Thread: [NON-FICTION] Anabelle's surprise
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Old 06-10-2011, 05:17 PM   #11
Star Shadows
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Slowly Ethan made his way over to her again, and sat back down beside her, still in awe of the relief and frustration that lit up his companion’s face. The wait was taking its toll on Anabelle now. He looked up at her as if to ask why she hadn’t moved yet, before tapping the top of his legs once more, a silent command for her to resume her position across them. As she lay across his legs again and looked at the rug under her, her excitement began to climb once more.

Again he gently began to draw light circles with the glass toy on the skin of her ass, and allowing his fingers to slowly stroke it. Caressing her gently. His touch was intoxicated as she let it wash over her.

With two fingers the followed the line down between her cheeks allowing his fingers to trail down and down, implying of what was to come. He let his fingers linger tantalisingly close to the close to the point she would soon draw most pleasure from. He felt her shudder beneath him as he drew small circles around the intimate skin. She knew what was coming soon, and he knew she wanted it ever so badly.

Gently he drew his hands away once more to make preparations for her. He contemplated his actions carefully. Had it been any other day than today he would have had her address the plug herself, using her own saliva to lubricate it. But today he wanted to treat her, so bottled would have to do- for now at least.

The plug had been warmed already and only took a quick dip in warm water to heat it back up to how it was. After a few moments it was ready, yet Ethan felt that more teasing was in order. He ran his finger slowly over her sot opening letting her feel the soft warm, texture of his finger tips once more, drawing light circles on her flesh. Then subtly he replaced the movement of his finger with the smooth strokes of her plug. She could barely tell the difference in sensation. He swapped, teasing her for what seemed to her to be a life time. She wanted more. Biting her tongue as the sensation aroused her body.

He could feel in her movements and in her tenseness that the time was almost here. His work of postponing her gratification was beginning to pay off. Her skin and muscles were tense with anticipation and all the while her head was spinning. Her desires, frustrations and arousal all colliding in a techni-coloured firework display. She couldnt think for the want of it. The pure desire running through her veins.

Gently Ethan increased the pressure of the plug against her opening. The cold lube doing little to counteract the stored heat of the glass. A soft moan escaped her lips as her body began to give way to the pressure and welcomed the plug. The smooth glass making it a little easier, and far more desire able.

She squirmed a little at the pleasure of finally getting what she wanted at long last. Feeling it slide inside her even more she fell into a trance, fixated on the pleasure that she was receiving.

Her toes curled in towards her feet, digging into the rug as the light pressure which had been teasing her for so long quickly began to fall away.. Now, with each passing moment, she felt herself being stretched as the glass became wider as she took in more and more.

Ethan, as disciplined as he was could not resist the temptation to keep the plug held inside her at its widest point for a short while as he took his time to admire how keenly her soft bottom had accepted it. Her body cried out in protest at being compromised at this widest point. The stretching as uncomfortable as it was caused an impulsive moan of pleasure.

That alone was enough to persuade Ethan to allow the plug to slide the final distance as she bucked her hips against his legs in elation of the full feeling inside her. While she had been ever so reluctant to try anal again after what happened to her in the past she was so glad Ethan had persuaded her to try it again.

Now that she felt safe, and comfortable trying it, safe and comfortable in Ethan’s confident hands it didn’t seem so scary anymore. The only pain was nice, a luxurious balance of pleasure and pain. The plug felt warm inside her, and it softened all of her muscles, just like a warm drink might.

She bit her lip as Ethan gently took a hold of the glass bass of the plug in his hand, gently pulling it a little. Slowly he began to move the plug around inside her, causing a series of moans and squirms on his lap.

“Lay still Anabelle.” he smiled, gently tugging the plug again. She was mesmerised by the pleasure and sensation and the pleasure she was feeling. With him the world went blank, she could enjoy his company and the feelings he gave her without worrying about what others thought of her. It was reassuring... To be able to do what you wanted without worrying about what others will say.

Pleasure enveloped her tightly, soothing her and caressing her gently, She never would have imagined when she first came colliding into the lifestyle that she would anticipate moments like these so feverishly, her heart pounding in her chest, her breaths deep but scattered, almost as if it was a lesser whim, forgotten in the chaos of her mind. As her body adapted ever more to the presence of the glassware she felt herself relax even more- despite her arousal and despite the desire that was driving her crazy.

Allowing the plug to settle back into place Ethan began to make ready for the next steps, kissing the back of her head and neck gently he smiled to himself knowing just what he was about to do next, and how the suspense would make her weak at the knees, with excitement.

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