Thread: Fiction: IRT Deadliest Roads
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Old 12-18-2012, 07:47 PM   #29
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Enjoy this next installment! Leave a comment if you enjoyed the story!

I have a few questions for my readers so if you are interested in shaping the outcome of this story, head on down to Feel free to ask me any questions you have as well.


The hand grabbed me by my mouth and stopped me from screaming, although it wasn't doing a very good job. I tried to bite the hand but I couldn't grab it properly. In the mean time, the other hand of the person was grabbing both of my arms from behind and attempting to push me towards the center of the room. I was tossing myself left and right trying to break free but the person had a firm lock on both of my arms. I was doing my best to scream but I knew it was just coming out as muffled yelps. I kept tossing and turning, my bra already down to my elbows leaving my breasts exposed in the air.

I was pushed towards a lone table in the middle of the room and stopped right before it. I kept trying to break free and in one of my attempts I tossed myself left. I immediately froze while I stared down the barrel of a gun.

"That is better." said the voice of the man holding the gun. I could not see his face, it was covered by shadows. The grip on my arms went slack slightly and I felt the man pull my bra off my elbows. They weren't doing much good at that point anyway. The man that was holding me let go of my mouth and stepped back away. At that point I stood there, in just these red lace panties, staring down the barrel of a gun.

"Take them off." The gunman said as he gestured towards my legs. I looked down, shivering from fear. I looked down and up in confusion, fear trembling up and down my body. I did what I was told in complete fear and pulled my panties down.

"Give them to me. Slowly." I turned my head slightly and could sense more people standing behind me in the shadows. I knew what he mean't by slowly. Keeping my legs as straight as possible, I bent over and picked up my panties and handed it to the man. Another hand shot out of the darkness and snatched them out of my hand.

"Lie on the table." I turned to look at the table and looked back at the gunman. I stood there frozen, looking back and forth between the man and the table. The gun came closer.
"Do it!" he yelled in a more angry tone. I shivered and shut my eyes in fear. I turned to the table and moved towards it. I walked to its side, climbed into the middle and slowly laid myself down. I thought at first to lie face down, slightly in an act of defiance and to cover my body from all the prying eyes I could feel. However I quickly realized that it left my back door wide open and decided it wouldn't be in my best interest. I laid myself down on my back and felt a cold breeze running up my body. I looked up at the ceiling in utter disbelief. I could not believe this was happening.

Just then, what felt like a thousand suns turned on and blinded me. I recoiled in response, covering my eyes with my hands and giving a little yell. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I realised I was now in the middle of a cone of light and could not see anything more than 2 metres away from the table. I saw the gunman appear from the shadows wearing a ski mask, the ones you see from the movies. He came up to me and touched my foot with the gun. He slowly moved the cold steel up my leg and the higher he got, the more sensitive I became. As he got into my inner thigh, I was getting shivers straight up my spine. He slid the gun across my clit and up my stomach. he stopped the gun at my right breast and put my right nipple straight into the barrel of the gun! I could feel the coldness of the metal inside the tip of the barrel as well as the roughness. It was a gun that had been fired before. I shut my eyes and I felt the gun lift from my breast.

I waited in anticipation for the next feeling. It came at my knees and I could feel hands pushing at my legs. I did not even resist. The hands pushed my legs apart and bent my knees. I was sweating all over in a cold room. I had never been so scared. I knew with Erika that, no matter what she did, she was still a woman and could never do what a man could do. Now I had no idea what was my fate. Thoughts of all those women raped for days as sex slaves on the news. And what of those women that never made the news? What of the ones that will never make the news. I began to sob slightly.

I felt the man grab my wrist and lifted it until my hand was at my pussy. I opened my eyes and was staring right down the gun once again. I twitched in shock and fear and knew I had no hope. I had no choice. I had to do it. I will never go back.
Looking for a story that's different? Check out IRT Deadliest Roads
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