Thread: [NON-FICTION] Anabelle's surprise
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:22 PM   #5
Star Shadows
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*the morning before she meets Ethan in Dublin*

Hung over was such a fucking understatement, she thought to herself as the room swayed around her on its axis. She really needed to stop partying so hard. Feeling this bad couldn’t be good for her health. After 2 minutes more of spinning she decided that whoever it was at the door of her apartment could go away, it wasn’t worth the dizzying walk. She rolled back over into her bedding and willed the headache to leave her alone. For someone so clumsy Anabelle partied, drank and danced like an animal with little care for the consequence, maybe due to her age, or her need to rebel against her parents hold on her. She was 20 and in love with life pushing against the protective restraints her father suppressed her with.

Several hours later she came back into the real world, her headache reduced. She decided about now was as good a time as any to wake up and face the day. She crawled out of bed and into the kitchen to drown the remainder of the hangover while brushing the tangles out of her white blond hair. She sat on the work bench and stared out of the window. The cold benches were refreshing against her uncovered ass, her shirt not covering enough to keep it warm. But what she really craved was a shower.

Stepping through into the bathroom she removed the cotton shirt from over her chest letting it fall to the floor. It must have been cold in the bathroom as her nipples immediately began to harden and goose bumps began to develop across her entire body. Turning on the shower she stepped under the hot water and let the the luxurious beads of water fall across he aching skin. She let the water soothe her and massage the last vestiges of her hangover out of her system. Wrapping her arms tight around her stomach she allowed herself to relax, she felt herself falling into a trance of blissful ignorance as she began to cover her body in the luxurious lather of bubbles, from the expensive Christmas present. the bubbles felt so amazing against her skin as she slowly began to massage her legs, arms, back, breasts.

Slipping deeper into her trance like state she found her fingers slipping between her legs, from there she massaged her most intimate areas sending waves of pleasure emanating across her body. It felt so good and ever so much more intense thanks to the water cascading over her soft, smooth skin. She felt herself becoming submerged in her own mind as pleasure washed over her again and again. When it was all over and she came back to reality gasping for air she finally began to continue washing. Trying this time not to get so massively side tracked. She finished washing and getting dried before getting dressed in her black dress, shoes and stockings ready to face the day at last..


As the evening came she decided to go out for a while. Spend some time on the quayside. It was calming there despite being so busy. She began walking with the cool wind in her hair singing to herself in her head, watching the people walk by she stared into and beyond the crowds.

In the distance carried on the wind she heard a song soft as the spring sunrise. In a lush Irish pur. She followed the voice along the quayside knowing she had to find the owner. His voice called to her like the tide calls to the moon. As she raced along the sidewalk she sang along with him trying to reach him. When her eyes saw him over the crowd her heart began to flutter. His brown eyes met hers as they came together and began to harmonise. Their voice in perfect union. She adored him from the first glance.

They finished singing and their eyes met at length. He took her hand and introduced himself as Ethan, before dragging her through the crowd proposing they went for a drink. She didn’t protest- in fact she was about to do the same thing. Soon they found themselves in a secluded corner of a quaint little pub.

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