Thread: Holly's Fantasy
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Old 10-08-2017, 10:20 AM   #40
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Default Chapter 40

Chapter forty

A/N: Oh my gosh, we've made it into the forties. I never expected this story to develop as it has or to go on for so long but I am loving writing every second of it. So let's continue

Luke's POV

Lunch was... tense. It was positive in the sense that Holly and the others weren't waiting again. it was the turn of the other four, and they managed to stay out of trouble, but it also made it worse because I was stuck faking enjoyment at being in my families company, and their 'esteemed guests'.

I spent the afternoon planning my questioning for the banquet that evening. To celebrate the guests arrival every evening was filled with an exciting event. A banquet, a festival, a roman style dinner, a feast, a cocktail party, another banquet and finally a leaving party. I didn't want to push my questioning too far and put Holly in an awkward situation or worse punished for my questioning.

Holly's POV

Turns out being wait staff is on a rotational basis. Lucy, George, Liam and I are breakfast; Megan, Ryan, Alex and Olivia were lunchtime and we would all be required to wait during the evening meal festivities. As for the others... well you can imagine where they were and what they were getting up to.

The heat in the kitchen was overwhelming as we slaved over about a million different dishes for the banquet that evening. In fact it was so warm that for the first time since arriving, I was pleased to be naked, apart from my sensitive areas felt like they were being burnt to a crisp. It must have been about twenty minutes until service when I saw Liam for the first time since lunch. He was slumped over a worktop, sweat dripping from his brow. "Liam, are you alright?" I asked. He looked up and nodded, a feverish look on his face. "What still needs doing?" I asked trying to attract one of the others attention to get help. Lucy spotted my signal and hurtled over.

"Just the vegetables need draining and the gravy," he said. I nodded and looked at Lucy.

"I'm good at gravy," she admitted and set to work on doing that to help out. I moved closer to the hob and checked on his vegetable. I stabbed them gently with a knife, they were soft but a bit of resistance in them. Deciding they were done I drained them off and put them in a serving dish. As I was doing so Luke's Uncle came over and took me to the side.

"I need you to put these on," he said. He held out his hands. In them was a clamp and attached to the clamp was a metal rod that was moulded into a circular base. There was three of them which wasn't promising.

"What are they?" I asked curiously, knowing I was mostly like to regret this answer.

"At school did you ever have those weights that were a rack and you had 100g discs that you could add on or take off to make 1kg?" he asked. I nodded. I knew the exact thing he meant. "Well essentially these are those but they are clamps for your nipples and your clitoris. The guests have got the additional discs and if they feel like you are not peforming your best they can add one, actually they can add one even if you are performing your best. I believe you owe one of them a punishment?" I nodded again. "Well, this is that punishment. Each of these is 100g to start with. Good luck Holly. You might need it."

I took the clamps from his hand and stared down at them. I closed my eyes, my brain already imagining the pain I was going to be in tonight. I made sure my nipple ring and the bells were touching my skin as much as possible so that they wouldn't get caught in it and attached the clamps. The stinging made my eyes water but it was no more unbearable than the ownership tag clamps. For now I could do this. I then parted my pussy lips slightly and clamped the final one to my clit. A gasp of air rushed out of my body as the pain overwhelmed me, fear and memories of the last few nights hitting me again. I pushed it down. Right now I had a job to do and I was going to do it right.

The weights swung as I walked and the one between my legs made me walk funny as I couldn't close my legs properly as I normally would. George, Lucy and Liam looked at me in empathy. I'd told them the story of the bath incident, although not the full details about why I'd freaked out, I knew if I told them that they would shun me. They guessed that this was the punishment that had been decided. I just shook my head, grabbed two of the serving dishes and followed the rest up. We were going to have to take at least two trips up to collect all the food as there was so much, even with eight of us trying to carry it.

We walked into the hall. It was much busier than at breakfast and lunch. It looked like more guests had joined them, or more of Luke's family. They were also more spread out with a gap in between them to make the ease of eating easier for them. We placed our dishes down and turned to leave. As I was walking a hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I turned round to face Mr Proud. "Well hello Holly. I see you received my punishment for you. Maybe we should explain to everyone what is going on. You are getting a lot of funny looks," he said. I watched the others leave, I was relieved they wouldn't have to witness my humiliation. He rose from his seat. "Everyone, can I have your attention," he said loudly. I steeled my shoulders and my face to receive the humiliation that was planned. I could see Luke trying to catch my attention but I ignored him, knowing that I was being punished, knowing I was a disappointment to him wasn't something I wanted to see. Everyone's eyes turned on us. "This is Holly. You may notice she is wearing weighted clamps on her erogenous zones. That is because today she came to me for permission after a previous punishment and was insolent by splashing me with water. As punishment she is to keep these clamps on all dinner. I have additional weights that I will be adding to the rods. If the weight pulls the clamp off Holly is allowed to leave it off. If a weight causes Holly to cry out in pain... well its a very vicious cycle once you start punishing a slave. That is all, just be aware if she makes a noise of pain near you, let me know." He was still holding my hand. "And to make things harder I'm going to add some weights now. He took six out of his pocket, he dropped two onto the clamp on my right. My boob jolted downwards, my nipple screaming in pain before my mind overtook and ignored it. He repeated it to my left, my nipple again screaming and dropping several cm's. I closed my eyes and thought of happy things. He was a little gentler in adding weight to the clit clamp but the pull on that was the most painful and my legs folded inwards to try to get rid of the pain but met the resistance of the weights. My back curved as well, which didn't help the nipple situation. I straightened up my legs shaking slightly just as the door reopened and my fellow wait slaves entered. I hurried out the door and back downstairs to pick up more food. It was going to be a long and painful night.

Likes, limits, curiosities, kinks

Toys, costumes and latex wear


Read my stories
Holly's Fantasy - completed
Sailor Fucktoy - completed
The Roman Slave Girl

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email: [email protected]
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