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Old 03-29-2011, 04:37 AM   #668
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 277

No, not too long at all. In fact,

The Story Continues...

Ed and Alice arrived as the girls were laughing at my sister's comment. They looked wet and had obviously been in the water, but I wondered what else they had been up to...

"Ok everyone, this way back to camp." Ed said, and let the way following the path.

Eventually we arrived back at the site where we had been camping. Rich had successfully packed away the tents and loaded most of the stuff into the vehicles. Ed freed my hands from my cuffs so that I could help Rich finish off the loading. Once I had finished, the cuffs were replaced.

Ed and Alice said goodbye to Rich, as he had to leave in order to get back for his shift at the shop in the mall, and wanted to get home and washed before that. Rich also said his goodbyes to us, and even though he was a 'master', most of us were sad to see him go. He, indeed, had unexpectedly been roped into his role back in the shop.

As Rich drove off, Ed told us that we needed to get going too, as we had to make a stop on the way back. I was more than a bit concerned as we all climbed into Ed's camper van, as it was only early afternoon and still bright and sunny. With Kelly, Sarah, Jo, Bex, Claire and I all sitting naked in the back, we would have been visible to any passing vehicles. Fortunately Ed had the sense to draw the thin curtains for us, at least giving us some privacy.

It wouldn't have been a long drive back, however as promised, Ed took a detour and stopped off at a large shopping mall. It was bigger than the one in our town, and attracted families from a wide area in search of bargains and a good day out. Ed drove into the carpark and pulled up in a space fairly near the entrance.

"I'm taking Alice in here for a whilst, as I want to buy her something nice. I'm going to leave you lot in here, but I wouldn't want you to get too hot." said Ed as he rolled down both the driver and passenger side windows in the front.

"Oh, and just so you don't get bored, I'm going to give you a dare to keep you busy." he added. "Firstly, I'm going to open the curtains to 'give you... and anyone else that may look in' a good view. I suggest that you try and keep the noise down, and I'd also suggest that you lay on the floor."

We didn't need telling twice, and we all slid from our seats onto the cramped floor of the camper. This was an even tighter squeeze than the tent, and with the impending sun shining in through the windows, even hotter."

Ed climbed over from the front drivers seat and stepped carefully over the tangled mess of naked, handcuffed bodies below him. He opened up all the curtains as he had promised.

He returned to the front seat before speaking to us again. "The second part of the dare is a challenge. Girls, it is your task to make Steve cum. There will be a nice suprise for anyone who has his cum in their mouth when we get back. Steve, it's your challenge not to cum, and there will be a penalty if you do ! have fun guys !" And with that, both Alice and Ed left the van to go shopping.

As soon as they had left, we all took a moment to survey the situation. We were crammed into the van very tightly, and from as much as I could see my head was at the same end of the van as Bex and Claire. That meant that Jo, Sarah and Kelly all had easy access to my penis, providing that they could manouver enough to get to it. The challenge itself was enough to stir my cock into life, and it had already started to grow. Bex said "Hey, no fair - we can't get to it", and Claire 'umpfed' in agreement, but by now I felt the unmistakeable sense of one of the girls guiding my cock into her mouth - although I had no idea which one !

I bucked my hips to try and pull my dick back and out of her mouth, but as I did so she (whoever she was) simply pushed her head further in my direction, once again engulfing my cock. I also heard two of the girls, I think that it was Jo and Kelly, at the other end arguing, saying that they wanted a turn. All this attention meant that I would find it very hard to complete this challenge. Also, if it was Jo and Kelly that were arguing, that would meant that it was my sister that had me in her mouth.

Claire spoke up with a solution to the problem. "Hey girls, I've got a plan. It only needs one of us to make him shoot. Listen, the challenge was to make him cum, and there would be a reward for ANYONE who has his cum in their mouth. That means that we can pass it on to each other once he's shot his load."

"There might not be enough for all of us though", Bex said.

"Well, we don't know how long they will be gone, and our Stevie here must have enough stamina to last at least two times... in fact I know he has !" Claire replied, and I could make out a slight smile and a wink as she said that.

The mouth around my cock withdrew long enough to say "I agree", and the resumed it's oral manipulation of my knob.

The girls were all in agreement and I, of course, didn't get a say in the matter.

The sucking and bobbing carried on for some time. I could hear families and teenagers walking past the van, oblivious to what was going on feet away from them. I heard a group of teenage girls as they passed, talking about a party they had been to the night before, and ironically about the game of Truth or Dare that they played - however by the time anything interesting was discussed they had progressed towards the mall and out of earshot.

I was getting close to cumming, but was attempting to hold out as long as possible. Bex called down to Jo, and asked if she minded if she kissed me, to 'help me along'. Jo's reply was 'go ahead', and I knew that she wasn't jealous as this was 'part of the game', just as my sister - now I was fairly sure it was - was sucking my penis.

Bex adjusted her head slightly and kissed me firmly on my lips. I resisted for a few seconds, aware that any extra stimulation could make me cum faster, but as she pursed my lips apart with her tongue I caved in and engaged in a full on kiss.

Sure enough, this was enough to cause my cock to pulse and twitch, shortly followed by an eruption of cum into my sister's mouth. The reduction in air that I was taking in enhanced the experience of pure pleasure in defeat of this challenge.

I felt some fidgiting at the other end, and I heard Jo say "She's done it". Bex broke off her kiss and looked at me triumphantly. "Give Kelly some first" Jo said, and with even more squeezing and manouvering I had guessed that Jo had now received some too. It was now quite comical, as they had planned this all wrong. The three girls at my cock end all had my cum in my mouth, but they realised that to get some more from me, one of them would have to have an empty mouth to resume sucking. The problem was that, with their mouth's full, none of them could communicate this effectively to Bex and Claire !

Jo must have held her head back and tried to speak, asking either Bex or Claire to 'cung dung hee an geg sung', which I understood to mean 'come down here and get some'. Neither of them spoke 'Cummish', and I wasn't feeling generous enough to be a translator in this ancient language. With a 'tut', I felt more movement and Jo managed to get herself into an upright position. Keeping crouched so as not to be seen, she moved up to our end of the van. Kneeling down (digging one knee into my chest I might add !), she leant over Claire's face. Claire knew what to do, and leant forward. The girls kissed, exchanging my cum in the process. With this deal complete, Jo returned to the other end of the van. Now that her mouth was empty, Jo took a turn in milking me with her mouth.

I was already semi erect again at the sights and situation that I was in, and with Jo's warm mouth and tongue caressing me, it didn't take too long before I was hard again.

Some more girls walked past the van, describing the skirts that they wanted to buy. "The shorter the better" said one, "An inch below minge-base..." said another, and added, "and I don't plan on wearing panties either !"

Another image of totally random girls discussing their intimate details was now in my head, and Jo continued her skills on my cock.

It took longer this time, and Bex didn't kiss me to speed up the process, but eventually - as any guy would given half this attention - I came for a second time. Jo kept my dick in her mouth until she was sure that I had emptied my sacks, then released me. Once again, now more expert than before, she moved up to our end and kissed Bex, giving her some of my fresh cum in the process. This was a landslide victory for the girls, and a humiliating - but strangely satisfying - defeat for me.

Now the girls had another problem - with each of them carrying my fresh seed in their mouths, none of them could talk or swallow, and we didn't know how long Ed and Alice were going to be...

The next hour and a half were very quiet, and although I could talk, the lack of responses made any conversation both difficult and one sided. Occasionally I would try and wind up one of the girls, but the only response was an elbow or knee to my torso.

Eventually Ed and Alice arrived back at the van, carrying quite a few shopping bags. They got into the front of the van, and put the bags in the footwell. Ed climbed into the back of the van again and drew the curtains.

"Right gang, let's see how you all did."

He helped us up into the seats again before asking for the results. All five girls stuck their tongues out at him, and all five still had at least some of my cum on them.

"Well done girls... and hard luck Steve. I must say, it was always going to be hard for you." Ed said, chuckling at his own joke.

"Ok, don't swallow that yet. It's time for your rewards and Stevie's punishment..."

The girls nodded, and Ed leant over and grabbed a bag from the front....

Check out my stories...

Sister's Sleepover - T or D - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sequel - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sub Plot - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes - - IN PROGRESS

Last edited by ShinyDemon; 03-30-2011 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Correction on last line of story
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