Thread: Non-Fiction: Dare/Task Games and Bitches
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Old 04-25-2011, 07:50 AM   #1
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Band-Aid Dare/Task Games and Bitches

Ill have to provide a bit of backstory first, or this will all seem a bit vague.

If you dont feel like reading all this, just get the gist of it, then tell me if you want to know more. Thats all i really need to know here, before i recount chains of events. It takes alot of effort for me
Or just skip to the end.

For a couple of months now, i've participated in a group of people, mostly Women (In terms of attendance.
There are a couple of men, but they dont show up too much). And what we do, is, on a monthly basis (No pun intended :P), meet up in a Cabin, owned by the 'Leader' of this, if you will.
Ill go into that soon. This is an out-of-the-way place.
No risk of interruptions, and no risk of being heard. The place is empty, but there's running water. No electricity though. And the water is pretty much crap.
Moving on, we meet on a Weekend, for convenience. And we stay for 1-3 days. For this 1-3 days, we play a simple game, comprised of using a Dice System to Dare one another. But, in the midst of this, we go about our everyday lives their like housemates.
The Dice system is simple. Four dies. We all get a number when we arrive. The Dice are thrown individually.
The first is rolled Once (We usually only have about 5 people including me, but if there's more, we roll twice and add it up); This decides who goes first.
The second Die is rolled once, or twice, for the same reasons, to determine the 'Second'.
The Third die is rolled once. If it is an Even number, the person chosen by the first die is the 'Top'. If it rolls an Odd number, the person chosen by 2 is the 'Top'.
Naturally, the opposite person is the 'Bottom'.
The goal of the 'Top' is to essentially own the 'Bottom' for the time determined by:
Die 4. Which is rolled Once, and the number shown is the number of hours this lasts for.

We do this several times, re-rolling as needed, until everyone is partnered up. If we have an uneven number of people, that person left over can choose who they go with, and the pair they choose decides the role they will take between themselves.

It is also necessary to mention that the "Leader" i mentioned, is called as such because she doesnt participate. Her role is to monitor what everyone does, and make sure it stays... relatively safe. Shes essentially the "Law".
Shes also the person who can give you to everyone at once if you deliberately do something not allowed (Like, say, outright refuse to be a 'Bottom'. You freely choose to do this).

This runs in 6 hour slots, even if it doesnt take 6 hours for each set. After you finish your time, set by Die 4, you can just freely spend your time. Like Housemates!

There are No Limits present, BUT;
A: The "Leader" keeps everything from being too harsh, and...
B: Everyone knows this. Unless you have a medical condition or something, all is well. Your the one who chooses to join in here.

After 6 hours, there is a 5 minute break, to review everything thats happened, or to just waste time for 5 minutes. It all depends. Though this is mainly for Bondage scenarios, so you have a chance to get people out, and give them a chance to recover in the event of going in for a whole 6 hours.

Then, everything is rerolled, and this cycle repeats.
Day 1 is the most Gentle.
It tends to be embarrassing, but not too terribly bad.
Day 2 steps it up, gearing toward pain and general humiliation. Youll generally find sexual stuff here, such as Insertions, and othersuch things.
Day 3 is a bit of a climax, and tends to revolve around degradation and rather harsh humiliation.

Why do we do this, and why does so much effort go into it?
For the same reason anyone plays Dare/Task games.
And we structure it like this to blend safety with pushing the boundaries of whats safe.

Why did i put "and Bitches" in the title?
Because alot of the women here can be absolute fucking bitches.
My fingers hurt.

In summary, now im done making my fingers hurt from typing;
Do you want to hear more?
Because typing the actual course of events is much harder than typing about the presence of events, as i have to not only recount things as i noted them, but fill in the gaps as best i can. And there's multiple people to go around, even if i cut out uninteresting things.

Ill... Wait for replies i guess.

Owned by Cuddles


Thats pretty much me.

Oh, and I have a Story
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