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Old 05-22-2014, 05:40 PM   #15
Komodo Jones
getDare Succubus
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Interrogated by SDK Part 2
What two things do you love the most. Why?

Well the first thing I love the most , even though we’re not together anymore, is my little girl (my ex-slave). I mean what’s not to love about her. She was perfect in every way as a slave and as a friend. Cheerful, ego-boosting, obedient, caring, loving, reassuring, kinky, beautiful, trustowrthy, honest, loyal the list goes on and on about her. Like I said we’re no longer together and that’s kind of why it’s been so hard to get over her.

I guess the second thing I love the most is writing. Writing is an outlet for me and it usually calms me down. I don’t express my ideas verbally all that well whereas I can say more what I want to say through writing. Also unlike talking you can usually correct your writing whereas you cannot easily correct talking. Also writing you can write about what you want whereas I feel kind of pressured when talking that I have to keep the other person engaged by talking about a subject that they know about.

What do you hate the most?

Kind of stated above cockiness. Belittling other people to make yourself seem better, and thinking that you can do no wrong and that you’re 100% perfect, is just really disgusting and I honestly cannot stand people like that.

what is your favorite activity to do with friends?

My favorite activity to do with friends is sit around a campfire and just talk, play games, and tell riddles. It is amazing how much fun you can have when you revert back to a simpler time when you didn’t have electronics but only had your mind to work with.

What is your greatest strength?

I tap into people’s emotions really well and do my best to help them. Whether that be asking them questions to get them to think about the situation, showing them different points of view in a situation giving them information, or even just shutting up and listening to them. So I guess helping people is one of my greater strengths.

What is your greatest weakness?

My greatest weakness is being paranoid of some things. Not being accepted by people sometimes does not allow me to form my own opinions. At the same time I find it difficult to stand up for myself against authority. And because of this I sometimes am very indecisive. So fear just permeates life sometimes which at times can make me a very difficult person to get along with and makes it difficult for me in general and puts me under more stress.

What is your biggest vice?

I’d probably say this. Sexual immorality is viewed a sin by the Christian faith but it’s just something I refuse to go away from. It may be a vice but I don’t plan on stopping this vice either because I enjoy it to much.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I think I would like to learn how to be more extroverted. A lot of times I’m
very inward, I spend a lot of time in my room because I’m afraid of what people will think of me. I mean my friends can definitely vouch for me that I’m a nice guy but it’s not as easy in real life as it is online for me for some reason. I need to learn to be more extroverted to get out of my parent’s house.

Which superpower would you most like?

While a lot of times in the past I’ve said pyrokinesis, I think the more practicality use would be teleportation. I could teleport out of a bad situation, I’d practically be intangible in some cases, and I could visit some people I’ve wanted to visit for quite a while.

Have your dreams come true, or make someone else's?

While I love to help people, I think it would be easier to do if I made my own dreams come true. Also because these are other people you don’t know what their dreams could be. I mean if their dream is to rule the world with an iron fist, first of all I probably wouldn’t be their friend and secondly that seems like a bad reality. Your dream is a lot more predictable and you’re more in control of it than someone else. It also is a lot less work to fulfill your own dreams than everyone else’s and also you’re the only one who can seem to take responsibility of it.

What do you miss most about being a kid?

I miss the lack of responsibility. As you get older, life gets tougher. You have to get a job, you have to study harder to get good grades, you have bills, expenses, less time to do what you want. I just miss those days where there was a lot less you had to worry about and one of your main goals was just to be a kid.

Be a dragon, or have a pet dragon

Also in the past I have said I would be a dragon hence my name. But I think I would rather have a pet dragon unless it’s a Komodo Dragon. Hey it may be my favorite animal but I don’t want to meet one face to face. Also if you’re a dragon, a lot of people unless they’re going to be Pokemon trainers, hate you. You’re big, you’re scary, you breathe fire, you are automatically tagged as a criminal and r main goal in life is to be slain. I don’t like the idea of being slain too much. A pet dragon would be hard to train but at least not everyone hates you because of it.

Cuddles, or sex?

Although I have never experienced sex as I am still a virgin, I don’t need to have sex to know that I would enjoy cuddling more. Sex can be as simple as a one-night stand. With cuddling you just enjoy the moment and connect with the person on a more personal level than just carnal desires. Also sex just has a lot of complications, am I going to be good at it, what if I cum to early, what if I hurt them, what if…Cuddling, you have to pretty inept to mess that up. Also have you ever heard of anyone getting an STD from cuddling, have you ever heard of someone having an unplanned pregnancy from cuddling. Also cuddling just seems more versatile. I enjoy you so let’s cuddle, I’m sad I need someone to hold me. I mean cuddling seems like it’s done with someone you love, sex well it can be done with someone you love or a total stranger. I’d definitely take cuddles over sex any day.

Cake, or death?

I have necrophobia…cake. I don’t always crave cake but it definitely beats the alternative. Also if you do eat enough cake you will die but at least it will be sweet going down.

Winter, or summer?

Kind of a hard thing to answer. In the winter we complain about it being too cold, in the summer we complain about it being too warm. I’d have to go with summer though. The days are longer, the yard work is less strenuous. Trust me shoveling snow is a bitch sometimes. It also seems like summer just has more unity with friends and family than winter especially with summer vacation and things like that. Sure Christmas is in winter but that’s not enough to hold over for the whole season.

City or Country?

Country. I live in suburbia and country is just so awesome. I mean in the city you don’t really get to experience how beautiful nature is but just in the country it’s more peaceful, I mean I just love it. Yeah it does have it’s disadvantages but every place does.

Classic, or 'new and improved'?

Well this all depends on what is classic and what is new and improved. I’d have to go with the classics though as I am in a video game mindset right now and the classics, so much better than the new stuff in my opinion. Also if you’re familiar with something classic why do you need to spend 10 hours figuring it out. Let’s see Windows XP or Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. Windows 8 and Vista were new and improved and they sucked! So yeah I’d go with classics in most categories because it’s familiar and it’ s more simple and in the entertainment industry as far as entertainment goes the classics are better.

Dark or milk chocolate?

Dark chocolate. Chocolate is another one of those things that I don’t really like unless I’m craving it and to me dark chocolate just tastes better and unlike milk chocolate it doesn’t make you thirsty if you eat a lot of it. Dark chocolate is better for you to, it has antioxidants and heart health properties in it.

Dogs or cats?

I have one of each, but I tend to like cats more. Dogs are just too clingy sometimes, when cats are less high-maintenance. Cats are also generally more easy to take care of than dogs, and cats live longer. And also they’re less destructive than puppies are. Sure they scratch on things but you can have them declawed. The only real bad thing about cats is that they insist on torturing their prey before the kill it.

Fiction, or non-fiction?

Reading: fiction, writing: I tend to gravitate towards non-fiction. I cannot stand reading non-fiction, just go back to college…it’s obvious why I don’t read non-fiction.

Picnic, or nice restaurant?

While a picnic is more pleasant and more nostalgic, I’d have to go with a nice restaurant. There aren’t insects, if it rains your fine, the wind isn’t blowing your plates and silverware everywhere. And hey you’re at a nice restaurant, no clean up but of course the price is the main downfall.

Driving or walking?

If it’s a short distance I’ll walk but kind of going along with the same principle as the last question what if it rains and you’re walking and you don’t have an umbrella? Driving you can just accomplish things faster if you’re on a tight schedule and it just seems more convinient.

Books, or films?

While films take less time, I enjoy books because they allow you to use your mind to imagine the scenery and details instead of being forced into something the director wants you to. Also books allow more content than films. Films you’re done in an hour, books take several weeks or days. Books also tend to be more portable and cheaper.

Bacon, or cheese?

When is the answer not bacon, I could technically go back through this questionnaire and answer every question with the word bacon, and people would be like this guy is smart and he knows what he’s talking about. Also with bacon, bacon usually just comes in one flavor. Cheese what if it’s a kind you don’t like? Screw what the health professionals say, bacon is good for you! Did you know it has less fat and sodium than sausage….yeah. I mean cheese is good, but bacon…is better.

Tea or Coffee?

Bacon. I rest my case. No I really can’t answer this question accurately because I hate tea and I hate coffee. The only way I can stomach down key is if I like put 15 packets of sugar in it. The only reason I would pick tea is because I can actually stomach in it and I have a bet going with someone that I will never drink coffee… I plan to win this bet.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

The reason there isn’t mouse-flavored cat food is because humans won’t eat mice. I mean think about it ocean fish we’ll eat it we know what it tastes like. Chicken we eat it we know what it tastes like we can produce it. Humans are not going to eat mice and know what it tastes like, it’s just against our better nature. I’m not sure if mice really provides any real nutritional value. Cats don’t really chase mice because they taste good I’m sure. They chase it because it moves quickly and they like to chase quick moving things.

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Lemon juice is made with artificial flavors to keep it from going bad because you’re going to be eating it and you have to have some way to preserve it. Dishwashing liquid on the other hand doesn’t really go bad after a while unlike lemon juice so it doesn’t need to preserved much in any way as it’s dish soap so it’s already sanitized as it is. At least that’s the best I can come up with.

38/male/partially bi/switch
D/s Status: Protector, Dom and Daddy of pixie.dust

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Targeting the Ignored [Fiction]
Some Stuff I've Done (Non-Fiction)
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