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Old 01-21-2017, 10:01 PM   #344
getDare Devil
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Blog Entries: 8

January 21, 2017

Hey guys, long time no report! Well, I finally got a few tasks on my calendar today, so I think it’s about time I reacquaint myself with all you lovely getdarians and tell you how they went.

The tasks I had were
1. Crotch Rope and Spanking---8:00am-9:00am--- Start you day off with a reminder to be good. Strip completely and put on your crotch rope nice and tight, then bend over and give yourself a 10 minutes spanking. After the spanking stand in the spread display position, shown below. (See task calendar Jan. 21, 2017, for image, but it’s basically standing hands on head, legs spread wide open and in a state of complete undress.) Repeat “I will be a good girl today” out loud 100 times. Speak as loud as you can without anyone hearing. If this means you have to whisper, that’s fine.

2. Pencil Rolling---1:00pm-2:00pm--- Put a pencil on the floor and using your nose only move it from one side of the room to the other and back. Do this 50 times. If any part of your body other than your nose comes in contact with the pencil, start from 0.

3. Alex Puppy Training---5:30pm-6:00pm---This half hour will be your puppy training. Puppies don’t wear clothes, so you will strip. Puppies don’t stand, so you will crawl. During this time you will crawl around your room barking softly and kissing objects. In your report, you will say what you kissed and what was the favorite things you kissed and the least favorites.

So I started my morning waking up. I had to slightly alter the time of the first and last tasks. I started the day at 7:30 am. Since the task took an hour and we have family visit every weekend (they arrive between 8:30 and 9:00, and I needed to be done before they got here). At 7:30 I got up, made my bed and used the bathroom then came back to my room and undressed before get my rope and tying a nice tight crotch rope on. And before you ask, yes it had a large knot right on my clit! I then grabbed my wooden spoon since it is my quietest spanking implement and began spanking my bum. I used a medium soft strength smack as the spanking lasted for 10 minutes I knew the sting would build up even without the spanks being hard. For the last minute though I used full strength (or as full strength as you can get spanking yourself anyway) swats. By the time my 10 minute timer went off my bum was really burning, stinging, and smarting. I felt quite punished even though I had been a good girl, but unfortunately for me there was more to come. After the spanks finished I got in the indicated position, my hands on my head and my legs spread wide open and began to quietly whisper the following… 1. I will be a good girl today. 2. I will be a good girl today… until I had said it one hundred times as required. By the time I had finished that I still had half an hour left of the task, so I simply stood there in the center of my room with my legs wide spread, my hands on my head and my bum burning and aching with no way to rub or wiggle away any sting. I didn’t realize how effective it would be at keeping me from wiggling with my legs spread so wide. While I was a little bit unsteady and shaky it wasn’t anything like being able to do the spanked girl dance. LOL. Anyway, after that I had spoken with the task creator about when I could take the rope off and was told to wait half an hour, so I went ahead and got dressed and went down and greeted my family as they were arriving. I don’t like being around family doing tasks but it would be suspicious if I didn’t greet them as I normally do. After half an hour I excused myself to the restroom where I removed the rope and hid it until I after they left when I could sneak it back to my room.

My next task came shortly after lunch. When at 1:00 I had to do the pencil rolling. I had asked permission to lower the number previously but permission was denied, so I got an unsharpened pencil and placed it at the floor on one end of my room, set a timer for 60 minutes and began the task. Unfortunately my room is quite large and has a lot of stuff I had to maneuver around and there was nowhere I could go to have a straight shot from one end of the room to the other. It took over 5 minutes just to get from one end to the other once. I got about half way through the time (I was on the 6th lap) when I slipped and my forehead hit the pencil meaning I had to start over the count over from 0. I grabbed the pencil and went back to the end of my room. When the time went off I was about 5 feet from the end of the 5th and begging of the 6th lap, so needless to say I failed this challenge/task epically.

The last task of the day was supposed to be done from 5:30 to 6:00 but at that time I was getting ready to leave to go out to dinner with family (different family from earlier in the day) so I ended up doing this task when I got back home around 8:30pm. I once again returned to my room and undressed as it was time for puppy training. I quickly set a time for 30 minutes and got down on my knees since “puppies don’t stand”. I began crawling around my room whisper-barking as my mom and brother live with me… err, technically I live with them since it’s my mom’s house… Anyway, I was instructed to kiss things so I ended up kissing my pillows and blanket. I also kissed my water bottles and a clean (new) pair of my shoes. My favorite (read thing I least minded, since I didn’t really like any of it) thing that I kissed was probably my pillow, and my least favorite thing to kiss was the shoes.

So guys here’s the report of how my tasks today went. Feel free to post some more tasks for me, but just as a friendly reminder, please make sure you follow the rules for posting linked to in my signature below. Thanks guys, and I love you all.
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