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Old 10-20-2018, 08:13 PM   #69
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
Posts: 1,500
Blog Entries: 69

Time has passed, the players have gotten showered and returned to the stage in their own clothes, they stand there in a row, the Pink team looking triumphant the Yellow team a little peeved...the Blue looking nervous...very nervous!!

"Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen...To end the show in classic style we have our final forfeit, now the players in the Blue team have voted in secret for which of their members has to pay the ultimate penalty of the evening...Drum Roll please!"

The lights go dim and an ominous beat can be heard through the speakers, a spotlight shines down and starts to go from left to right over the Blue team slows down gradually as it moves from side to eventually stops on ChubbyShySissy, he looks from side to side at his team mates angrily knowing that they voted him out!
Bloxo walks over...
"Well well...fate, poor skill and treachery have led you to this do you feel?"

He holds the microphone up to ChubbyShySissy...

" there any way out of this? Please!"

Bloxo shakes his head slowly..."Let's get this over with shall we?"
Bloxo puts an arm over his shoulder and the curtain goes up...this reveals a great big colourful wheel spin, as well as various bits of bondage equipment in the background, as well as plenty of buckets, Bloxo walks him up to the wheel and stands the other side of him to it...

"Please spin for your fate..."

The wheel itself has stickers over the various options so it's a mystery what is on the board...ChubbyShySissy puts his hand on the wheel, takes a big gulp and gives it a strong spin!

Around and around it goes, the characteristic clicking of the pointer over the spokes of the wheel forming an eternal stops...

Bloxo walks over and peels the side of the tape a little so it is between his thumb and forefinger...

"You ready?"

ChubbyShySissy is crossing his fingers at this point, turning them white with the pressure, he is terrified of what may come...He nods ever so slightly...

Bloxo tears off the sticker in one quick movement!...It reveals TAR AND FEATHER!

"Ooo...that's a nasty one...ouch...come with me..." Bloxo leads ChubbyShySissy over to a bench...

"Okay lad...firstly we use Treacle rather than wouldn't cover Tar apparently, but you need to strip off your clothes and lie face up on the bench for us...

ChubbyShySissy has a very pained expression on his face as he turns to Bloxo...but seeing his situation as hopeless he sinks his head and starts to undo the buttons on his black and blue checkered shirt, slides the shirt off his arms and drops it to the floor...undoing the button and then the zip to his blue jeans, he lowers these slowly to the floor bending down, stepping out of them he takes off his black socks one by one and then looks at Bloxo with a sad expression once again...Bloxo gives him a sympathetic nod, ChubbyShySissy then lowers his boxers, using a hand to cover his modesty as they are slid down, he then steps over to the bench and lays down...
Bloxo hefts up a large heavy bucket and starting at the head, slowly pours it down ChubbyShySissy's body until the bucket is empty at the feet, the man is covered from head to toe in the thick black treacle...Bloxo picks up a second bucket, much lighter this time and sprinkles it's contents out, this is a collection of small white feathers which get stuck into the treacle...
Bloxo places the bucket down...

"Right, now you need to dance like a chicken for the audience...and squark as you do so of course"

ChubbyShySissy lifts himself from the bench and walks to the front of the stage, treacle dripping off him, feathers drifting away...he gets to the front, a spotlight put on him...using one hand to cover himself he starts to slowly dance for the crowd...making bird noises...the audience are laughing hysterically at the sight!

After a few moments Bloxo walks up, "Thank you, a round of applause for our brave contestant! You may go over and join your team now"

ChubbyShySissy walks backwards towards his team members, not wanting to show off his uncovered behind...

"Now...this is normally where I would say goodbye...but our show isn't over yet you were all asked to vote for your favourite team member to get messy during the last break, well up on our screen we are about to reveal who you voted for!"

"As this is our first show, we thought we would give you all a bit of a treat...and we feel there needs to be more balanced humiliation on this show..."

Bloxo has a small button in his hand, pressing this a board lights up above him, "And now ladies and gentlemen...time to reveal our second victim tonight...!"
Bloxo presses the button a second time and a name flashes up on the Screen...ezeperalta212
The spotlight swings over to where she is standing, mouth agape in shock...Bloxo rushes over to her and grabs her arm firmly and drags her over to the Pillory, he whispers to her..."I've been waiting for this moment for a long time..."

Addressing the audience..."The lovely ezeperalta212 will now be stripped and put into the Pillory, where each of our players will mess her with one substance" He turns to her and smirks...turning back to the audience..."But as she isn't technically a loser tonight, she wins herself £250 additional pounds for being our audience choice this evening! Now if you will ezeperalta212 remove your clothes for us please"

ezeperalta212 stands there for a moment...dumbstruck, not wanting to do this, but also not wanting to look like a bad sport and forfeiting her money she gives in...

She pulls the black tank top she is wearing over her head and throws it to the floor, glaring at Bloxo...She undoes the button on her skirt and thrusts this down to the floor with force, she kicks off her flip flops and stands there in her Dark Green Bra and Thong...with a deep sigh she reaches behind her back and undoes the bra clasp, pulling her arms out one at a time this too gets thrown into the pile of clothes, she then bends down and pulls the thong to her feet, she stands there, one arm across her breasts, the other placing a hand over her pussy, her tanned curves glowing in the stage lights, she walks behind the pillory and put her head into the central groove, releasing her modesty her hands rise to go into the two slots at each side...blushing but saving face, her eyes rarely glancing from their glower at Bloxo standing there smug...He stands there for a brief moment to take in her naked form and then proceeds to shut the pillory and lock it closed with the bolts.

He walks over to a shelf and grabs a bucket of Mayonnaise...he gives her an evil grin and pours the whole bucket over her head and lets it trail down her back, tricking down the face, the side of her body and down over her ass, he takes in the awesome sight and then beckons the other players to take their turn

dandushma is up first, seeing his humiliated team mate he decides to be at least partly charitable and puts a cream pie into her pussy gently, the mess helping to cover her modesty, Novagunger having flashbacks to his own humiliation grabs a bucket of multi coloured slime and from each side, throws the contents over her front, covering her breasts and stomach a little, but leaving the mess dripping from her hanging nipples...
Happybunny101 is a little less sympathetic, she takes a big baked bean pie and grinds this into her face, pushing it up into her hair, the beans stuck to her, but also gradually dripping down to pool on the floor...

Next up it's the Yellow teams turn, WAMPup grabs a Blueberry pie and smacks this into her face leaving her spluttering, electricity proceeds to pour a bucket of ketchup over her head and rubs some of it in her hair...the audience love this cruelty and whoop and cheer at the site...Playpig69 takes a bucket of custard and throws it at her from the front, this whooshes into her face and splatters her front, Cooop2 decides to take a big Cherry pie and jams this into her butt, to much delight from the audience...

Finally the Blue team step up, ChubbyShySissy, still dripping in treacle decides to give ezeperalta212 the same treatment and pours a bucket of thick black substance right over her head leaving ezeperalta212 spluttering and fighting to breathe, lethavesomefun goes up next and seeing her face already untouchable opts to pour Mushy Peas over her back, making sure it mostly slides over her pert behind, duffduffers is next with a bucket of oatmeal that he pours over her hair and back...finally Sportykid lets her have it with a custard pie to the face which he grinds in well leaving her to splutter and cough once again...

She is left there for a few moments while the audience whoop and cheer...
Bloxo walks to the front of stage, the players line up by ezeperalta212 who is still in the stocks dripping away and quietly fuming...

"That's all for tonight folks! Wasn't this an incredible sloppy spectacular? Join us for our next show! I hope you had fun and don't forget to buy your Splatzone slime to use at home, a Splatzone T-shirt and commemorate cap and join us same time next week for mess, nudity and humiliation!"

The Curtain closes...Bloxo walks over to ezeperalta212...

"Now you get to travel home like this...have a good backs a bitch isn't it...think more carefully before you decide to hit a guy in the balls on live TV!"

He undoes the stocks and walks away, leaving her to shake off the slop and wipe herself down...
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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