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Old 07-23-2011, 02:45 PM   #9
Star Shadows
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Uk
Posts: 4,707
Blog Entries: 13

1. Cold Pizza? Yes or No?
Yes, more so when drunk though
2. On your ipod, zune, or other musical device, what is the most played song?
Remembering Sunday- by All Time Low
3. If you had the opportunity to compete on a game show, what show would you appear on?
Million pound drop
4. If you could touch any area besides the "special" parts on your dream girl/boy's body what place would it be?
5. If you could spend the day hanging out with any celeberity who would it be and why?
Jared leto becuase he damned sexy, and seems like an awesome guy tooo
6. What is the best impression you can do?
I cant
7. What is your favorite word?
8. How many languages can you speak, and what are they?
English, Sarcasm, and Inuendo, and a tiny bit of french
9. What was the last book you read in it's entirety?
Wuthering Heights
10. If you could have any animal as a pet, with no dangerous consequences, what would it be?
11. What is your perfect pizza?
super thin based, double cheese stuffed crust pepperoni and chorizo with peppers and ,sweetcorn
12. Describe your favorite pair of underwear.
I have tooo many
13. What is your favorite board game?
14. What are you wearing right now?
white lace tights, short shorts, a white vest, panties and a hoody.
15. You are asleep usually from____ to _____.
1 am till 7 ish on a school night
16. If you could open a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?
A little bit of everything, I love to cook, and love food from other cultures, so some spanish, itallian, indian, english like i said a little bit of all sorts.
17. What is your favorite mythological creature?
18. What was the last movie you saw in theaters (the cinema)?
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, part 2
Here are the requestions that require a little more thought.

19. Tell a short humorous anecdote about yourself.
I was on a uni visit the other day and was about 2 seconds away from accidentally locking myself out of the dorm in just my towel and underwear while i was going to the shower. I swear my life flashed before my eyes as I tried to reach it before it closed.
20. In George Orwell's book "1984" the following quote was said, "The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world." What is behind your Room 101?
Im not sure, there are lots of possible things.

Do not ask me for to be your slave, your mistress, or to give you truths or dares. You're wasting your time.

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