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FLCL 02-15-2016 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by naked_lego (Post 2087576)
I am still reading too. I just don't get on enough to read it that often. It will be nice to have an ending but I also don't want it to end :)

That's so awesome! I was worried that everyone from the early days was gone and that none of y'all would get to see the end. It makes me really happy to know that you're still reading! :D

FLCL 02-15-2016 08:03 PM

Chapter 45

As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about Lindsay. I thought about how I belong to her and how she has the power to do anything she wants to me. I wondered what would happen if she ever became displeased with me and needed to punish me. What would it take for her to want to punish me? And what would she do for punishment?

Almost as quickly as I thought it, it became real. Lindsay found out that I had tried to get out of Marie's orders to clean the house. On top of that, she didn't like my general attitude towards our arrangement. She told me that I was too reluctant and asked too many questions when she gave orders. She said that I wasn't being submissive enough, that I was trying to resist my rightful place at her feet.

She pulled me by the wrist through the woods near my house. The look on her face was more stern than I had seen it before. She was moving with a definite purpose and she did not look back at me as I stumbled over roots and ducked under branches, trying to keep up with her.

Eventually, we came to a small clearing. We were deep enough into the woods that we didn't have to worry about other people coming across us, but not so deep that we couldn't find our way back. I looked around and decided that, even though I explored these woods often, I had never been to this spot before. There was a large rock, about the size of a chair, at one side of the clearing and a stream running about thirty yards away. The trees seemed taller here than in most of the forest.

Lindsay released my wrist in the middle of the clearing and sat on the rock facing me. She said, "Why are we here Pat?"

I told her that I was disobedient and that I expected her to punish me.

"That's not true Pat. You aren't disobedient. Compared to most people, you are very obedient. The problem is that you resist it, your obedient nature. We aren't here to punish you for disobedience. We're here to fix you and make you fully accept your obedient nature. That is what you want, isn't it? To be my obedient slave?"

I told her that I did.

"Are you sure?"

I told her that I liked being her slave and I wanted to make her happy.

"That's good Pat. Now take off your clothes."

My natural response, to question, to protest, jumped up into my throat. But Lindsay shot it down with a knowing look before it could escape my mouth. I didn't say a word. I took off my shoes and socks, placing my bare feet on the dirt. I pulled my shirt off over my head. Then I looked around to make sure we were alone. There was no one but Lindsay, looking at me with that smirk that said, "You exist to please me."

I unbuckled my belt and removed my pants and underwear. My erect penis bounced to attention. I began to look for a place to put my clothes so they wouldn't get dirty.

"You don't need to worry about those. Just throw them on the ground."

I did as she said and dropped my clothes on the ground beside me. I stood there completely naked, facing her, my hands at my sides, with a full erection. My face burned with an embarrassment that soon spread to my whole body. My mind made every sound of the forest an approaching neighbor or classmate or police officer.

Lindsay just watched me squirm for a while, still wearing that smirk. Then she said, "Come here," patting her knee, "across my lap."

I moved beside her and lowered my stomach onto her thighs. Feeling her clothes against my naked skin greatly intensified my arousal. I wanted her so badly. Then the first firm smack came down on my bare ass. I was so embarrassed and turned on. Almost automatically, I said, "Thank you my Queen." She spanked me again and again, each time harder than the last. Each time I said, "Thank you my Queen."

Eventually she said, "Get up, my arm is tired," and I got on my feet. My ass burned, but my penis was still hard and I was somehow sad it was over. I stood in front of her, waiting for whatever would come next.

She said, "I see you're already making good progress. But you aren't going to like what comes next."

C11 02-16-2016 01:20 AM

This story is fantastic. I think you should add more feet stuff into it. Just a suggestion though, and it's already amazing.

naked_lego 02-16-2016 12:34 PM

Your story is really the only one still going that I followed from a while ago. I'm always excited to see what is next to come. :)

jklivin 02-17-2016 03:06 AM

I really like this new twist, great story

BigBadWolfy 02-17-2016 05:39 AM

awesome story, i love it

imsohorny1300 02-17-2016 07:49 AM

I really love this story

badgirlisme 02-17-2016 12:39 PM

One of my best stories I ever read! I read this all today and I love it!

Ruined-o-Holic 02-18-2016 08:29 AM

Please it's a great time for some ballbusting!:)

FLCL 02-20-2016 03:12 PM

Thank you everyone for your comments. I really appreciate it! :)

Chapter 45.1

Lindsay grabbed my wrist again and began leading me through the woods, but this time I was completely naked. I kept glancing back and watching the small clearing with my clothing in the middle getting further and further away, until it was completely hidden behind the trees. At this point I didn't even know where we were or where we were headed. Did Lindsay know where she was taking me? Did she know how to get back to the clearing? What if someone else found my clothes and took them? What if it got dark and she couldn't find her way back? I looked at Lindsay for some hint but that impenetrable stern look had returned.

As I looked ahead of us, I started to see small structures become visible through the trees. "Lindsay, there's something up ahead," I warned. But Lindsay didn't respond to me. She just kept pulling me towards it. As we got closer, I could tell that the structures in the distance were rectangular mud huts. All of the sudden we were stepping out of the forest onto a wider, beaten path, headed straight towards the mud huts. "Lindsay! Someone could see us!" I cried with panic. She continued to ignore my words, dragging me by my wrist toward the mud hut village. I imagined she was taking me to some abandoned ruins.

Then suddenly from the woods beside us, I heard a girl's voice yell, "Halt!" Lindsay stopped dead. I threw my hands in front of my penis and whipped my head around to look in the direction the voice came from. There, a girl was emerging from the woods. She looked to be a couple of years older than Lindsay. She was wearing tan cargo pants and an olive short-sleeved shirt. She had big breasts and straight, short blond hair. She was carrying a bow and arrows over her shoulder. "Who's there?" she asked us.

"Uh, ah, I'm sorry. No, we're sorry! Um, we were just-" I stammered, trying desperately to hide my nudity by covering my mostly erect penis with my hands and folding my shoulders forward.

"It's Lindsay," Lindsay answered her, cutting off my awkward apology and causing me endless confusion.

"Oh Lindsay!" the other girl cheered, "You've been gone a while. I see you've finally brought yourself a slave. Congratulations!"

"Um, Lindsay, what's-" I started. "Quiet slave!" the mysterious girl shouted. "Never interrupt your superiors!"

I just stared at Lindsay sheepishly, my shoulders hunched, still covering my penis. "Thank you Jean," Lindsay said to the girl, "this one still needs some work."

"I can see that," said Jean. "Well, you know the rules. You need to take him into town and get him initiated. I recommend you make him crawl the rest of the way. Teach him some humility."

Lindsay turned to me, "You heard her slave. On your hands and knees!"

I glanced at Jean. She was giving me an intense glare. I knew she was two seconds from throwing me on the ground. I looked at Lindsay's feet, said "Yes my Queen," and lowered myself onto my hands and knees. I felt so exposed and vulnerable after taking my hands off my penis and assuming that position. Lindsay pushed me, pressing hard on my butthole with the toe of her shoe, and ordered me to start crawling.

I began crawling toward the village. My hands and knees pressed into the cool, soft dirt. As I crawled, I wondered what the hell was going on. What was this place? How did Lindsay know about it? I heard Lindsay say goodbye to Jean behind me as I continued to crawl. My hands and knees were becoming caked with dirt. I was dirty and naked and confused. I was completely vulnerable and my dick was fully hard. I felt so owned.

"Crawl faster!" Lindsay yelled.

I began to crawl as fast as I could, making me feel even more ridiculous. Every so often my knee would land on a rock or a tree root and cause a shooting pain that I couldn't suppress. "Ow. Ow!" I whined. As I got closer to the village, I could see that there were more girls in the town. Two of them noticed me approaching. They stood at the edge of the village and watched me crawl towards them with big smiles on their faces. They were very pretty and looked to be about Lindsay's age. I wondered what they were saying as they stared at me and laughed back and forth. When I reached the edge of the village I stopped, right in front of the two girls. There I was, completely naked, on my hands and knees, in front of two beautiful strangers. Of course, my dick was still rock solid.

"Lindsay," one of the girls called to my Queen, "is this your little slave boy?"

"It is!" Lindsay answered happily.

"Nice catch," the other girl applauded, "look at that dick hanging. He's gonna be fun for you to break in!"

"Thanks," Lindsay said, "I'm pretty excited about it." Then she pushed my taint with the toe of her shoe. "Enough lollygagging. Crawl to that big hut at the other side of the village," she ordered me, pointing the way. "I'll see you later girls," she said to the two girls.

"See ya later!"

FLCL 02-20-2016 04:58 PM

Chapter 45.2

I began to crawl into the mysterious village of mud huts. At first it appeared that there were only women in this village. As I crawled down the main path through the town, they would all turn and look and grin or laugh. I was so confused and embarrassed.

There were two women that appeared to be in their thirties sitting at a small table in front of one of the huts. One of them saw me and pointed me out to the other. Then they both watched me and continued their conversation as I approached. When I was about twenty yards from this hut, a young man of about 25 emerged from the hut carrying a plank of wood with food and drinks. He was completely naked except for a collar around his neck and sandals on his feet. His penis was flaccid.

The young man walked up to the table. He kept his eyes cast downward as he moved the food and beverages from the plank to the table. One of the women tapped the man on the arm and pointed at me, saying, "Look boy, another one of your kind is accepting his proper role." The young man turned around and watched me crawl for a few seconds before returning his eyes to the ground and turning back towards the women. He said, "We should all be so lucky, my Queen." The woman agreed with him and he returned to inside the hut.

I continued to crawl down the path through the village seemingly ruled by women. I wondered how many male slaves were hidden inside the huts. I turned my head to look down a narrow alleyway between two of the huts. In the alleyway, I saw three naked men. They had long overgrown hair and beards. They wore metal collars around their necks with metal chains linking them to a hoop protruding from a metal plate fastened to the wall of one of the huts. Two of them were sitting on the ground, slouched in a depressed posture, their faces obscured by their hair. The third stood. Then I noticed that all three of them had metal balls tightly enclosing their penises and scrotums. I wondered what they had done to cause their punishment. Then the standing man noticed me. He turned and looked directly at me crawling down the path. His eyes harbored evil intentions. I became scared, so I turned my gaze back to the path ahead of me and continued to crawl.

Crawling, I became aware that a crowd of girls was forming behind me. About a dozen girls formed a loose group behind Lindsay who was walking about five feet behind me. Their presence made my already heavy feelings of anxiety and vulnerability boil up inside of me even more intensely. I looked around the village for something to take my mind off of it. But what I saw was even more scary and confusing. There was one hut that was situated farther from the path than most of the others. In front of this hut there was a woman sitting in a chair, reading a book. On the ground in front of the woman, there was a naked man on his hands and knees, looking at the ground and acting as her foot rest. If that had been all it was, it wouldn't have been too surprising in this setting; but there was one more thing: I recognized them. They were my mom and dad.

I was so confused. What the hell was going on? And how long had it been going on? All of the sudden, I became terrified at the idea that they might look up and see me. I didn't know what would happen if they did and I didn't intend to find out. My head lowered reflexively; I looked straight forward and began to crawl quickly but smoothly. I felt like the cat sneaking past the sleeping dog. In a few seconds, I slipped into the large mud hut that Lindsay had pointed to from the other side of the village.

Black Panther 02-20-2016 06:43 PM

What a twist! I hope you continue the story!

naked_lego 02-22-2016 01:32 PM

Yeah! What a twist?! :eek:

Sanpow 02-28-2016 06:17 AM

I realy like your story, but for me this was the worst of all chapters... The character of shy/unexperienced Lindsay changed to much (or better say: It didn't change - she was always like this, because she's not new to this "village")

And at this Point in the story the story itself changed from "fully realistic, can happen every day" to "unrealistic" (in my eyes). It's like there's a new author... I hope the story change back to the realistic part very soon (you could easyly solve this by "that was a dream Pat had at night" or similar).

It's not anymore the story i started to read :( (And i realy liked the story before! One of the bests here ;) )

indulgeMe 02-29-2016 07:55 AM


Almost as quickly as I thought it, it became real.
If I am not completely wrong, then this is a dream.

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