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Old 08-30-2017, 09:51 PM   #95
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Default part 27

Originally Posted by Wedgiebondagebabe View Post
Is there going to be more?
There is....and it's here!

I know it's been a long wait....I just didn't have the time or creative forces working for me for a while....but I hope to have regular!

(part 27)
We arrived at the studio, and Jill (the driver) opened the door, and escorted me to the contestant waiting area, where another production assistant, Cindy, was checking in the contestants. In the room was a large circular table, surrounded by 6 chairs. Two of the chairs were already occupied when I walked in. Jill introduced me to them: Sidney, a pale, brown haired Englishman, and Tina, a relatively tall brunette, who was originally from Poland. Cindy said “The other three should be here in a few minutes. Have a seat, there are sweet rolls on the table, what can we get you to drink?” I told her a cup of tea would be great, and she left to go get it. I introduced myself to Sidney and Tina.

We had just barely starting talking when the other three contestants walked in. Introductions were made all around. There was Stuart, a tall, good looking black guy, Lisa, a copper haired beauty, and Meghan, an absolutely stunning brunette.

The conversations around the table were mostly just small talk. During this time, I realized I had a strategic decision to make. Who do I vote to remove in the first round? Of the three girls, I was really hoping it would be me against Meghan in the final round. So I considered voting for either Lisa or Tina. But then I would be eligible for elimination in the second round, so maybe it would make more sense to vote for one of the duys, to reduce the competition. I was still thinking this over when we were called into the studio…the taping was about to begin!
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