Thread: Holly's Fantasy
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Old 11-05-2017, 03:56 AM   #77
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Default Chapter 54

Chapter fifty four

Holly's POV

The food was laid out on the work surface ready to go. Liv and I were stood anxiously by the doors waiting for the summons that demanded our attention. Mark darted in from having gone upstairs. "Off you go," he said. We looked at each other in a show of courage and scuttled up the stairs. My stomach was twisting and turning with nerves. We walked into the hall. It was obvious who we were meant to be serving. Wearing purple robes of the emperors of Rome were James and Dr Williams. Or who we assumed was Dr Williams. Liv bowed her head and hurried over to him while I was a little bit more reluctant to go over to James. I kept my eyes trained firmly on the ground as I dragged my feet reluctantly towards him. I knelt down in front of his chaise, head bowed, ready to serve.

"Ah excellent," he said. "My personal little slave tonight. My toga is slipping off my shoulders, I require you to adjust it... with your teeth only," he explained. I rose to my feet, my eyes still trained on the ground and walked behind the lounge so I could reach his right shoulder strap and pull upwards, in theory adjusting the left (the one he was leaning on) as well. I carefully grasped the material in my teeth and tugged gently upwards, the toga shifting so that it was less baggy at the front. I let go and stayed stood where I was. "Look at me," he demanded. I flicked my eyes up slightly so I could look at his face. "When I am talking you must look at me. You are forbidden from leaving my side unless I demand it. To stop that I have a lovely chain for you," he held out an iron neck brace. The chain attached to it was already attached to the chair leg. "Now come and kneel in front of me so I can put this on." I walked slowly around the chair before lowering to my knees. I stared straight ahead as he clipped the heavy collar to me. It rested heavily against my collar bone and shoulders. I realised the evening was going to be quite uncomfortable for me. I glanced sideways and noticed that Olivia was also chained to her 'masters' chair. We caught each others eyes and grimaced. I plastered a fake smile on my face and turned my attention back to James, who was blatantly ignoring me and having a conversation with the others around him. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and glanced up to see Luke walking past me. It reassured me to see a familiar face. There was a clatter and everyone turned to look at the door. The rest of my friends were stood in the doorway holding jugs of alcohol and platters of food. Well, all except Ryan who whilst trying to push open the door had dropped his platter in the doorway. The others stepped over the mess and began serving, trying to distract attention from Ryan who was trying to slink back downstairs to get a mop.

"Stop there," a voice boomed out. I sat up startled. It wasn't the voice I had expected to complain. I glanced round and saw that Dr Williams was talking. "Come here lad," he said. Ryan shuffled awkwardly over to him. Everyone's eyes were on him. Even the others had frozen in their serving duties as nobody was responding to their questions. "Name?" he asked.

"Ryan," Ryan responded, stuttering slightly on his words.

"Ryan, a pleasure to meet you, I just wish it was in better circumstances," Dr Williams said. Ryan sensibly stayed silent. "James, generally what is the punishment for spilling stuff?" he asked referring James.

James smiled cruelly. "Well last time someone spilt food," he said grabbing my hair and pulling it backwards so I was curving my back towards the floor. "well, what did we have you do?"

I racked my brains for when I spilt something. I couldn't think of anything except when he'd poured porridge on the table and made me... "lick it up," I said my voice cracking as I spoke.

"Well that's not very Roman," Dr Williams said. "But I know a way we can make it more Roman. Bring out the furca," he said. One of the other guests got up and brought over a plank of wood with a metal hinge and three holes. Essentially it was a stock but not attached to anything. Dr Williams took it and clamped it around Ryan. "Now go and lick it up," he said. Ryan shakily walked over and struggled to his knees. To get his head near the floor he almost had to lie down in it and the leaning made him really unstable. It was distressing to watch, and as he struggled to lick it up the guests were finding it hilarious when he'd slip and face plant the floor and be covered in the food. I had to turn away. I couldn't watch him be humiliated.

"Dinner?" a voice said above me. I glanced round and saw Lucy stood offering the platter to James.

James smiled. "yes please. But I seem to have misplaced my plate. Can you place the following items on the back of my slave," he said. I didn't hear what he requested as I was too busy moving into a hands knees position with my back flat to be used as a plate. I felt Lucy place the piping hot food onto my back, the heat leeching through the hessian tunic. I stayed still whilst he munched away on the food on my back. I saw feet appear in front of my face. "Can you fetch me a plate so that my slave can feed me, I'm feeling too lazy to feed myself," James said. The feet disappeared and returned a moment later. James tapped my shoulder. "Get up and feed me," he said. I came to my knees and took the plate off him. I picked up one of the pieces of food and popped it into his mouth for him to chew and swallow. "More enthusiasm please or I'll have you joining Ryan," he said as I picked up another and held it ready to feed him with it. I glanced sideways and saw that Ryan was covered in red sauce over his face, hands and tunic. I forced a fake smile and put more enthusiasm into my role.

Plates kept filling, glasses kept being topped up and my knees were starting to ache when James finally said he had had enough. "I'm very hot, slave, fan me," he demanded. I stood up shakily, my knees buckling from the sudden relief and picked up the palm tree fan from behind the chaise and began to fan up and down, circulating air around him. Before long everyone was finished eating and drinking. The other slaves were awkwardly stood to the side, no longer needed but not allowed to leave.

"I think it is time for entertainment. Do you agree James?" Dr Williams said.

"I do indeed. Holly, Olivia, take your places on the stage," he said unclipping my collar. I tentatively walked over to the stage that the chaises had been arranged around. Olivia joined me a moment later and we stood nervously together. Dr Williams and James were by this point sat together and now whispering quietly together. "Ok, first off we demand a dance," James said. "Pretend theres music and dance," he added. We glanced at each other and I grabbed her arms and placed them on my shoulders. I forced us into an awkward waltz around the stage.

"Stop. Stop!" Dr Williams shouted. "That was ok but we would have preferred something a bit more exciting. Try something more latin," he said. Olivia's eyes widened.

"Copy my lead," I muttered all my dance training kicking in as I burst into a quick jive, bouncing on the balls of my feet with some quick flicks and kicks. Olivia did a really good job at keeping up.

Luke's POV

Watching Holly be made to dance was... well amazing because I knew she was incredibly talented but also distressing as under any other circumstances she would be enjoying it. Olivia was fairly good as well, keeping up with Holly or at least until she changed the pattern.

"Now I want to see you make out with each other," James called. My heart sunk as both girls froze like a rabbit in headlights. I could see Holly visibly pale in surprise. She hadn't even made out with me yet, let alone someone else. Olivia also looked nervous but grabbed Holly and took the lead, pressing her lips into Holly's. Holly and Olivia both eventually relaxed into it as their tongues mingled and they wrapped their arms around each other. I was distressed to see this happening. "Make sure the clothes come off," James added. Holly and Olivia broke for a matter of moments so they could strip the belts from their own tunics and then help the other get out their tunics. Their naked forms pressed together again and I couldn't help but notice that Holly had a butt plug in. I guessed this was part of this mornings punishment but it hurt to see it.

"Masturbate each other. First to cum loses and will face punishment," Dr Williams said suddenly. The tension in the room changed as suddenly all the guests were on the edge of their seats.

Likes, limits, curiosities, kinks

Toys, costumes and latex wear


Read my stories
Holly's Fantasy - completed
Sailor Fucktoy - completed
The Roman Slave Girl

Contact me
email: [email protected]
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