Thread: [FICTION] A Night of Truth or Dare
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Old 03-28-2008, 03:47 PM   #1
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Default A Night of Truth or Dare

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Nick was preparing his house for the sleepover that would start in a few minutes. His two best friends would be attending, Alex and Davis, as well as three girls. Although, Nicole, Jenna and Colette had to leave at midnight and would sleep at Jenna's house who was Nick's next door neighbor. All of them were good friends and 15-16, juniors in high school.

A few hours later everyone was sitting around bouncing ideas off each other for what to do next. They had already eaten and watched a movie but it was only 9:30pm, leaving them with two and a half hours left before the genders would have to separate.
"I still think we should play cards," protested Davis who was arguing with Colette. The girls wanted to watch another movie that they had brought, but it was a chick-flick no true man would enjoy.
"Well maybe we should just go back to my house and leave you boys to play your cards," suggested Jenna.
"What movie is it again?" Nick asked, just wanting to get something done.
"Shut up, don't tell me you want to watch that movie!" Alex was appalled by Nick's decision.
"How about we play Truth or Dare then?" Nicole asked
"As long as you don't dare us to watch the movie. Anything but that." Davis stated, not realizing what he had actually said. And so everyone else agreed to the choice in game and Nicole took the first turn because she suggested the game.
"Ok, Nick, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Nicked decided to play it safe until he knew how intense the game would be."
"What color is your underwear?" Nicole laughed as she said it, being childish as usual.
"Uhh grey." Nick had no reason to lie.

The game progressed like this for a few minutes, and everyone decided how lame the game was so one brave soul decided to spice it up.
"Truth or dare Alex?" Asked Jenna
"Dare." Alex was confident about his choice, the worst dare so far had been to thrown your face into a piece of cake, and only because that was messy.
"I dare you to take your pants off!"

Sorry for part one being a bit boring, just had to set everything up.

Last edited by Leopard; 01-06-2011 at 03:26 AM.
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