Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 12-30-2010, 06:57 AM   #1060
getDare Sweetheart
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Nuclear Reply to the Doctor!

Ha ha! Yes, I love The End of Time episode. My favorite stories in most TV shows and movies are the tragedy ones. Before I became a Doctor Who fan, I was really into the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, by Ron Moore and it was a very dark show. Most stories that I write are usually dark and angsty. So I guess, I feel The End of Time fits the bill. Also David Tennant is my favorite Doctor and yes, I know some people did not like the Lonely God theme, but I love it. I guess, it is more of a question of taste for me. Also John Simm was amazing in the episode. Plus it had the best regeneration scene so far. I love to see what Moffat will do for Matt Smith's regeneration scene to try to top Tennant's. The one thing I hated was Timothy Dalton's spit! Why did they not edit that one?

Did you not like Tennant's Doctor?
Also did you hate The End of Time story? If so what would you have done?


I love the evil, Doctor concept with the Valeyard! Can you imagine what havoc the Doctor could do if he is evil.

Yes, I think you are right on that one, but one can hope!


I have only seen a few Classic Doctor Who episodes, at least one for each Doctor. They are not easy to find in the U.S.

Who is The Other?


Yes, Stetsons are cool!

I can't wait for the Area 51 episode.

I have been wondering, why Area 51 has not been used that much in Doctor Who. I guess, Dreamland, but I don't know if it is canon or not.

I love the fact the Doctor was sitting in the President's chair in the Oval Office!


One thing, I can do to make you smile! I no longer hate Matt Smith's Doctor!

My Return and Regeneration!

This has been moved to my blog.

I have been away for a while and needed a fresh start. So read my update and Hello again!

LGBT Community Thread

Last edited by drvaleyard; 12-30-2010 at 07:05 AM. Reason: Spelling
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