reaching with this story. It appears from the comments that I'm reaching mostly submissive/switch straight males, which makes sense given the subject matter. But I would be very interested to know if there is anyone out there who is enjoying this story and does not fit this profile. Obviously I'm very grateful to all my readers who appreciate my work, but I would like to know if this story has any transcendental quality. So females, gays, and dominant straight males make yourselves heard! Critical feedback is welcome; It will make me a better writer in the future. Praise is also welcome; It makes me happy. Back to the story...

Chapter 14

The girls were standing in a line in front of me. Some held their hands behind their backs, others at their sides. Marie didn't notice me at first. I was hidden behind the girls and she was distracted by the lineup of her friends in various states of undress. She started with the obvious question, "Lindsay, why are you naked?"

All Lindsay could say was "oh my god" as she flung her hands from behind her back to cover her breasts and vagina. Lindsay hunched forward into an awkward, embarrassed position.

Before anyone could offer explanation, Marie noticed my foot tied to the couch, sticking out past the line of girls. "What's behind you?" Marie asked her friends. Without a word, the girls separated betraying my bound and naked body to my sister. I struggled to slip out of my restraints to no avail.

Marie looked shocked. "Holy shit," she exclaimed, "seriously, what is going on?"

There was a long, awkward period of silence. Then Marie said, "Fuck Pat, when did you grow a dick?" The girls laughed as I was reminded again that I was the baby in the room. My face burned with the embarrassment of being a helpless joke for my sister and her friends.

Without warning, Marie walked up to the couch and sat on my chest, knocking the air from my lungs and making it difficult to breathe. She gave my balls a firm slap causing a sharp pain to shoot into my lower abdomen. Lindsay let out a gasp. "Care to explain yourself?" Marie asked me.

With Marie's weight still on my chest, I choked out the words, "truth or dare."

"Oh, so this is a dare is it?" Marie said as she stood up. Marie left the room, commanding her friends, "don't untie him yet." When she returned she had a permanent marker.

"Hold still," Marie instructed me as she uncapped the marker. She held me in place with the weight of her body as she wrote "LOSER" down the length of my torso. The girls started laughing at me again. I was so embarrassed but my dick remained as stiff as ever. Marie took a few steps back as she pulled her phone from her shorts.

"Don't, don't!" I pleaded as Marie took pictures of me at my most vulnerable. The girls continued to laugh as I pulled more violently to free myself. "These will come in handy," remarked Marie.

MattInPanties 08-30-2012 07:39 PM

It just got so good! Why did you have to stop writing there! I hope you write more pretty soon since I love this story so much

Jaw 08-30-2012 09:50 PM

I hope Marie's friends aren't getting off lightly in this situation :p

I mean, she seems to be singling out Pat but then, these are all older girls kinda taking advantage of her little brother right? And this is a last hurrah before she goes to college if I'm not mixing up stories. An eeeexcellent chance to leave everyone in the room with some fond memories.

frogman91234 08-30-2012 09:54 PM

I agree with Jaw If it becomes a slave master They all should be to blame

Demon Thief 08-30-2012 11:43 PM

This is really enjoyable.

canam 08-31-2012 12:18 AM

omg keep going love it :p

SpiderMonkey 08-31-2012 06:51 AM

Well I'm rather enjoying your story and I'm a dominant male. Thanks for writing! :)

guit4 08-31-2012 06:52 AM

I disagree, I'd like to see all the girls gang up on him

smalldickbound 08-31-2012 11:48 AM

Great story so far. keep it up.
I kind of wish I was in Pat's position.

Saphir 08-31-2012 04:50 PM

hmhm :D idk but I'd like Pat to get back at his sister :D

anyway, the girls ganging up on pat sounds real hot ^.^

oh and as to straight switch/sub males... nah not only :D there is some mainly gay (well.. kinda bi when it comes to sex only) (switch) male who is really lovin' your story ;)

and keep this awesome writing up!

garrasdevil 09-02-2012 07:43 PM

now its getting good!

Hater 09-03-2012 10:56 AM

Good story
When is the next part coming!

hetiticth 09-03-2012 11:53 AM

Getting better and better!

dickface 09-10-2012 08:13 PM

i hope this story isnt... dead!!!

Grounder 09-11-2012 12:12 PM

^I agree with that guy! I want to read more!

naked_lego 09-14-2012 04:06 PM

Finally got to the end...But i was hoping it would have ended yet. Keep on writing :) 09-24-2012 02:30 PM

Please, Please, PLEASE!! Keep writing. you are an absolutely amazing writer!! And this story is so sexy!! KEEP GOING, PLEASE!!! :D:D:D

FLCL 12-02-2012 08:08 AM

Well, it's been a long time. I hope there's still some interest in this.

Chapter 15

"Untie me!" I commanded, "This wasn't part of the dare!"

Sarah replied, "Actually, I said 'let us do whatever we want.' I think that includes letting your sister abuse you." Dakota, Rachel, and Brittany agreed with Sarah. Lindsay didn't say anything.

"But she's not even playing!" I protested. "I am now," answered Marie.

"Fine, whatever, just untie me already," I said. Sarah asked the rest of the girls, "Is everyone ready for that?" The girls all agreed that they were done with me and Sarah began to untie me. She rested her body on my chest as she untied my wrists. "Embarrassed?" she asked me personally. "What do you think?" I answered blushing. Sarah smiled at me. She wrapped her fingers around my dick and said, "Well, you shouldn't be." Then she got off me. I sat up and untied my ankles.

While Sarah was untying me, Brittany was explaining the rules of the game to Marie. She made sure to tell her all the player rules that had been added so far. "So no one's allowed to say truth?" asked Marie. "Yep," answered Brittany. Dakota took issue, "Wait, we don't have a rule about late joining. Shouldn't Marie have to do something since she's joining after everyone else has already had to do stuff?"

"You're right," I answered, "Marie needs a late joiners punishment. Brittany, since you made up this game, you get to decide what the punishment is."

Brittany thought for a second. "How about this?: Everyone gets to ask her "truth or dare?" and she has to take at least two dares." Everyone nodded except Marie. "I don't think you should be able to make up rules without rolling a six," she commented. "Well you're not playing yet so you don't get a say!" laughed Rachel, "So what's it going to be? Do you agree to the terms?"

"Fine," answered Marie, "who's up first?"

vafancoulo13 12-02-2012 09:28 AM

glad to see that this is being continued!

frogman91234 12-02-2012 12:20 PM

Yay! Its still being written! Great addition too!

FLCL 12-02-2012 06:21 PM

Chapter 16

Lindsay answered, "I was up next, so I'll go first. Marie, truth or dare?" Marie looked at Lindsay, "Well... under normal circumstances, I'd use one of my dares on you Lindsay, but since you're naked I'm going to say 'truth.'"

Lindsay looked confused, "What does that have do with it?" she asked. "I don't know," answered Marie, "you probably don't want to be the only naked girl anymore." Lindsay said, "Oh, that make sense... My question is: What did you think when you first came downstairs?"

Marie answered, "Well, before I saw Pat, I was like 'Why are my friends getting naked in my living room?'" Everyone laughed. Marie continued, "Then I saw Pat and I was pissed... I don't know... It's just weird. Who would have guessed Pat has a penis?" The girls laughed in my direction as I blushed.

"Yea, I was really suprised." said Brittany, "Okay Marie, truth or dare?" Marie decided to give Brittany one of her dares. "Ooh yay!" she cheered, "I dare you to drink everytime I drink for the rest of the game." Then Brittany took a sip of her hard lemonade. "Hold on, I have to get one," said Marie. She opened a bottle and took a sip.

Next, I asked Marie, "All right Marie, truth or dare?" She answered, "Definitely truth!"

"I figured;" I said, "what are you going to do with that picture?" Marie answered, "Oh I don't have a plan. I'm just going to hold it over you head for the next ten years or so. In fact..."

Marie picked up her phone. "I don't want to see it," I said. Then all of the girls phones started beeping. When they picked up their phones they all started laughing and shouting "Oh my god!" Their shocked, smiling faces pivoted between my body, their phones and each other. I glared at Marie, "You bitch." She smiled at me, "Be nice, Pat, and I won't send it to anyone else right now." I shut my mouth, not wanting the picture to spread any further. It made me anxious that they all had something over me.

Rachel went next and Marie gave her her second and final required dare. Rachel said, "I dare you to go up to your room, put Jerome inside you, and keep it there until you roll a 2." Marie was shocked, "Oh my god, you are such a jerk!" I had to ask, "Who's Jerome?" Rachel turned to me, "It's her big purple dildo." I burst into laughter, "Wow Marie! Jerome?" Sarah joked, "Maybe you should start calling it 'Pat!'" Marie rejected, "Don't be gross."

Marie left up the stairs. She was gone for a couple minutes before we heard her yell, "I hate you Rachel!" from the top of the stairs. She came down the stairs squeezing her legs together and swaying from side to side. We all laughed at her awkward waddle. Rachel jabbed, "You know you like it."

Dakota was next and Marie asked for a truth. "Have you ever had a dick as big as your brother's?" Dakota asked. Marie looked at my dick, which she had been avoiding until then, and quickly looked away. "No..." she said embarrassed. Her response made me proud and excited. I felt like I had something over all of her exboyfriends.

Sarah was last and Marie asked for another truth. "What's your kinkiest fetish?" Sarah asked. "Ugh, you already know the answer," replied Marie. "I want you to say it in front of Pat," Sarah laughed. Marie's eyes darted around the room. "I like it when guys cum on my face," she stated quietly.

I said to Marie, "Well, between that and Jerome, I'm feeling a lot better about that picture you took." Marie grimaced.

Then Brittany said, "Congratulations Marie, your punishment is complete. It's your turn."

mysterygent13 12-02-2012 07:27 PM

Still a great story; looking forward to the rest

frogman91234 12-02-2012 11:03 PM

Excelent post! Can't wait for the next addition

Ethan2cu 12-03-2012 08:36 AM

really great continuation, i'm loving this story..

FLCL 12-05-2012 05:11 PM

Chapter 17

Marie picked up the die. She held it for a long time. I assume she was praying for a 2. She finally rolled and it landed on a 3. "Don't forget to remove an article of clothing!" instructed Rachel. "Oh thanks," Marie replied sarcastically before removing her socks.

Marie took three sips of her drink as Lindsay rolled. It landed on a 1 and she took a sip of her drink. Next, Brittany rolled a 5. She turned to Marie, "Whenever you roll a 2, you have to take out Jerome here in front of everyone." Marie was mortified. She said, "Well, I guess I'll stop hoping for a 2," which got a few chuckles. Marie adjusted her posture uncomfortably and her face flickered a hint of pleasure.

On my turn, I rolled a 4 and sipped my drink. Then Rachel grabbed the die and rolled a 6. "Time to kick it up a notch," said Rachel...


FLCL 12-05-2012 05:16 PM

Author's Note

Hey all,

I've been having a bit of writers block, so I thought I'd try a little reader interaction. Here's my question: What rule should Rachel add to the game? If you have an idea you'd like to see in the story, send me a PM. Thanks!


hetiticth 12-05-2012 07:58 PM

Oops, misread. sending pm now.asd

dickface 12-05-2012 10:05 PM

this story is so great. maybe everyone has to get naked? or eveyone has to orgasm before the game continues?

naked_lego 12-06-2012 01:28 AM

Reader interaction I like it. I will try to think of something. :)

FLCL 01-25-2013 09:10 PM

Rachel's rule is inspired by a response samantha69 left on my profile.

Chapter 17 (continued)

Rachel made her rule, "Everyone who rolls an odd number before Pat's next turn has to work together to get him off. The last one to roll an odd number has to take his load in her mouth or on her body."

Everyone was shocked. "That is fucked up, Rachel," replied Marie. I asked curiously, "What if no one rolls an odd number before my turn?" Rachel answered, "Then the rule is off." I said a prayer that Marie would roll even on her next turn.

After a tense pause, Dakota picked up the die. She held it for a minute before releasing. It came up a 2. "Sorry Pat," she smiled. Sarah picked up the die and rolled a 3. She removed her shorts, revealing her sexy panties. She glared at Marie, Lindsay, and Brittany, "One of you bitches better roll odd." Everyone chuckled. Marie rolled a 4 and shouted, "Thank God!" Lindsay blushed bright red after she rolled a 1 and Brittany rolled a 2.

"Thanks Lindsay," joked Sarah. "This is so messed up!" Lindsay shouted. Rachel responded, "Aww, don't be mad. You get to take your first load with all of your closest friends!" Lindsay pleaded, "Don't make me do this. Please guys." Sarah explained to Lindsay, "Hey, this is part of the game. You've been curious about Pat's dick all night. Why are you getting up-tight now? You might love it." Lindsay didn't respond.

I didn't know what to say. My dick was hard as a rock. All I could imagine was releasing all over Lindsay. I wondered whether she would take it in her mouth. If not, what would she do with it? Oh my god, the best night of my life was about to get even better.

Maleslave21 01-25-2013 10:06 PM

Great story glad u wrote more keep up the good work

naked_lego 01-26-2013 12:46 PM

Please continue the story! If you need any help pm me :)

frogman91234 01-27-2013 02:12 PM

Awesome Addition! I can't wait for the next part! I was so afraid the thread was dead!

Saphir 01-27-2013 06:29 PM


Keep it coming :3

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