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Old 06-26-2017, 01:37 PM   #7
Komodo Jones
getDare Succubus
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: in your's ok you can admit it
Posts: 1,755
Blog Entries: 97

1. Would you magically half the size of your penis/boobs for 100,000 dollars?
Tempting but no. I already have a pretty small package and I am very self-conscious about it and I don't want it smaller despite the nice payout.

2. Would you rather be able to make glitter or confetti magically poof out of thin air?
Confetti. Glitter is one of those substances that stays around forever. You can take a shower fifty times and it will still exist. Confetti seems like less of a mess even if it's not as shiny as glitter.

3. If an indestructible chastity belt magically locks itself onto you and the key was at the top of the Eiffel tower how long do you think you will be denied?
However long it would take me to find a helicopter pilot who could get that or a daredevil stupid enough to climb to the top. I don't think I could do it myself. But I'd say at the most a month.

4. Which GD member would you let decide your bedtime every night for the next year? Or you decide their bedtime? If the latter, how kind would you be?
I don't really like assigning bedtimes. But if I would let a gd member decide my bedtime for the next year, I would either go with jlstockton25 or Butterfly. While I don't think I would ever enact on these, they just seem like the most understanding people I would know and I trust them, but I don't like being in bed by a certain time. If I was assigning bedtimes to anyone though I would be very kind.

5. Could you survive the next 2 days without clothes if all yours disappeared?
I think I could, but it would be kind of difficult to explain to my boss why I wouldn't be at work. If my clothes reappeared after two days though I could. If they didn't...then we'd have a problem.

6. What was your first fetish and is it still ranked highly today?
I think my first real fetish was dice dares as it kind of combined quite a bit of things. So I guess you could say chance was my first real fetish. It's still in my loves BUT it's definitely not the first joy on my list, but it's probably in my top 10.

7. If you were offered a job as a sissy/sexy maid tomorrow would you take it?
There's a couple of variables here that I would need to take into consideration. How much am I getting paid, who is the person/people I'm working for and how immaculate are they, would I be seen by anyone I know? If the job paid much better than my current job and the people I worked for weren't overly critical, I think I'd take the job. I have a French maid dress so it wouldn't be too big of shock :P

8. Would you rather drink from a lifelike toy penis or eat from a dog bowl for a month?
Going to be exploiting a loophole here, and say eat from a dog bowl for a month. The loophole I'm exploiting here is that there is nothing in the rules that say I can't sit on a couch like a civilized human being and use utensils to eat said food. I know it's assumed that I would be on all fours and not have any utensils but since it's not explicitly stated, I'm taking that option. Also I drink water at work as it gets hard and a lifelike toy penis probably wouldn't fly there.

9. Would you rather be locked in fingerless mitts or 6 inch heels for a week?
I'd probably go with fingerless mitts either way but are we talking about like full-on mittens or are we talking about gloves that expose your fingers but have your palms and wrists covered as that's how I interpreted it. But hearing from women that heels can be like hell on earth, I'd go with the mittens. Plus a little bit more acceptable, and only for a week...I'd survive.

10. Would you bet your life savings on black(roulette) if you got 4 times your money instead of the regular payout on your bet? So if you had 10,000 you would either lose it all or walk out with 40,000.
Nope. Despite chance being one of my first fetishes, I am not much of a gambler. Let alone I need all the money I have to pay rent, utilities, food etc. Despite me getting a 4x payout, it's not worth it on a 50/50 chance.

11. Why are you not naked right now? Could you be naked right now?
I'm not naked right now because my blinds are open and I don't want people seeing in my apartment and being chastised or arrested for indecent exposure. Yes I could be naked right now if I were to go in my bedroom as the blinds are closed in there but that would defeat the purpose of my blinds being open in the first place. It's a beautiful day, too beautiful for the blinds to be closed.

12. What percent dom/sub are you?
Although at this point I feel 99.9% sub and .01% dom. I'd say on average I'm probably 65% sub and 35% Dom.

13. Would you let a member of your preferred sex spank you 50 times every time you swear/cuss or put you in the naughty corner for 10 minutes?
Yeah this sounds easy but it's actually a little difficult. I love getting spanked, and being spanked by a woman would be awesome. The problem with this scenario though is...I don't like cussing. It's a bad habit I had as a freshman in high school and I don't cuss nearly as much as I used to. Despite saying that though at work I am the one who cusses the most, and since I rarely cuss that should tell you something. However, despite that I would definitely take the spankings.

14. Whats the most creative dare you ever made/you were ever given?
If we're talking about specific DARES rather than tasks. I think the most creative dare I've given was a custom made dice dare for a user who is no longer on this site. Although she gave me specific parameters and things she wanted included, it did have enough variety and a lot of different elements in it that I found it very creative. The person who I made the dice dare for liked it so much that she gave me a picture of was in her limits. I can't really think of creative dare I've been given. I'm being technical here as I've been given quite a few interesting and creative commands but no real creative dares.

15. Have you ever felt turned on from being bossed around/being the boss in a non sexual setting? If so please tell us
Sort of although I was quite young when this happened. I was a "slave" to my female second cousin. It happened by me saying sarcastically "Yes, sahib" or whatever that word is from Space Jam. Apparently we took that as sahib meaning Master, so I was her slave for a couple of days. But they were simple things like losing in a video game or things like that. Because she was attractive I was kind of excited being her slave, but nothing sexual every came of it.

16. Would you rather be the facesitter or the facesittee?
Facesittee by all accounts. Having a girl sit on my face and making me orally pleasure here is a fantasy of mine that I hope to experience some day.

38/male/partially bi/switch
D/s Status: Protector, Dom and Daddy of pixie.dust

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Check Out my Literary Works
Targeting the Ignored [Fiction]
Some Stuff I've Done (Non-Fiction)
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