Thread: Fiction: Sailor Fucktoy
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Old 07-22-2022, 11:01 PM   #36
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Default The preparations

The Preparations
Jack's POV
Location: Military Training Camp, England
Date: 23rd May

It had been easy enough to settle into a routine at the training camp with Tom and Alex. We were up at 5 each morning for a 10km run - something that was challenging on the first day as I hadn't been expecting it but soon became one of my favourite parts of the day. I'd always been a long distance runner at school so this was fine. Then we returned to our dorm for a quick shower and to change into our day to day fatigues. Breakfast was at 6:30.

Then this was followed by lessons - how to disassemble and reassemble a gun, how to load and fire canons, how to fire a gun, target practise, how to cook on basic military rations, first aid field training, how to pack a kit bag. We also had to do Maths and English lessons but these were each an hour and most of the day was spent learning the key skills needed for becoming a member of the military. We would do army and navy training. We weren't allowed to do air military training as we were all too young but we were taught how to service the planes. Throughout the day we had a 45 minute lunch break, typically around 1pm and then dinner at 6pm.

After dinner came a 3 hour physical training session. We'd spend about an hour and a half in the gym to develop our strength and stamina, then we'd complete obstacle course after obstacle course for an hour, before a half hour jog around the campus to cool down.

Every night I would go to bed, my head filled with information and my body sore and aching from the intense workouts. Tom and Alex were great room-mates though. They gave me advice on how to cope with the physical aspects and we formed a close bond. Well, as close a bond as I could whilst hiding a secret. That was the hardest thing. We knew everything about each other - it was hard to keep up with which lies I had told and which things I had kept as true as possible. Luckily, the other two thought it was just nerves being the new kid around.

The door slammed open. "Get up you lazy lumps," our commander roared. I jolted awake and glanced at the clock - 5am. Of course. "You need to get dressed in your full uniform this morning, no sports gear," he added before the door slammed shut.

I swallowed. This was it. Today was the day. The Admiral's birthday, and his special presentation and promotion of his teams. As many of the navy will be present as possible, unless they are unable to make it. It was to be a week of celebrations.

As we got dressed, Tom and Alex were excitedly chatting about getting to be involved in the festivities. There was a display, by the three of us, for the Admiral as part of the week. We'd been practising hard and I was finally at a point where I didn't ruin it for them. But I couldn't enjoy the chatter. Not when I knew the risks that lay ahead for me.

We went straight down to the mess hall and hurriedly ate our breakfast of watered down porridge. We then headed to the classroom to meet the commander, who had a list of jobs for us.

With our lists in hand, the three of us scurried off in different directions. Once out of sight, I read through my list of instructions, and there as expected, was the most important instruction. I shook my head in disbelief, no idea how this had been approved.

I set about on the other tasks: sweeping the halls, putting up decorations, polishing cutlery and ornaments.

At 4pm, I headed to the docks and reported for duty. My stomach was clenching nervously but I kept a neutral face as four naval officers and myself waited by the edge of the docks.

Likes, limits, curiosities, kinks

Toys, costumes and latex wear


Read my stories
Holly's Fantasy - completed
Sailor Fucktoy - completed
The Roman Slave Girl

Contact me
email: [email protected]
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