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Old 05-24-2012, 11:05 AM   #35
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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(part 15)

Karen said “I took the liberty of transferring your information from your old contract to a new one for the show. All that remains for you to be signed up as a contestant is to sign on the dotted line. Feel free to look it over.” She slid the paper, and a pen, across the desk to me.

I gave it a quick scan. Everything seemed to be the same, so I signed it.

“Great” she said, “Just give me the contract. And your clothes.”

“Sure, here you…wait, what?!”

“You really should learn to read everything before you sign. Don’t worry, you’ll get them back before you go. Since our contestants are basically nude for the entire show, we need to be sure they are willing to shed their clothes pretty readily. Besides, it looks like your jeans are getting a little …uncomfortable,” she said with a coy smile.

She was right. Ever since we sat down I had been trying (unsuccessfully apparently!) to conceal the bulge in my pants. “Where does it say anything about my clothes?”

“Right here, page 3, paragraph 4, subsection b.” Sure enough, in the fine print “To be eligible, contestants will submit to appearing naked before 1 or more of the production staff upon signing this agreement.”

“One or more? So who else is joining us?”

“Just me. Most of the staff has gone to lunch. So let’s see it.”

After a moment’s hesitation, I started undressing, shoes, socks, jeans (by this time I’m pitching one serious tent), my shirt, and then finally my boxers.

“Very nice” she said. “Looks like you could use a little relief. Why don’t you stroke it for me a little.”

“Hey, now I know that isn’t in the contract!”

“Do you? Did you read everything? But you’re right, it isn’t. But you know you want to.”

Yes, I did….and so I did, stroking furiously. “Whoa, slow down there, tiger!” she said.

It took some willpower, but I did slow down. Even with the slower pace though, I could still feel the pressure building up inside. I closed my eyes, leaned my head back a little…

“Lori, could you come in here and pick up Rob’s contract? Thanks”

I opened my eyes quickly, and let go. “Hey, I thought the staff was at lunch?”

“They were. They just got back.” She pointed behind me. There, on the other side of a window that looked out into the office, were about 10 other women, some pointing, some smiling, and when I turned towards them, all applauding. “Thanks for stopping by, Rob. Go ahead and get dressed, we’ll be in touch as to when your episode is taped. Oh, and I think you might be a good candidate for ‘King of Denial.’ Lori will have your copy of the contract, and more information on our other shows.”

I’m sure by now my face was beet red. Thoroughly embarrassed, I threw my clothes on, and quickly walked out of her office. Lori was waiting with the paperwork. “Here you go, Rob. I’d say I look forward to seeing more of you, but I don’t think that is possible.” I mumbled an embarrassed “Thanks”, and made my way back to my car, and to home.
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