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Old 03-25-2011, 05:09 AM   #662
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 277

Just time for a quick update today, but should be enough to keep you going...

The Story Continues...

We arrived at the junction and waited patiently as instructed.

As we sat there, still cuffed and naked, the conversation plodded along as it would between most groups of friends. The conversation slowly edged back towards sexual activities, and my sister Sarah asked Kelly if she was enjoying being a slave.

"Most of the stuff I've had to do has really turned me on, and there's only been one or two things I didn't like."

"What was your favourite thing ?" Bex asked.

"The best dare was when Sarah, Steve and I went to the cadet camp, and we all had to give blow jobs to the cadets." Kelly replied. Sarah and I looked and smiled at each other, knowing the truth of what really happened.

We continued to chat about the things that had happened to us over the past couple of days, and since 'that sleepover'.

"I don't know how Ed comes up with all the stuff he makes us do !" commented Kelly.

"He's got an over-sexually-active imagination" I replied, partly as a witty comeback, but also with some truth in it. I could see that Kelly picked up that I knew something.

"How do you know ?" Kelly asked.

"He's told me some of the stuff that he's got up to."

"Like what ?" Kelly replied, now on behalf of the rest of the girls who were listening intently for my answer.

I wouldn't want to betray Ed's secrets too easily, but I had to give them something as I knew that they wouldn't let this rest until I had. I decided to tell them about something that Ed had told me that wasn't too bad.

"Back when we were at school, Ed had a sleepover himself. I couldn't go as I was grounded - I couldn't remember why, but basically there was Ed and three of his other male friends. I think that they were watching porn, and they all needed to relieve themselves. Ed, being the kinky bastard that he was, even back then, suggested a dare game. He had noticed earlier that the family next door had left the washing hanging out, and had gone out for the night. Being a warm night, there may have been some hope that the clothes would dry and air. In amongst the garments were items of a school uniform, which belonged to the daughter of the family."

"Go on..." Claire said, hooked on the story.

"Well, Ed suggested a dare that each of them would strip naked, go out into the garden and climb over the fence into the neighbours yard. They would then have to take an item of the girls school uniform and wank themselves off either into or onto it, but so that it would not be discovered. As it was his idea, Ed was nominated to go first. He stripped naked, leaving his clothes in a pile, and went out into the garden. It was a dark night, but the moon provided enough light to make sure that his friends could see that he went through with the dare. He scaled the fence easily, and took the girl's navy skirt from the line. Turning it inside out and laying it on the grass, he proceeded to stroke himself until he shot cum over the inside of the skirt."

"Then what ?" Kelly asked.

"Then he hung the skirt back on the line, climbed back over the fence and back into the house. One by one the other boys did the same, covering the girls blouse and both socks with their boy juices before hanging it back on the line."

"Oh my god, that's so bad. What happened then ?"

"Well," I continued, "not much that night, but a couple of days later they caught the bus to school and sat near the girl. It was clear that she hadn't realised that her 'clean clothes' were not so clean, and the smell of cum was tainting the air around her."

"I can't believe Ed did that !" Jo said, although she knew by now that it was true.

"How embarrassing - her classmates must have thought that she was a real slut going into school smelling like that !" Sarah added.

However, telling this story to the girls had clearly had an effect on me, and the girls noticed that I was fully erect.

"Hey, big brother, looks like I may have to dare you to do that some time." Sarah added with a smile and a wink, and I knew that she probably would too !
Check out my stories...

Sister's Sleepover - T or D - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sequel - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Sub Plot - COMPLETE

Sister's Sleepover - The Trilogy Concludes - - IN PROGRESS
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