Thread: Holly's Fantasy
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Old 10-29-2017, 11:34 PM   #70
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Default Chapter 50

Chapter fifty

A/N: Just a quick note to say a huge thank you to everyone that is supporting this story. It means a lot, I know updates are slower but my uni course has got more demanding.

Holly's POV

I woke to a loud clattering of pans as Mark, Luke's other brother, took two and bashed them together. "Wake up you lazy slaves. It's time for work," he said. I sighed and sat up, blinking the sleepy dust out of my eye. George, Liam and Lucy sat up as well. We all looked at each other and pulled ourselves up. Grabbing a slice of toast as I went I was assigned to work with Olivia in frying some sausages and bacon. Olivia was small with jet black hair and a friendly smile. She explained to me that she had been in charge of this before and that we should wait a few minutes before starting otherwise they would be cold by the time they got upstairs. I trusted her judgement and whole heartedly agreed, enjoying the short reprieve so I could eat some of my toast. She did the same.

After watching the others scuttle around the kitchen for a bit in a panic we began to move, collecting some frying pans and the packs of bacon and sausage. Olivia asked to be in charge of the bacon and I was happy to let her take this on. Bacon was a lot easier to burn than sausages, so I thought I would have better chances to avoid burning anything with the sausages. I carefully placed the first pack of sausages in the frying pan, the oil spitting upwards. Some of the boiling oil landed on my arm and I flinched backwards scared of getting burnt in a less normal place. I vaguely remembered reading something about how if cooking a fry up you would wear clothes on your body to prevent oil burns. I shivered, not with cold but with anxiety. Being naked probably wasn't the best idea.

I slowly turned the sausages over, making sure the outside was a nice crispy brown but not black. Once done I checked with Liv to make sure she was also happy and put them on the tray before opening the next pack and beginning again.

It took a while to cook through the four packs of sausages but the hot plate was keeping the others warm until they were all done and we were ready to head upstairs. I placed the tray of sausages down and removed the lid and took my place at the side of the room with Lucy this time. It was surprisingly empty in the hall that morning. It looked like a lot of the guests had enjoyed their big night the previous day and were still in bed. We waited patiently. Then...

"Holly come here," a now very familiar but annoying voice said. I walked towards the speaker, my temper flaring already. I stood beside his chair, head down. "So last night you had a little accident. I've decided that we should probably prevent this. So I got you these," he said holding up some adult diapers and a onesie. I swallowed hard. "Let's get you changed. Lay on the floor," he said.

Luke's POV

I watched, stony faced as he teased and bullied Holly for something he'd made her do. He'd put her in the embarrassing situation yesterday and now, now he was just making it worse. I watched as Holly swallowed what little pride she did have and get on the floor I couldn't see what was going on but I had the rip of the tabs on the diaper. When she stood up again she was stood in a bright pink onesie with unicorns on which was padlocked shut so she couldn't remove it and a bulge at her waist showed she was in the diaper within. Her cheeks were flushed red with the embarrassment and humiliation. "Come and find me just before dinner service tonight," he said. I stared at him in horror. He was going to leave Holly in the same diaper all day, which meant she was going to have to use it. I could see in her eyes she had reached the same conclusion as me. "Your lunch and dinner by the way will be served from a bottle. Because clearly we need to treat you like a baby," he added. Holly slunk back to her place to wait for the next command.

Holly's POV

I felt sick. I felt embarrassed. If I need to pee or even... well I was going to have to do it where I stood in the diaper. The idea disgusted me and filled me with dread. The idea of food being served in a bottle to me as well didn't help, I can imagine there was a different catch to that I just wasn't aware of yet. James double clapped and we hopped to attention, serving the food before hiding in the shadows. I hung my head in shame, afraid to catch my friends eyes. Feeling embarrassed and humiliated.

Likes, limits, curiosities, kinks

Toys, costumes and latex wear


Read my stories
Holly's Fantasy - completed
Sailor Fucktoy - completed
The Roman Slave Girl

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email: [email protected]
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