Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 01-01-2011, 11:22 PM   #1064
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by Doctor View Post
I didn't mind "The Lonely God" until RTD over-did it. Also, John Simm fucks me off. His Master was good, but the writing let it down. And CGI-lazer-bolt-firey-freak? No. That's not the Master. What the fuck was that? RTD having a wankfest, clearly. And then Simm hammed it up beyond belief. The sooner we get a new Master, the better. It was also, IMO, an awful regeneration. The music was OTT, the last words were, frankly, pathetic, and I just kept wanting him to fuck off, especially after the last 20 minutes he'd spent wandering around staring mildly at people.

Personally, I hope Moffat doesn't go for LOUD AND EPIC. I think, actually, he'll settle for a quieter regeneration (maybe in a similar vein to Nine, or even Three-Four). To try and top each new regeneration would be stupid (ala series finales). Just my opinion of course.

I like S3 Tennant and part of S4 Tennant. The rest is OTT rubbish, IMO. Too many catchphrases, too many fanwanky spasms, too much "I'm quirky like Tom Baker" moments and, for me, this was a man playing the Doctor. Matt just *is* the Doctor, whereas I felt Tennant was always "the quirky fanboy pretending". ALLONS-Y, yawn.

If I was asked to write Tennant's swansong, I probably would've had a quieter story, a one-part mini-epic. Actually, no. I'd have him regenerate at the end of "The Waters of Mars" - a consequence of his arrogance, without the chance to redeem himself.


The Other is a fanwanky thing from "Lungbarrow". In its most basic description, he's from the Ancient Time and was a man who eventually went on to become the Doctor.
I get where you coming from. When I have talked to others fans. There usually two camps for the Tenth Doctor. One hated the Lonely God and the overtopness of the Tenth Doctor and the other really loved it. As you can tell, I fell into the latter camp.

I'm starting to get the impression of American's seem to love David Tennant as the Doctor and often hear some of them quit when he left. It is a shame, Matt Smith is doing a good job. I remember way back you told me just give Matt some time and I will like him. That is what I did and I love him as the Doctor. Even though Tennant still has a very special place in my heart (That sounded really gay. lol).

You have to give Tennant credit for kicking the door down for Doctor Who. Underneath Tennant, Doctor Who became mainstream in the United Kingdom again and created a cult following in the U.S., since the Tom Baker years. Now leaving Matt Smith to build upon it.

Ahh... I totally loved John Simm's Master. The thing that did bug me was during the chase in the junkyard. I kept thinking how on earth did the Doctor catch up with him. The Master jumped great distances. Although, I loved the chase music, wish it was in the soundtrack.

Although, I loved the regenration scene from The End of Time. I do love your alternate version of the regenration for Waters of Mars. Since I have a thing for tragedies.

You know what would be funny. If Ood Sigma walked up to him and said, "You had to be a douche and screw up time."

"Ehh... Allonsy!"


Originally Posted by Captain Harkness View Post
I think our opinions are formed more on the bases of the old episodes.
I didn't mind the master been a blue skeleton occasionally but the lightening took the piss.
And the thing that killed The End Of Time for me was the timelords been evil. Just out of character and an insult tbh.

The reason i couldnt stand The Next Doctor was it wasn't answering all questions. no way would a cyberman accept help from a human.1 and the giant one was shit and unexplainable until Moffat dragged it back up with the cracks in time and space. We must assume all alien activity has been effected by the cracks in time.
Originally Posted by Doctor View Post

Time Lords have always been evil and corrupted...

(And Cybies have had human helpers beforehand - admittedly before turning them into Cybermen themselves.)
I alway thought the Time Lords were dicks. As you British say, they were really posh. So it does not surprise me they became arrogant and evil by the end of the Time War. Plus when they resurrected their evil founder, Rassilon to lead them as Lord President during the war. What do you expect?

I also don't think Cybermen were like, "Hey I think she can help us." I think they thought, "We can use this bitch for our plans." (Possibly with less emotion...)

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Last edited by drvaleyard; 01-01-2011 at 11:39 PM. Reason: Added Something
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