Thread: Fiction: A Silly silly Saga...
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Old 09-19-2018, 12:57 PM   #6
getDare Succubus
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: UK/Poland
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Blog Entries: 69

"Please welcome back our wonderful contestants!"

The crowd breaks out into a rapturous applause as the two groups of contestants run onto the stage from their respective sides, waving to the audience.

"So we have a close game 100 to the blue team, 80 to the pink team...let's see if how things are...and if poor Rob takes another forfeit...Erin, would you please do the honours and spin the set!"

Erin emerges from the curtains at the back, now dressed in a Green formal gown, she waves to the audiences applause and wolf whistles...and pulls the level...gradually as the Jungle scene rotates away it is replaced by the new facade...

This layout has to large measuring tanks at the back, while tanks full of slime at the edges where the contestants are to between the two is an obstacle course, with low nets to run through, some horizontal rubber beams to climb over and under, with a plank to cross over some crash mats before reaching the the sides beyond the slime tanks are tables with multiple messes, buckets of oil, Pies and Splat Guns...

"So Ladies and Gentlemen...our next game, Swimmers Meet! One of our team members will have to fill their swimsuits with slime, make it over our obstacle course and dump the slime from their suits into the tank at the end, at the end of the time the team with the most slime in their tank wins! Winners will get a clean 50 points...our secondary members will first have to help in filling the suits using the jugs in the slime pits...then they have to switch to using whatever they can to slow down their opponent...

"Contestants, pick your players...I think I can guess for the pink team haha"

The teams quickly pick, Silly and Megan will be the runners again, while Rob and Jessica will take the supporting roles.

"Please take your starting positions and we will start our countdown!"

Silly stands by the slime tank, this contains blue slime, holding her swimsuit open, to expose a pink sports bra...Rob has his hand poised over the tank...and of course can't help but stare down Silly's swimsuit...

Megan takes the same pose on the other side, but there is pink slime in their tanks, Jessica virtually has her hand on the jug...poised to start filling...

"Okay players...we will start the clock in 3 - 2 - 1...and go!" He blows a whistle and the clock counts down from 4 minutes.

Rob grabbed the jug and dipped it deeply into the blue slime, quickly and eagerly pouring it into Silly's suit...after about 3 scoops she shot off to the obstacle course...

Meanwhile, Jessica was a little slower at filling Megan's suit...she didn't want to get herself too messy, but 3 jugs later and Megan races away dripping pink slime slowly from the bottom of her suit...

As silly wades through the netting, she manages to get half way across before Megan reaches it...Jessica rushes to the tables and grabs a pie...chucking it after a slowly moving slams right on the side of her head...but does nothing to slow her...meanwhile Rob, who has had more time to prep has gone for a bucket of oil...he tosses it over Megan as she trudges over the netting, it coats her lower half from the crotch...and you can see her slipping a bit...having to grab the netting a little to steady herself at times...

Silly makes it past the netting and steps over the first beam, she is greeted by a slick of oil thrown down by Jess...coating the floor before her...she skids and lands on her butt, some of the slime in her suit goes right up her ass...she squeals slightly, she moves onto all fours and crawls along under the next beam, some of the blue slime slops out of the top of her suit,

As Silly is at the second beam...Megan makes it to the first, starting to gain some ground, Rob takes the gunge gun and takes aim...firing out a projectile of green slime, it splats right in Megan's face causing her to splutter and forcing her to clear her eyes...she steps over the first beam and limbo's under the second...though the beam catches her bulging suit and some pink gunge pours over her arched back neck and slicks across her dangling blonde hair...

As Megan was approaching the second beam Silly is squeezing through the two vertical beams at the end...squeezing some of the blue gunge from her suit over onto the outside of the swimsuit...she gets to the balance beam and starts to walk across...but Jessica throws another pie...this hits Silly square in the crotch...she almost loses her balance at the impact...but maintains it just and carries on walking...Jessica throws another pie before she gets to the end...this one catches her in the shoulder causing a big splash of cream to cover her side, face and neck...but again it doesn't stop her...she gets to the Measuring tank and leans right over...the gunge left in her suit gets squeezed out as she brushes her hands over herself...

Megan squeezes through the vertical bars, losing a small amount of her pink slime, jumping on the balance beam she starts to race across...Rob is quick to start chucking pies...the first one grazes her butt...though it doesn't slow her down...he is just able to get another out to hit her hair at the back...but when she loses her balance she is able to jump off the bar at the end rather than falling off...after a split second recovery she joins Silly in emptying out her suit, though she actually climbs into the jug and open up the suit at the bottom to let the pink slime run down, this covers her legs as it runs out of the suit...

Silly is first to finish emptying the suit and races back, she gets most of the way across the balance beam before a pie hits her in the butt causing her to lose her footing and slam into the mat...she climbs back up and makes it to the end...squeezing through the vertical beams and crawling under the upper beam Jessica has a go at the gun...the thick Green stream of slime goes all over Silly, getting up the side of her suit and into the side of her hair...and collects on the ground below her, making it a little tricky to stand up, but she manages and rolls over the last beam...

Meanwhile, Jessica has now climbed out of the measuring tank...but her feet are rather slippery...she ends up skidding over the balance beam...moving quite quickly and lucky not to fall off, Rob's pies miss her as she goes so fast and she flops over the end...but recovers from the ground quickly, she squeezes past the vertical beams and then dives to the ground to roll under the vertical beam this time, as she clambers over the last beam Silly has just entered the netting...

Jessica is still trying to put Silly off using the gunge gun...coating her feet and legs to make her slip as she clambers over the ropes...While Rob is trying again with another bucket of oil...this bucket manages to hit Megan full on the chest as she starts over the ropes, it doesn't slow her down...but she is shiny from the next down now...only slipping a small bit on the oil that makes it to the floor...

Silly and Megan are neck and neck through the ropes...but Megan creeps ahead and back to the tank which Jessica has just reached...holding the top of her swimsuit open widely Jessica again begrudgingly pours to the slime inside, splashing over Megan's blue sports bra and stomach...filling up from the bottom and creating a bulge up to her breasts as more jugs are poured...Silly reaching her own tanks has the same treatment from Rob...the feeling of the gunge in her suit tickles a bit, but she is enjoying it and the suit is soon bulging up to her tits and a about halfway up them also...

Megan and Silly get to the ropes at the same time...time is at 2 this will be their last chance to fill the tubs at the end...which are pretty much equal at this stage...

Rob throws pies at Megan this time, now out of oil and the first one hits her chest and slides down her front, causing her to get knocked back a little, the second one splats over her face, showering her in cream and causing her to gasp for air and wipe her eyes, While Jessica liking the gunge gun picks it up to use on Silly...not really slowing her down...but making her slip a little as she moves...

Megan is a little ahead as she reaches the first beam, Rob sticks with the pies and manages to catch her side as she climbs over...sending some of her pink gunge shooting from the top of the suite due to the impact, Jessica also now switches to the pies as Silly climbs over also...hitting her square in the face, but not slowing her down...

Megan again limbos under the second beam and inevitably more of the slime slips out over her arched neck, sending more pink streaks through her hair over the cream...Silly opts to crawl under keeping more slime in her suit...and pow! Another pie into her, this hitting the side forcefully, causing a little slime to gush out from the top of the suit...

As Megan and Silly reach the vertical beams they both slip through, sending some slime seeping out of their suits, they are both virtually neck and neck as they get to the balance beams...

Rob opts for the gunge gun and blasts Megan from head to toe...coating her in the thick green slime but not putting her off the balancing act...
While Jessica uses her secret weapon...her second bucket of oil, aiming it straight onto the beam ahead of Silly...she slips on the slick...and falls from the beam, landing flat onto her front, sending a lot of the slime in her suit straight out of the top to cover her face and hair, neck...she recovers and gets back on the beam...managing to reach the end...

Megan reaches the measuring tank first and this time leans over to pour in the pink slime...using her hands to squeeze every last drop she can into the container...

Silly does the same...and both girls are bent over and emptying what slime they have...a few seconds later the clock strikes 0 and the girls have to pull away and stop...

"And it's over folks! Will our players please come to front!"

The contestants, walk around the side of the course and get up to the front with the host, both Silly and Megan looking slimy and creamy from head to toe...barely recognisable, their suits soaked through and clinging tightly to their bodies...

"Good game, but let's see how you did! Erin! Let's measure!"

Erin re-emerges from the curtain at the back with a big measuring stick...She waves it around above her head and the crowd whoops!
She then plants it down into the Pink teams tank...

"We have 2 inches!"

She steps over to the blue teams tank and sticks in the rod...

"We have 3 inches!"

"Thank you Erin...can you please push the red button behind you to empty the tanks?"

Erin dutifully stands between the tanks and bends over to push the button on the ground, flashing her cleavage to the audience, as she starts to rise after plunging the button down...the tanks contents shoot inwards...she is coated in the blue and pink slime, left dripping from head to toe...and looking very surprised...her green dress now soaked to her curves...exciting a lot of the audience to deafening cheers!

"Oh dear, unlucky again Pink team...Rob, please stand for Jessica once more"

The host hands Jessica two large cream pies...Jessica takes them both, one in each hand...
She walks up to Rob and holds the first pie in front of his hovers there for a second before she plows it into it...the splash quite large and knocking him back...
While he is recovering she plants the second Pie into his crotch...his mouth opening wide in shock, she walks away laughing...

The teams head off to their respective sides...the scoreboard now showing Blue on 150 points to Pink on 80 points!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!

Last edited by Bloxo; 09-19-2018 at 01:30 PM.
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