Thread: Fiction: A Silly silly Saga...
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Old 09-20-2018, 12:23 PM   #7
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
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Blog Entries: 69

As the contestants left the stage the cleaners quickly stepped in to mop up behind them, the messy ones were ushered to the showers quickly, Jessica vanished to the dressing room, Rob went to the guys side for a quick least he didn't get too messy compared to the last game.

Megan and Silly went off and couldn't help but laugh at the state of each other

"Wow...we both took a slathering there!" Silly giggled

"Yeah...and all that slime really gets in your craic!" Megan laughed

"What's a craic?"

"You a crack" She could barely contain herself! Bending over from the laughter.

"Oh God's hard to think sometimes playing those games...and they were so exhausting, but despite losing I had fun, it's just a shame..." She trailed off

"What's a shame?" Asked Megan

"I shouldn't really say, it's a private thing..." Silly responded quietly

"Well I won't pry, but you can tell me if you want, promise I won't say anything" Megan said seriously, but with a warm smile at the end.

"uhh...well, you know how I was saying that the way Jessica is, is kinda my fault?" She couldn't look at Megan

"Yeah, I remember" Megan kept a serious expression this time.

"Well, we went to school together and I gave her a bit of a hard time, you may say I bullied her a bit...we hadn't seen each other since school...and well, now we've made this bet...if I lose the show I become her slave for a week, if I win she forgives me, I'm not trying to influence how you play, I can see you are very good and deserve to win this the way you are going!"

Megan was silent for a moment, "But you don't seem like that, a bully I mean"

"Well you grow up, you enter the real world and start to mature...look back at your actions and feel regret, now I just want to have fun and make people laugh"

"We all change, and looking at your face I see you are remorseful, I won't throw the games...but I could speak to Jessica if you want?"

"Oh, I wouldn't bother...she seems determined, more likely she'd turn on you if you tried, I have to do this my way, but thank you...right, better get clean I guess..." Silly stepped into the shower and slide off her swimsuit, the saturated fabric makes it heavy enough to just drop to the ground around her ankles, she kicked it out of the shower area and stood under the hot pouring water, it washes the slime off her, causing a trickle of watery ooze that snakes towards the drain.

Megan did the same, though she bent down to take off the suit, her long blonde hair needed a thorough rinsing and plenty of shower gel before it was free of the slime.

The two got towelled up and walked to the dressing room.

Jessica was sat there looking at her phone when they entered, not having to worry about make-up.

"Wow Silly you look a drowned rat! Enjoy your nice tumble at the end there?" She Sneered.

Silly was silent, but raised her chin a little and spoke..."Listen Jessica, I'm sorry about what I did in school, I've grown a lot since those days and really regret my actions back then, I was a bully and I was horrible to you...I hope you can forgive me"

"Hah! You just want out of this bet, since my team is kicking your ass! Forget it!"

"But Jessica..." Megan began to talk, Silly put a hand on her shoulder and shook her head.

They sat down for makeup once more and at the end everyone was given the classic T-shirt and shorts like the last round, they quickly got changed and headed back out.

"Good luck Silly and Rob!" Megan called over as they went their separate ways!

They waved at each other while Jessica stormed off ahead.

"Good luck to you too" Silly responded with a smile.

The bell rang and they took their positions backstage...unsure of what their next messy challenge would be!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

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