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Old 10-15-2018, 04:47 PM   #19
getDare Devil
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
Posts: 1,480
Blog Entries: 69

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the first Episode of Splatzone!

Tonight our contestants will try their best to stay clean and get their opponents mucky! Sponsored by Tesco and Gunge R Us and presented on Channel 5, please welcome your host Bloxo!"

The lights go up...and the stage is lit, the audience is cheering as the lights begin to illuminate the scene, it starts by showing the rows of green chairs in a classical Curve shape at the back of the room, running 20 high and around 100 across facing inwards overall to the centre of the room...

The lights continue to spread over, showing a barrier at the front with some clear plastic walls protecting the front row, a small pit can be found with dark flooring before the raised stage appears, light oak wooden panelling appears in the centre, this stretches from left to right as far as the audience can see...ending at the dark wall that falls behind the audience, to the sides curtains appear at the edges, large red velvet.
As more of the stage becomes visible, various splats of different bright colours can be seen painted onto the wood panelling...
A Blue Podium appears in the centre, a red curtain behind it stretching to the ceiling, most of the stage is hidden at this point...

Bloxo walks on wearing a Blue crushed velvet suit and ruffled white shirt, large white cuffs protruding, he has smart black shoes and stands at 6 Feet tall with short brown spiky hair and slightly tanned Caucasian skin.

"Greetings everybody, are you ready to see some mess?"

The crowd cheers!

"Are you ready to see some humiliation?"

The crowd cheers louder!

"Do you want to see some flesh?!"

The crowd erupts into a raucous sound!

"Then you're in the right place! Tonight we will pit our rather foolish contestants against each other...and destroy them!
For this special introductory show we have 3 teams of 4 contestants to wheel out and mess!"

The crowd cheers!

"So with no further ado...let's have them on stage!" No sooner does he say this when sparks fly, smoke appears and from the left, right and back of stage the contestants run on!

On the left is the Yellow team, 4 guys wearing yellow shorts and T-shirts, with yellow socks Running to the centre and waving.
On the right is the Blue team, another 4 guys wearing Light blue T-shirts and Shorts, with blue socks.
At the back is the Pink team, 2 girls and two guys you may have guessed, all pink!

"Now my fair audience...let's introduce everyone tonight!"

The players stop and line up at the front of the stage, Yellow, Pink and then Blue.

"On the yellow team we have Electricity...what a voltage on that guy! We have WAMPup...sounds like he enjoys mess!...we have Playpig69...a messy pig, what are the odds?! and finally we have Cooop2 who has a thing for vintage cars apparently..." The team all bow

"On the Pink team we have Kittenlicks...let's hope they can keep their tongue to themselves! We have happybunny101...can she hop to victory? We have ezeperalta212...such a weird name for such an exotic creature! and Finally we have dandushma...will he be dandy tonight folks?" Again they bow...a few wolf whistles go up from the audience!

"Last but certainly not least we have the Blue team! Welcome Chubbyshysissy...I think he's missing his dress! Next we have duffduffers...hopefully not planning to make the Pink team up the duff...we have Sportykid...let's hope his skills live up to his name! Finally we have letshavesomefun...let's hope he does folks!" The team bow...

"Okay there are so many of you let's skip introductions and launch into our first game...Mucky Darts!"

The stage curtains rise to show a Dart board, flashing arrows leading up to it, a colour stained background behind.

"Now, our teams will send one representative a round to throw three darts, highest score picks up 100 points for their team! But the two lower scores face a messy forfeit! make this more fun...Bullseye's and Triple 20's mean the other players Strip an item of clothing! Let's make a start shall we!"

"First up is Chubbyshysissy, dandushma and WAMPup, take your places gentlemen!"

Now the Roleplay starts everyone...tell your stories!

The players take their turns:
Chubbyshysissy gets Double 13, Triple 2 and Triple 1,
dandushma gets 14, Double 2 and Bullseye! (50 points)
WAMPup gets Double 7, 15 and Triple 12

WAMpup and Chubbyshysissy have to remove their T-shirts, they also have to take a pie each from Dandushma

100 points for Pink!

Next up are duffduffers, happybunny101 and Electricity

duffduffers gets Triple 11, Double 16 and Double 6
happybunny101 gets Triple 3, Triple 5 and Triple 10
Electricity gets Triple 20! Triple 12, 16

Happybunny101 and duffduffers have to remove their shirts and get pied by Electricity!

100 Points for Yellow!

Next up are Sportykid, Kittenlicks and Playpig69.
Sportykid gets Triple 2, Double 2 and 12
Kittenlicks gets Triple 8, 13 and 8
Playpig69 gets Triple 4, Double 14 and Triple 19

Kittenlicks and Sportykid get a Pie to the face!

100 points for Yellow!

Finally we have letshavesomefun, ezeperalta212 and Cooop2

letshavesomefun gets Double 5, 7 and Double 5
ezeperalta212 gets Triple 2, 7 and Triple 11
Cooop2 gets Double 1, Triple 9 and Double 20

letshavesomefun and ezeperalta212 each get a pie from Cooop2

Yellow gets 100 points!

Final scores for the round:

Yellow 300
Pink 100
Blue 0

Losers taking each earn a Pie to the face! Enjoy
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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