Thread: Holly's Fantasy
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Old 11-03-2017, 02:12 AM   #75
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Default Chapter 52

Chapter fifty two

Holly's POV

We stood back and admired our hard work. I looked at Liam and smiled. He smiled back and held out his hand for a high five. I gave it. He chuckled. "Let's go get lunch," he said. I nodded and followed him back downstairs to the kitchen.

We walked in and everyone was gathered around the table laughing and chatting while tucking into sandwiches and fruit. But slap bang in the middle of the table was a massive baby bottle. I eyed it up in annoyance. Liam and I slid into our places next to George and Lucy. Mark was leaning against the kitchen sink watching me. I glared at him. He raised an eyebrow. I was very tempted to just eat a sandwich and screw the consequences... but my nipples and clit were still sore and tender from the weights so I decided to suck it up... literally.

I grabbed the bottle from the middle of the table and eyed it suspiciously. It looked like some sort of protein shake - because obviously they couldn't starve me, but it also looked like they had just blended together random food items. I read the side of the bottle to realise there was an entire 1l of liquid within. I glanced up at Mark who was still staring at me. I knew he was just waiting for me to fail. I took a deep breath and put the teat in my mouth and begun to suck, the thick liquid difficult to suck up. It hit the back of my throat and I wanted to gag. Whatever was in it was disgusting and made me want to retch. I wasn't going to show my disgust and let him know how much it was bothering me. The smell was the worst thing about it though. Inside the bottle you couldn't smell it but now it was in my mouth the stench hit me like a ton of bricks. I swallowed the mouthful I had and put the bottle down. The others were all trying to avoid watching me by looking intently at their own food or chatting very over the top with the others. Lucy elbowed me and smiled at me, reassuring me it wasn't the end of the world. I smiled in response and threw myself into their conversation with gusto refusing to acknowledge Mark and the still almost full bottle of food. I heard the footsteps before I even realised he had moved but when he tapped me on the shoulder I still jolted.

"Holly, can I have a word?" he asked overly politely. I smiled and nodded, standing up from the table and following him outside. He pinned me to the wall. "All of it needs to be consumed," he said his eyes flaring. I trembled slightly at his grip against my shoulder. "Do you understand?" I nodded weakly. "Because if not I know someone who would be very happy to force feed you it," he added as a threat. I swallowed hard and nodded again. I didn't need it spelling out for me. If I didn't drink, I'd be back with James.

I took my place back at the table and picked up the bottle. Given that sucking it up was ridiculously hard I unscrewed the top. The quicker I could swallow it and get it down the better. With the lid of the room filled with the stench and everyone leaned back trying to get as far away as possible. I couldn't blame them. I wanted to. I put my lips at the rim of the bottle and then tipped my head back, the thick gloopy mixture sliding into my mouth. I swallowed quickly refusing to take a breath until I had finished. Gulping it down as quickly as possible until it had all gone. I screwed the lid back on to conceal the smell as much as I could as I took my last swallow, my body rocking forwards in a silent retch. I closed my eyes for a moment and then turned to look at Lucy to continue our conversation. She was looking at me in concern. I nodded to symbol that I was ok and let the conversation flow over me.

After lunch we were all set to work chopping and prepping the food ready to be cooked. Earlier in the hall I had enjoyed the warmth of the onesie. Now in the boiling kitchen where the body heat from all 8 of us was mixing with the fire and gas burning, the onesie was a disadvantage. Within a matter of moments I was sweating profusely. I could also feel the heat building up within my nappy where I was getting so warm.

As I was chopping up some carrots my tummy began to tighten and contract causing me a bit of pain. I froze. My stomach lurched again. I closed my eyes hoping I was imagining it. I tensed my buttocks slightly but... no... there it was the tenseness revealing that I was about to have an accident. And probably quite a big one at that as well. I bit the inside of my lip as I opened my eyes. Whatever happened I just had to hope beyond belief that nobody else would realise. I tried to keep my abdominals tensed to prevent the leakage I knew was about to happen but like the previous night there was only so much you could do to prevent it. I had just picked up another carrot and begun to peel it when it washed out of me, urine mixed with shit. The sudden feeling of fullness in my nappy and the squishness against my cheeks made me internally cringe. It was disgusting and humiliating to have just shit myself in a kitchen of all places. I knew now that the bottle of food I'd been presented with had had a laxative in... something I had suspected but prayed wasn't true

Likes, limits, curiosities, kinks

Toys, costumes and latex wear


Read my stories
Holly's Fantasy - completed
Sailor Fucktoy - completed
The Roman Slave Girl

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email: [email protected]
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