Thread: [NON-FICTION] Anabelle's surprise
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:53 PM   #7
Star Shadows
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He paced around her kneeling figure twice, looking at her intently before he came to a stop behind her. Lifting her white blond hair he slowly lent down to kiss the back of her neck, ever so gently. She whispered her thanks and caressing her neck and her cheek gently he fastened a velvet collar around her neck, it was simple, just a single piece of fabric with a silver D ring but it was beautiful, and as the white blond hair fell around it the contrast was staggering. against her light skin, hair and lips her collar and eyes stood out like stars in the nothing he had ever seen before.

For someone so outgoing, for such a party animal as she was she was not used to feeling as shy and self aware as he made her. Tonight was such a sharp contrast to last night. Last night she wouldn’t have cared what her company thought of her- he was a .. or was it a she, no it was erm Adam, Adrian.. something like that- he was a hangover clouded memory now. She wouldn’t, didn’t care what last nights company thought of her- they were just a means of free alcohol. Something to scratch her itch. Ethan was more than that... She could feel it.

Ethan was ever so different. Ethan made her heart flutter, and her cheeks flush red. He made her want to be better- give up the drinking and the one night stands to please him and love him. She wondered for a moment if this could be...

A light tug on her D ring pulled her back into reality as Ethan called her name in that soft Irish caress that melted her to the core. She slowly rose to her feet and locked her arm around his. He kissed her head and pulled her closer as the two bouncers stepped to the side. With that he lead her through the heavy door into the main body of the underground club.

The place was almost deserted compared to what it usually was, only a few couples in clusters talking drinking and laughing, and a few playing in the far corners. There would no doubt be others hiding in the dark rooms and lurking out of sight getting up to ‘no good’ - but that was normal. They made their way to the bar at first again too engrossed in one an other's company. For tonight there was nothing but one another - He ordered them both a drink, and they sat down on the tall, black stools lining the edge of the bar. They talked and watched the people mingle thinking to themselves and one each other. Occasionally their hands would tough sending electric little tingles reaching in tendrils up her arm, whispers of joy that spread, and spread then faded all too quickly leaving her craving his touch.

Together they watched people come and go before he looked at her once more and with those sexy eyes. He got to his feet and offered his hand out to her. Her mind began to reel- should she take it straight away, or would that be stalkerish... but then if she waited too long would she seem hesitant- she didn’t want to seems hesitant. Eww were her hands sweating, her hands felt sweaty. she couldn’t take his hand if hers were sweaty. she closed her eyes a moment, and opened them to see his eyes looking deep into hers.

“Anabelle- I can practically hear you thinking. Stop worrying”

She looked at him, and they both laughed, before he took her hand and placed it in the one he offered her- and she muttered a thanks to him. Hand in hand they walked across the black wood floor, her heels echoing with each foot fall- suddenly feeling very loud. The room was painted in the same lavished red as the entrance hall, with delicate patterns across the main wall showing exquisite attention to detail, but with imperfections and unique details to show that it was lovingly created by hand- stroke by stroke.

They made their way across the room to the private suites along the far west wall. Although they were small they all had a deal of special fetish furniture and toys for the delights of the users. Though most people used their own toys to be on the safe side- despite thorougher cleaning of them after use is mandatory.

These rooms always filled Anabelle with a feeling of joy and awe whenever she entered them. A childlike simple joy and fascination like an infant in a large sweetshop. She never did know where to start. But this time she didn’t have to- Ethan took it all in his stride guiding her across the room to the horse, he patted the top with his left hand, while rummaging in his bag for restraints, it was something he had see at another club, a master using personal restraints as a simple modification of pre-existing furniture to restrain his submissive in new and inovative ways- He had inspired Ethan a lot- and kept drawing him back to that same club.

He took both of her hands and pulled her down to lean across the box. stretching her slender body out and out until her wrists reluctantly reached the bottom of the box. She could feel the welcomed stretch in he legs and shoulders, even with her heels on it was a struggle to reach. But it felt good- familiar.

Gently but firmly he secured her wrists to the legs of the horse with thick black restraints, softly padded, and each fastened with a small silver clasp, engraved with tiny hallmarks.

“You still ok?” He asked crouching down to look her in the eyes. She looked up at him and nodded, smiling gently. “ha ha well; we will see how long that lasts then shall we?” As much as he joked he was scared to push her very far at all on this first meeting- or after the shocking news she had disclosed to him- push her in any way at any session.

gently he knelt at her feet and spread them a little continuing until her feet were shoulders distance apart. Again with his own restraints he secured her legs to the remaining two legs of the horse box, wrapping the restraint securely around the legs leaving Anabelle in a spread eagle type position bent over in the middle.He repositioned himself so that from between her legs he looked her straight in the eyes. Eye contact was ever so important. You could tell so much from a persons eyes.

“You still ok?” he asked with a voice of caring and concern. He really liked her- last thing he wanted to do was upset her or harm her. She gave an upside down nod and smiled at him. He couldn’t help but giggle to himself, upside down smiles looked so silly.

“well- if you’re so comfortable there why don’t we kick things up a little bit my little vixen.” With a sudden change to a very dominant person the fun was about to begin.

Again feel free to leave your comments and feedback here and I will post more when I get the chance.


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