Thread: [NON-FICTION] Anabelle's surprise
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Old 06-04-2011, 05:39 AM   #10
Star Shadows
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A little while, several sweets and multiple soft pillow landings later Ethan and Anabelle found themselves both lying on the floor opposite each other staring into one an other's eyes. They had quickly run out of sweeties. At the end of it all the victory that Anabelle had over Ethan was staggering- she had beaten him 17 to 7. Anyone would have thought that he had let her win- even he himself doubted that he had not.

Despite this he looked across the pillows at her and smiled teasingly. He still had plenty of scope for them to have a good time. Slowly he began to put the plates, glasses and remaining food into the large picnic basket that it had came from. He kept his pace intentionally slowed... teasingly so. She knew play and attention were coming, yet he dangled it just outside of her reach. Just out of touching distance. She tried to help him to get things moving faster but he told her no, said that it was his treat to her.

“Some treat.” She muttered to herself in desperate anticipation of what was in store- he simply smiled and laughed, continuing to tidy things away. Some 5 minutes later he finally turned back to her- looking her dead in the eye.

He pulled the toy box out in front of him. It was made of a fine and intricate wood- looking much like a delicate pirate chest. It bore distressed steel hinges and supports, across a fabulously carved oak. She had chosen the box herself when they had been to an auction a few years ago- it was far more practical than the cardboard boxes that she had became used to as a student.

“Ok- before we start. We need to do the typical checks. I know nothing health wise is wrong, have you taken your pill yet?” He asked softly-, she nodded yes. Anabelle knew the routine checks like the back of her hand but it made sure nothing went horribly wrong. Not that it ever did. “And you remember your safe word?”

“Yes” she nodded, anticipation seeping into her voice. “It’s, “alpha spider” or very distressed noises and stuffs.” she smiled looking up at him, pleading with her eyes that he would hurry up. Waiting was a torment in itself.

“Alright then. Are we ready to start?” Anabelle nodded eagerly. Her anticipation mounting to fever pitch. She wanted it so bad, she had been deprived this morning by her stomach- and now he was prolonging it, making her wait for it.

Agonisingly she leant towards him wanting so much what he was withholding from her. “All right then my little koala” He patted his hand against his thigh gently, welcoming for her to come to him. Trying not to look too frantic she began to crawl towards him, and obediently came to rest lying across his strong legs. Her white panty clad bottom protruding into the air the beautiful white sand of the dunes along the coast.

“Now, now, look what we have here.” he smiled whispering into her ear as he lent over her, pulling at the elastic of her panties with the finger of his right hand. She wiggled her bottom softly as he continued playing with her soft underwear, tormenting her once more.

“I don’t think we need these do we? He smiled teasingly. Tugging away the material. Gently sliding it down, and down until she was simply left in her t-shirt. Her skin felt so liberated to be free of its cotton constraints yet so shy, even though his eyes had traced her skin so many times, and so much more intimately she still flushed for a few moments whenever he saw her again afresh- afraid that, by some freak chance- he would no longer like what he saw, or that she would somehow disappoint him. Yet... the vulnerability was thrilling, enticing, arousing.

“Ah, that is much better now isn’t it my precious koala?” He smiled- gently kissing both of her soft sweet bottom cheeks. Touching her ever so tenderly in anticipation of the passionate brutality that was to come.

“Yesm, it is.” She smiled sweetly, almost purring her words with content.

She heard rummaging in the toy chest. The thudding and banging of the hunt. A hunt for treasure? Treasure for her? Maybe just maybe. She strained to see what he was searching for. Twisting and squirming.

“Ever so impatient my sweet. Time will soon tell you all you desire to know.” He spoke. Firmer this time. “Lay still or you could find things become... uncomfortable. You know the rules.” The authority in his words sent a rush of adrenaline, and arousal coursing through both of them, causing their bodies and minds to become further in tune to one another. Ever flinch, flick, mummer and moan, understood in perfect clarity, reciprocated in perfect harmony- like a professional orchestra, or the pieces of a well tuned machine. They would become unstoppable.

After a short while, he found the items which he was looking for, and placed them outside of her view. He knew her, he knew the suspense was enough to cause her arousal to climb, higher, higher, and peak. Prolong it and her desire became insatiable. That was exactly what he intended to do.

Instead, now, all she was allowed was innuendo, the touch of his hand feeding her delusions of grandeur. Gently he caressed her skin, drawing light circles, tracing light and shadow. Nothing more than fingertips, but he could feel the effects it was having on her. Her muscles would tense and ease suddenly with every new sensation, or shocked twist of event. Keep her guessing.

Slowly, agonisingly slowly he began to run the nails of each thumb down the centre of each of her tense cheeks. Hard enough to be felt, to be relished and desired, to tickle her skin, enough to tingle. But leaving no mark- not a trace, not a scar. Just the devilish proximity of a deeper desire. the knowledge of a greater sensation that would truly drive her to the brink of madness and force her back, begging and pleading for more.

Upon reaching the last millimetres of skin on her bottom he stopped leaving her frustratingly deprived of her touch... Exactly where he wanted her. Silently, he took a hold of one of the toys he had hidden from her view, so quiet she remained oblivious to his plotting.

With a mischievous smile flickering across his face, he slowly began to trace small circles with the chosen toy. Drawing small but intricate patterns across her flesh, with feather like subtly. The change in material, the harsh contrast between the warmth of his fingers and the cold smooth glass of the toy was enough to set the wheels in motion thought Anabelle’s mind, make her toes curl with the anticipation of discovery. The touch felt so familiar to her, like an old friend. Yet try as she might she did not know.

Her desires began to mount as the contact became a little more intense, and she began to squirm and buck under the pressure of the suspense and arousal growing inside her. Still he denied her, and she couldn’t deny that she loved every last second of it. Her skin began to tingle, but all too soon, for her at least. The sensation stopped. Her mind reeled and the frustration forced a passionate moan from her delicate lips.

“Now, now. Calm yourself.” He whispered, tugging on the back of her shirt gently. “Sit up. I must attend to something before we go any further. And you must learn patience, and how to moderate your desires.”

As she sat up, he smiled at her and ruffled her hair, earning him a grumble of protest. And with that he got to his feet and made his way to the door, kicking it closed with his foot he turned back to look at her. Her face was a mixture of horror, relief and further frustration, and try as he might he couldn't help but laugh.

THANK YOU very much to Rachie. Without her this bit would still be another 2 weeks in the process. Please if you like it dont lurk. Comments are important to me.

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